Sweet Escape

More Than A Bad Boy

Baekhyun was with you at English class today, you were surprised that he actually came to class. You sat behind him as you went in and you couldn't help but stare at his soft brown hair. Everytime he looked to the side you admired his distinctive jawline he had. He was special, but you felt guilty that you liked someone of that character.

He was trouble.

Very hot trouble indeed.

"Alright class, read the passage I gave out, I'll be going to the staff room for a second." Your teacher, Wu Fan instructed the class and you could already see Baekhyun getting ready to get out of class, gripping onto his bag. You felt hesitant as you thought about following him out, you wanted to know what he was up to doing all this time. Ten seconds after Wu Fan exited the classroom from the other door, Baekhyun already ran out and no one even thought about stopping him. And so you followed him out.

"What do you think you're doing?" Stopping at the door, you heard Baekhyun's voice as you felt a tight grip on your arm, stopping you from running out further.

"I..I..Uh.." You stuttered to say but couldn't get any words out. Mute at his absolute coverboy looks.

"Where you trying to follow me out?" Baekhyun went closer to you and you could feel his breath on your face. He smirked and it caused you to blush a tint of scarlet.

"No." You tried to blatantly say to him, trying to keep a pokerface. He scoffed and then backed away from you.

"Oh please, you want me like the other girls don't you?" He said as he walked around in a circle with his hands in his pockets.

"No." You lied. Baekhyun started to walk the other way but you wanted to stop him. "Wait, at least tell me where you're going..." You managed to stop him and he turned around to you.

"If you want to know so badly, why don't you just toughen up and actually find out for yourself?" He replied back to you and smirked. 

"Maybe I will." You felt offended at his words but you argued with yourself about actually follwing him or not, realizing what you just said to him. A dark chuckle exited his mouth at your sudden confidence that was obviously covering how cowardly you actually were.

"Hope you're prepared." Baekhyun said to you as you tried catching up with him, walking out the door. Once you were outside, you followed him out the gate and into the carpark. There you saw what you thought was his motorcycle, it was as black as night and decked in silver acsessories that just gleamed in the sunlight. He walked in front of you and towards the vehicle.

"Are you going to come with me or not?" Baekhyun asked as he got out his keys and sat on the seat.

What the hell are you thinking of doing?

You nodded to him and walked over, finding that he didn't have a helmet around. "What if I fall?". You asked him, but you tried to hide your worries for the beautiful bad boy. 

"Who do you think I am?" Baekhyun questioned your doubt. 

"I don't know how you handle these things." Was all you could say and you just walked over to the back of the motorcycle.

"Father Seoul's son doesn't know how to bike?" Baekhyun asked you and you felt stupid for asking such a question. You ignored his rhetorical question and hopped onto the back of the bike. 

"Hold on tight." He warned you and you obliged. His warm back pressed onto your chest and you took in the special scent he always has. Baekhyun smirked as he started up the engine and before you knew it, you were riding the concrete jungles of Seoul.


Okay guys, sorry for the REALLY late update,

Yours and Baekhyunnie's adventure won't end here.

It's just started C:

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jonginniee #1
Chapter 13: Omg i'm dying to read the next chapt.... Pls update
derpeggeu #2
misakinarumi #3
Chapter 13: Updated soon please..
Chapter 13: What happened!? Omgaawd you have to update -.-
Chapter 13: .....................................OMG
Chapter 13: what happen to baekhyun?it's so interesting and excited.please update soon :)
Please update soon!
omg omg what happened to him?!?!??! Update soon!!!!