Studying From Afar

More Than A Bad Boy

As you went into the building the beautiful boy directed you off to, you couldn't help but think about how gorgeous he was. You went inside the performing arts centre and the room fell silent as you went in.

"You must be new." You figured that the teacher was speaking to you.

"Yeah, I am." You replied to him and put your books down on the floor before sitting down with a group of girls at the back who were obviously oblivious to what was happening outside their social circle. "Kim Eun Hye, is it?" The teacher asked you and all you responded was with two quick nods. He was a handsome man, then you started to question if he's gotten any procedures done since he looked like a flawless doll, but that was nothing you should be worrying about. "I'm Mr. Zhang Yixing," You tried to pronounce his name in your head, hoping you wouldn't get into an awkward situation in the future. "but everyone calls me Lay." He continued and you felt relieved at how much more simple it was as you were terrible with your Chinese.

"Alright class, today is going to be a discussing lesson. I want you to talk about symbolism and structure in the dance we've been looking at for the last couple weeks." Lay's instructions were quite vague before he sat down on the only chair that was in front of the room. You looked back at the group of girls and decided to join them. They were clearly not focused on the task and were talking about someone.

"Baekhyun didn't come to class again." One of the girls sighed out and pouted. You couldn't help but to feel curious.

"Who's Baekhyun?" Your voice sounded stupid to your ears. The girls laughed before looking back at your lost expression.

"Only the hottest boy in all the campus." The girl that looked like she owned the group told you. You sat closer to them and the rest started talking about him even more. "I'm Jiyeon by the way." She introduced herself to you. She looked nothing short of perfect, her hair fell straight and long and her eyes had equal creases on each of them.

"So you guys only like him because he's a god?" You asked jokingly and they looked at you like you were some sort of weirdo.

"Don't you know who he is?" Jiyeon asked you with an attitude.

"No, I don't think I've seen him anywhere." You responded and looked down, feeling rather scared at her uninterested gaze. "His dad's the most notorious gangster in all the city." She informed you with clear pride, like the boy's her son or some other relative figure. They're all in love with a criminal's son? "He's loaded with the green and their family holds impeccable power." She continued and smiled. You couldn't help but think how selfish they seemed no matter how little you knew about them.

"What's he doing here in a performing arts school?" You asked her and furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.

"He's got a voice of an angel." She went on and sighed out as she closed her eyes. Seoul's most infamous gangster's son is a singer?

How lame, you thought.

"Late again, Byun Baekhyun." You heard Lay from across the room say out as he looked at the door. Wanting to know what's so special about this boy you looked where everyone was looking at. The girls beside you started squealing and you felt a bit out of place.

Then you saw him.

It was the gorgeous boy that lead you here earlier.

No wonder the girls were talking about him.

"I come whenever." He nonchalantly stated as he dropped his bag down before sitting on the floor, relaxed and stretching his head back.

"I didn't think you would be coming." Lay stated before ticking off the roll.

"You should know me better." He quietly chuckled to himself just enough for the people around him to hear. He turned his head around and spotted you. With that, he gave out a playful smirk before turning back around to the front of the room. 

Talk about 'bad boy'.

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jonginniee #1
Chapter 13: Omg i'm dying to read the next chapt.... Pls update
derpeggeu #2
misakinarumi #3
Chapter 13: Updated soon please..
Chapter 13: What happened!? Omgaawd you have to update -.-
Chapter 13: .....................................OMG
Chapter 13: what happen to baekhyun?it's so interesting and excited.please update soon :)
Please update soon!
omg omg what happened to him?!?!??! Update soon!!!!