first kiss.

fate: the start of true love

chapter four: first kiss.

-that night, at home-

Jessica's POV

 I sat on the couch in the living room, silenty went through the pages of a magazine until I heard noise. "Hey Jessica?" Jonghyun shouted. I couldnt see him but I could hear him towards the west side of the house. "Yeah?" I asked. "The washing machines really weird, its stuffing up! Can you come and help please?" He yelled. I stood up immediately and walked to the laundry. When I opened the door, I saw Jonghyun looking stressed about a washing machine that wasnt working. I laughed. He stared at me. "You know that I dont know this washing machine as much you dont, Im not good with instructions." I said as I walked towards where Jonghyun was standing. "Well, you've lived here for half a year you should know this!" He exclaimed. "Alright." I said and checked on what he had done wrong and I had.. no idea.. "Jonghyun... I dont know whats wrong with it" I said and looked at him. "Have you put any detergent in?" I asked. He shooked his head. I grabbed the detergent box and started pouring a little bit in, suddenly Jonghyun accidently hit me which caused me to put a whole pile of it. "YAH!" I yelled. "MY CLOTHES!" Jonghyun yelled back. "Well, youve got alot of clothes in there so it'll be alright" I assured and clicked on the start button, the washing machine began doing its job and I clapped. "Ahh! you did it!" Jonghyun said proudly and patted my hair, which caused me to blush. He's never patted my hair.. I stood there, frozen for a couple of seconds. "Lets go and prepare our amazing dinner~" Jonghyun said with a singing voice and I followed him out of the laundry.

-10 minutes later-

 Today's menu was homemade pizza! We decided to make eachother's for fun but we agreed on no disgusting or spicy food! "Im going to go check on the washing machine." Jonghyun said as he washed his hands and made his way to the laundry. I continued making Jonghyun's pizza until I heard a 'girl scream' Woah,, was that Jonghyun?! I quickly ran to the laundry and saw Jonghyun panicking from ... all the bubbles that came out of the washing machine. "Too much detergent missy!" Jonghyun said. "Jonghyun did you do a high-pitched scream just then?" I asked as I laughed remembering what he just did. "Umm.. no..." Jonghyun tried to lie. The whole laundry was full of exploded detergent that was now turned into bubbles! Luckily the door was closed! We both stood there and watched the bubbles explode out of the washing machine. "It'll stop soon" I said calmly. "How can you be so calm about this?!" Jonghyun asked me with a shocked face, then he did a playful punch on my shoulder-- which caused me to fall from my balance. URGH, NOW I WAS COVERED WITH BUBBLES! "YAH!" I screamed. Jonghyun did not stop laughing, he was on the verge of crying! "Here let me help you get up" Jonghyun pulled out his hand. Hehe, I had an evil plan, called revenge. I grabbed his hand and also pulled him down, now we were equal- both full of bubbles! He did an 'O' shaped face and stared at me with shock. "Its what you get!" I said and laughed.

Jonghyun's POV

 Jessica started throwing all the detergent/bubbles on me! And I did the same, soon this turned into a playful fight of bubbles. "Yah!" Jessica said as she covered her eyes, she tried to look all innocent but I knew that she was going to throw a whole bunch at me sometime. Soon the washine machine stopped working which meant no more bubbles but there were heaps, literally filling up the whole laundry! I slowly tried getting up but Jessica pulled me down and did an even glare, telepathying me by saying "This game isnt over yet". While I was kneeling, Jessica poked her tongue out and tried standing up. "YAH Thats not fair!" I said and accidently pulled her down with actual strength. She fell on the floor and now her hair was messed up but so was mine anyways.. "Kim Jonghyun!" She yelled and pulled my arm while I was trying to run away, when she pulled me down I accidently landed on top of her, our faces were inches away. I can see Jessica blushing. Her face was more beautiful close up, we were staring at eachothers eyes which caused awkwardness. I investigated her face, looked at her eyes to her lips. her lips. Should I kiss her? No.. I'll get kicked out of the house!

