Big Reputation Much

More Than A Bad Boy

It's been about three days since you hadn't seen Baekhyun. Although you really wanted to, you didn't want to show it either. His appearance haunts you before you go to sleep, is he just that intriguing? Either way, you just wanted him to go out of his way to speak to you. You made friends with the other two guys Kai was friends with, they were pretty interesting and not to mention cute. But they were nothing compared to teenage heartthrob, Byun Baekhyun. 

"Eun Hye-Ah.." You heard Kai call out to you from one of the cafeteria tables. Like for the past three days you looked around the room in search for the very good looking male.

Kai could see you that you were looking for someone, "Noona, who are you even looking for?" He asked but you didn't bother to take a glimpse at him and just continued to sit down next to him. 

"Is it a boy?" One of the boys, Chanyeol asked you. He was very tall for his age with eyes that could just stare the life out of someone. He was smiling skittishly, trying to look at where your eyes were heading off to. You set him down and went back to eating your food.

"No guys, it's not a boy." You tried to settle them down but they all gave you weird looks.

"It is a boy isn't it. Frankly, I don't approve." The other guy said, his name was D.O. and the other two always called him mom and you could clearly see that now. You wanted to tell them, but at the same time, confessing your interest on a bad boy wasn't going to do you any good with any of them. Especially if he's the son of the wanted. But they all seemed curious and you would ought to tell them anytime soon.

"Okay fine," they all leaned across the table. "You guys know Byun Baekhyun, right?" As soon as you said that name Chanyeol's food-filled mouth opened wide, as well as his eyes.

"I knew it." Kai laughed out and continued to grab a forkful of his noodles.

Big reputation much.


Did you just spend the whole three days looking for him? As stupid as you felt about your own feelings, you just couldn't get him out of your head. To you, he was the epitome of perfection despite the things you have heard about him. You shook your thoughts out of your head as you searched for your schedule inside your book bag.

"How will you get to your next class without this?" A voice you barely have heard stopped you from walking anymore. You turned around only to see the dangerously handsome boy dangle your schedule in front of his face. You felt your heart pound at a million beats per second. 

"Could I have it back, please." You asked him as he stepped closer to you. Until he was as close as he was from you at the first encounter you both had together. Your mouth instantly felt dry and you fell silent, his scent raided the inside of your nose and you just wanted to melt into it.

"You know, you're very different." He stated. What does he mean by different? "You're not like most girls." He continued on saying. You felt quite angry at this point, but you hadn't forgotten that you probably fancied him as much as the other girls. But from the way he described you, it made you upset how he thinks the whole entire female population thinks he's some god. Offended, really. You could tell he was a very spoilt boy, always getting what he wants - including girls.

"Well, I barely know you." Was all you could say back to him. Baekhyun chuckled darkly at your response.

"By the look of your schedule, you have another class with me?" He asked you as he raised both of his eyebrows. You grabbed the piece of paper off him and he his heel and began to walk away.

"Wait. Where are you going?" You said, running up to him and trying to make him walk the other way.

"Where do you think I've been the past three days?" He said back as he put both of his hands inside his pockets. It was obvious to you now that he wasn't going to stop for anyone, so you stopped trying to bring him back. You watched him walk out the door breezily into the outside world where school wasn't necessary. 

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jonginniee #1
Chapter 13: Omg i'm dying to read the next chapt.... Pls update
derpeggeu #2
misakinarumi #3
Chapter 13: Updated soon please..
Chapter 13: What happened!? Omgaawd you have to update -.-
Chapter 13: .....................................OMG
Chapter 13: what happen to baekhyun?it's so interesting and excited.please update soon :)
Please update soon!
omg omg what happened to him?!?!??! Update soon!!!!