Babysitting Tiffany
Tiffany swung her hand to dismiss the buzzing alarm on her nightstand. She let her hand rested on it for awhile as she stared blankly at the time, clearly written 6.30 am. She took a deep breath, waking up from her bed. She went to the bedroom and the faucet. She splashed her face with cold water several times before finally look up to the mirror. Her lips curved up into a smile when what happened last night came into her mind. She hurriedly put off her clothes as to not waste time to take bath. She wanted to see that brunette as fast as she could.
A couple of minutes later, Tiffany was already out from her bathroom wearing a nice casual outfit. A red plaid shirt with long sleeves which she rolled up to her elbows and navy blue denim tights. The clothes complimented her body curves well. She sprayed some Anna Sui perfume around her, and finished it up with pink ice lipgloss.
"Damn why do I feel like trying so hard?"
Tiffany gleefully grinned and took a last glance on the big sized mirror in front of her. She wore her black and white Chuck Taylor hi tops. With that, she made her way outside her bedroom.
She halted in her track when she was going to descend the staircase, glanced to Jessica's room.
"Is she awake yet?" She asked to herself.
Tiffany found herself standing in front of the brunette's room. She didn't hesitate to open the door this time. When her hand slightly pushed the doorknob, the door opened. She could hear Jessica's steady breathing from inside. 
Tiffany tiptoed not wanting to wake up the sleeping girl. She bent down just right beside the bed, watching Jessica sleep peacefully. She couldn't hold the urge to caress her face. It looked so soft like feather. She traced her fingers from her forehead, nose, cheekbone, and down to her jawline.
'..I never realize she's so pretty upclose..'
Tiffany grinned widely.
'Maybe because she's sleeping now and not being annoying.'
Tiffany backed away when she felt the sleeping girl stirred in her slumber. Jessica fixed her position, now facing the red haired girl fully. When the girl stopped moving, Tiffany let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. The distance was pretty close between their faces, so Tiffany could feel her warm breath. Her eyeballs hardly leave the plump lips of Jessica. So tempting.
'Damn it Tiffany Hwang, control your raging hormones.'
Suddenly the alarm buzz chimed throughout the room, making Tiffany nearly jumped out of her skin. She quickly covered before she screamed out loud.
'What the hell?' she mouthed.
To her surprise, Jessica didn't budge. She was still sleeping. Starring down with admiration, she looked back and forth between the girl and the alarm clock. She slammed shut the button on the clock to stop it ringing. She brought her attention back to the girl on the bed, still not moving even an inch.
'If this house was on fire, I doubt you'd even wake up.'
Tiffany went back to her previous position. She placed her hands on the edge of the bed and rested her head on it. She was smiling, her eyes forming the famous eyesmile. She didn't know watching someone sleeping could be this entertaining. She glanced at the clock, it was already time to have breakfast or else they'd be late.
"Hey. Jessica." she poked the girl slowly. 
"Wake up!" She hardened the poke on the arm which caused the girl's face to scrunch.
"Leave me alone!"
"Wake up, you lazy !"
"You seriously want to die?" Jessica growled.
"Did you just threaten me?!"
Tiffany got up and removed the blanket from covering the girl. Jessica groaned in annoyance as she shifted to the other side of the bed.
"You better wake up 'cause I don't wanna be late for my morning class."
Tiffany sighed in defeat when the girl didn't respond her. "Fine, do whatever you want. Useless."
When she headed to the door, a golden retriever with pink polkadot scarf sat down just in front of her. Her face brightened up upon seeing it.
The girl spread her arms widely, welcoming the pet who ran eagerly to her direction. She pulled the dog into a tight hug wholeheartedly.
"I miss you. Where have you been yesterday?" She patted and rubbed its head. Totoro sniffed her face and her cheek, showing its longing for the owner.
"Ack what's that?!"
Tiffany stopped her brief reunion with her beloved pet when she heard someone scream behind her. She tilted her head to see Jessica froze in her position. Jessica was standing on the bed with consternation.
"It's a dog."
"Of course I know." Jessica retorted. "But how come it's in my room?!"
"For your info, this is my dog. Say hi to Totoro." Tiffany lifted up her dog in her arms and brought it closer to Jessica.
"Stay away! I hate dogs!" Jessica put her hands up in a defensive way, receiving frown from the latter.
"You hate dogs? How come you hate such a cute and sweet creature like this?" She brushed her cheek against its head.
