Par de deux: Jinki's Point of View, 2nd person

You have been watching her from the shadows of one of the side doors of the dance studio for a little less than five minutes. She hasn't noticed you and you prefer it that way. You don't want to seem like a crazy stalker or a deluded ert, so you don't draw any attention to yourself. The sunlight pours over her perfect features as she twirls and leaps. Park Minyoung. You remember what Taemin said. Number next. You jolt back to reality when HyunSeung comes up behind you, "I see your over Min-ji." His says with a sparkle in his eyes. You look at him confusedly. Before he runs on 'stage', he winks at you and adds, "Don't tell me you don't know what I mean." You watch as the dance continues. Balancé right, balancé left, sutunue, devont, deriere, sauté ton levée, grande jeté, turn, then HyunSeung does a step ball change and MinYoung does a grande jeté en turne en, landing in an arabesque in his arms. The music slows and they circle eachother slowly, noses almost touching. Despite what HyunSeung just told you, you feel sick with jealousy. You go and wait for HyunSeung in the foyer.
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Ahhhhh!!!! Yay!!! I'm loving this!! <3
I'm really enjoying this fanfic^^