Jessica's POV

 OMG JONGHYUN JUST KISS ME ALREADY! I shouted to him, in my mind. Anyways, why did I want him to kiss me? hes just a friend.. but hes so handsome and sweet, the perfect guy for any girl in the world... "Would I get kicked out of the house if I kissed you?" Jonghyun asked me which made me giggle. NO OF COURSE NO! I yelled, in my mind once again. I shooked my head, he did a melting smile the leaned forward to kiss me gently. His kiss was soft and gentle. It was perfect, I slowly started to kiss him back until... "Found them aunty!" We heard a child yell, this caused us to break our kiss off. I stared at the kid, it was Yoogeun-- Yuri's nephew. Why was he here. We heard people running towards us, it was Yuri and Minho. "Great job Yoogeun!" Yuri said as Minho lifted him up. "Jess? Jonghyun? Why are you guys sitting in bubbles?" Yuri asked looking confused. "Well.. Um.. The washing machine broke" I explained and we both stood up.

-1 hour later-

No ones POV

 Jessica told Yuri how Jonghyun had kissed her and it made her heart beat crazily while Jonghyun also told Minho and said how amazing those few seconds felt.  "Oh My God, Jessica Jung has been here for 6months, lived with Jonghyun for 2 months and you've kissed him already!" Yuri said excitedly. Jessica blushed. "Do you like him? Or love him? Or just the tiniest feelings? Or are you in the middle of falling for him?" Yuri asked numerous questions. "I dont know how I feel !! I spent the whole day with Jonghyun and it was so much fun! And the moment we had was special.." Jessica murmured. "JUST DATE ALREADY! Jonghyun probably likes you!" Yuri said. "Aunty!" Yoogeun came into the room and interrupted their conversation. "Why is Yoogeun with you anyway?" Jessica asked while she gestured him to come over to her. "Oh, I have to take care of him for a couple of days, kinda like baby sitting" Yuri smiled. Jessica just nodded. "Can we go home? Im tired.." Yoogeun asked as he rubbed his eyes. "You should get going." Jessica said. Yuri nodded. They both went out of Jessica's room and saw Minho and Jonghyun just casually standing a few metres away. "Say bye to Yuri noona and Jonghyun hyung Yoogeun." Minho said as he grabbed his hand. "Bye bye Yuri noona. Nice to meet you Jonghyun hyung byebye" Yoogeun waved his hand. "Bye~" The two housemates said in unison and bid farewell to their bestfriends and little Yoogeun.

 Jonghyun and Jessica talked but neither of them brought up the 'kiss' subject, they just continued making their pizzas and spent the rest of their night together...

Jonghyun's POV

 I tucked into bed and thought about my whole day. "Grandma.. I had my first kiss with my first crush, are you proud of me?" I asked looking at her photo and placed it back to my bedside table. My first kiss~ My first crush~ I thought happily. Yes, I officially have feelings for her, deep, strong feelings. I hope she has the same feelings as I do.

Jessica's POV

 I received a call from Krystal

me: Hey Krys
Krystal: Unnie! I HAVE NEWS!
me: news? good or bad?
Krystal: good good good! you must be homesick, dad cant come because of work but me and mum are coming to visit you in a month!
me: WHAT?!

Jonghyun Jonghyun Jonghyun.. Thats what went through my mind

Krystal: I know! Exciting isnt it?
me: for how long?
Krystal: A week or so? I dont know! I'll give you futher details soon! It must be night there, goodnight unnie!
me: Night Krystal



A/N: Sorry I promise it will get more interesting, thanks to


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Chapter 11: Don't delete it please? I just started reading it and it's such a good Story
Update soon.
Chapter 11: Please don't delete this story! Whatever you do don't give up!
Hitomisayaka #3
Chapter 11: update soon please!! TT
Hitomisayaka #4
Chapter 11: pleaseeee, don´t delete this story, I love it!! I'll be waiting for the next chapter XD
Chapter 11: update soon ! (:
electriclovelove #6
Chapter 1: i rili lyk da story!amazing..haha
Chapter 11: Don't delete the story! D:
maivaj90 #8
Chapter 11: update soon !!
iheartJongSica #9
Chapter 11: Dun delete the story!
Hitomisayaka #10
Chapter 11: please update soon!!!! I've been waiting for a long time :C