"Just- I don't like dogs. I cannot explain why."
"Now that you're awake, hurry up." Tiffany said to Jessica but her attention was on Totoro. "Or I'll make him force you?"
Jessica rushed into the bathroom without thinking twice.
"I think I can use you to make her obey me."
Tiffany snickered and exited the room. She was busy caressing its fur while walking to have her breakfast.
Jessica advanced to the dining room to find no one but two maids chatting.
"Where's Tiffany?"
"She's at the backyard." One of the maids replied.
"She's having breakfast outside?"
"Yeah, she likes to have breakfast outside to accompany Totoro plays," added another maid.
"Okay thanks."
Jessica immediately headed to the yard. She saw Tiffany was grinning blatantly, rubbing the belly of the dog. The dog looked to enjoy the treatment it was receiving as it lied down comfortably on the ground, wagging its tail perpetually. Jessica curved her lips into a smile unconsciously.
"Good morning, Jessica."
The two of them were just standing quietly, watching the red haired girl from afar.
"I don't know she has a dog." Jessica broke the silence as she sat on the brown wooden chair. "Where has it been?"
"Its name is Totoro. He has been living with us for 2 years. Maybe you don't know because you didn't see it yesterday." Boom eyed the girl who was pouring down black coffee to her cup. He flashed a smile when she tilted her head in confusion. "It oftens wanders around the woods on the hill or plays with kids on the yard. He likes to be outside rather than in the house."
"Tiffany doesn't mind it?" Jessica lifted up her cup and glanced to the red haired girl.
"As long as Totoro is happy, she doesn't mind at all."
Jessica nodded, sipping the hot content. She checked her phone before suddenly it rang. She hurriedly went behind the bush to answer the call.
"Where's Jessica?"
Tiffany approached Boom. He just showed the direction of where the brunette is. Tiffany proceeded to get Jessica with her, but bid her goodbye to her dog first.
"Be a good boy while I'm away, ok?"
Tiffany jogged a little to the other side of the yard. She saw no one around and she started to frown, but when she wanted to turn around, she heard a voice.
Tiffany looked down the bushes only to see Jessica bent down, covering while half whispering to the caller. Her incoherent voice increased Tiffany's curiosity. An evil manner emerged into her mind, she was going to startle the girl. When she came closer and was just right behind the brunette, her foot stepped on a twig making a creak sound. Jessica immediately turned around, only to meet Tiffany's gaze. There was an awkward silence before Tiffany finally spoke.
"Why were you having phone call behind bushes?"
Tiffany gave her a strange look, which Jessica smiled sheepishly as a reply.
"I can phone anyone I want, anywhere."
Jessica got up from her squatting position, dusting off the dirt from her denim jeans.
"You and your weird antics." Tiffany rolled her eyes and snorted.
"Nothing. We're late, you know?"
"I can sense you'll blame me for that."
"Of course!" Tiffany snapped.
"You were playing with the dog for quite some time. I was just having a phone call for few minutes."
"Don't you dare blaming Totoro." Tiffany exclaimed defiantly.
"Whatevs. You said we're late, so we better hurry, heiress.” Jessica emphasized the last word and added it with some sarcasm.
"Alright, my nanny." In just a short time they arrived at the front door. The trip from the backyard until the place where they were was spent with cussing to each other. "Now please open the door for me."
"Here you go, Miss Hwang." Jessica slid open the door of the white Volkswagen van and reached for the heiress' hand.
"Thank you." Tiffany tried her best not to stutter or to blush as she looked to another direction to avoid Jessica's stare. She bite her lower lip in the process.
"You're very welcome."
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[short] Update! 11/09/13


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Chapter 12: Still waiting for an update 🥺
it’s been so long since i last read this story
Chapter 12: It would be such a waste if you abandon this amazing fic :( please update the story jebal
Iriseapril #4
Chapter 12: Update pleaseee.....
Chapter 12: Update? :((
Aish1994 #6
Chapter 12: update pleasee..
megumiyuki #7
Chapter 12: Update soon author shi pretty please *insert puppy eyes and pout*
hwang_fiqah #8
Chapter 12: Pretty pretty pretty beautifully update soon!!!
Bluesapphire17 #9
Chapter 12: Hi author! I'm a new reader and your story is very interesting.... Please please please update soon!
Chapter 12: Please. Update this fic. I just saw this story then boom. I got hook with it. Please.