Chapter 20

Consulting the 12 DELINQUENT



After they eat the girls decided to went in together just to make sure that no one will be harm even though they know for their self that going inside the room one by one is not dangerous, but Taeyon’s wild imagination made them realize that they should go together and consult the delinquent together.

They knock on the door and Taeyeon slowly open it, she peek her head into the room and the exo boys give her a judging look- she gulp and smile then she cleared “will then hello guys, we are here to hear all of your worries and problem” she said as she went in. She motions her hand signalling the other girls to go in with her.

The four girls make a small circle- they decided to divide the boys and it’s up to them to consult the boys who’s assign to them

Taeyeon hand the girls a random file which contain the profile of each exo boys “which ever file that you receive then that’s the boys that you are about to console” she said and they all nodded

Taeyeon got the profile of Baekhyun, Chanyeol and D.O. While Tiffany got the profile of Sehun, Chen and Xuimin. Jessica got the profile of Kris, Suho and Tao while Seohyun got the profile of Luhan, Lay and Kai

Taeyeon called Baekhyun, Chanyeol and D.O, she sign heavily easing her nervousness. She smile to them “So, Baekhyun, Chanyeol and D.O” she said as she look on the profile she flip some of the pages “so tell me what your worries are?” she ask the three boys- who is attentively looking at her and observing her every action

“We don’t have any worries” Baekhyun answer, he removes his gaze on Taeyeon preventing himself on making an eye contact with her

“Hmm” Taeyeon nodded “so, you don’t have any problem in school?” she ask again- raising her eyebrow being a little intimidating for the boys

“Like what Baekhyun said we don’t have any worries or a problem” Chanyeol roll his eyes in annoyance

“Yah, yah” Taeyon started smacking Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s head with the file that she’s holding “I’m you sunbae respect me you brats”

“Sunbae, didn’t you know that violence is not allowed in consultation?” D.O ask which makes her irk on her position

She gulp she started getting nervous again- she was not expecting one of them to say those thing to her she thought that not a single one of them knew about it. But she decided to herself that she need to stand strong and give an honour to her position as their consultant, she won’t let any one of them to step on her and she know for herself that she need to answer the boy who give her a little fact about her work, she need to tell him a good counter back “Well, didn’t you know that violence is school is not allowed which mean that it’s completely prohibited” she emphasize her last sentence

“Well, sunbae-nim as the matter of fact we know that already that is why we break the rules do the things that is prohibited” D.O answered back also emphasizing his last word as if he mock their consultant, he smirk and cross his arms and leg

Taeyeon smile- enjoying herself, she hasn’t been into a good verbal fight now that she find someone who could countered her with a good wit makes her happy which she find interesting and challenging “well if you knew already, then did you know if you keep it up then you guys will be kick out of school then no one will accept you even though you would enrol yourself outside of the country- which only mean one thing you guys can’t go to college and have a better life in the future” she smile- sensing the smell of victory on her side

“I’m sorry to interrupt your verbal fight sunbaenim but as far as we knew you are here to consult us not argue with us” Baekhyun got between the two, he lean closer to Taeyeon’s face and emphasize each words that he says

Taeyeon blush not because of Baekhyun but because she let herself carried away with their verbal fight she was so excited on having a battle of a wit with D.O and forget about her real intention “I’m sorry I got carried away” she cleared and look at each eyes “So tell, what are your real intention of bully you fellow freshmen?”

“We don’t have any intention” Chanyeol answered with his deep husky voice

Taeyon look at Chanyeol ans raise her eyebrow “You don’t have intention? Then why are you guys doing it, for entertainment?” she ask sarcastically, matching the mocking guy in front of her

“For entertainment you can say that” Chanyeol answered shortly with a smirk

“So, hurting other people is what makes you guys happy” she look at them with disgust

“We just do what they did to us” Baekhyun raise his voice- which makes Taeyeon startle

“Did what did they do to you, that makes you guys turn like these?” she ask a little curious and worried

“It’s none of your business” D.O answered firmly           

“Okay, it seems like that it’s up to me to find out about it or wait for you guys to say it to me” she said- a little challenging to the boys that heard her. She smirks at them while crossing her arms




Tiffany smile which show her eye smile, she’s happy that she got the silent type but a minute pass the atmosphere between them become awkward. She tire to cleared to suffocating atmosphere by clearing “So, Xuimin, Chen and Sehun” she said with a smile “If I’m not mistaken Xuimin is the youngest then next is Chen then Sehun” she said to them

“Actually no” Xuimin answered “I’m the oldest next is Chen and the youngest is Sehun” he explained

Tiffany makes an O shaped before blushing and laugh with her mistakes “Oh, I’m sorry” she said and the boys in front of her nod- saying that they understand “Okay, let’s stop the fun and go to our serious topic” she said. She look into Xuimin’s profile “Xuimin as the eldest did you ever stop the others everytime they started bullying your fellow freshmen?”

Xuimin look down and shake his head “No” he answer shortly

Tiffany make a worried face “why, if you don’t mind if I ask”

“We have our own reason behind our every action, we would be stupid if we acted that way without reasons right?” he said and chuckle but he went back to being serious again

“What reason” Tiffany raises her eyebrows- being curious of the boys in front of her

“Sunbaenim you know that we have personal life right?” Xuimin said

Just a simple words coming out from Xuimin’s mouth but Tiffany is already feeling intimidated with him, she love how Xuimin use the right word to make a person not to feel insulted and ashamed “Sorry I understand you intention” she said and proceed to the next profile “Chen” she smile

“Yes?” Chen was taken aback when Tiffany called her name all of the sudden. He was attentively listening to Xuimin and Tiffany’s discussion and he got engrossed with their topic since he can understand what Xuimin had just said

“You are one of the youngest of your group right?” Tiffany ask

Chen nodded “you can say that” he said with a little grin plastered on his face

“Are you happy with their company? Your friend that is” she ask

Chen smile widely before looking at Sehun and Xuimin then he turn his head looking at the other members “Of course they mean a lot to me, they’re all I got except for my parents that is” he smile

“Now that you open the word parents did they know that you are causing trouble in school?” Tiffany ask

“I don’t know, maybe they don’t care about me all they care about is our company. Maybe they know but decided not to notice it or shrugged it off thinking that it’s not important of their son is making trouble everytime” he said.

Tiffany can sense the sadness on Chen’s voice, she can understand his feeling maybe they all can- since that is the problem that most of the student of their school faces, their parents being busy with their work and doesn’t have much time to spend with them. That is also her problem but being the optimistic as she is she decided to understand her parents

“I understand you but I’m sure your parents love and care about you” she patted Chen’s shoulder- encouraging the sad guy in front of her

“Love, care is that what you called love if you forgot the birthday of your very own child? Care, is that what you called when they didn’t call or went to see you after knowing that your only child almost got killed because he was threatened? Tell me sunbaenim is that what you called love and care?” Chen looked into Tiffany’s eyes- he clench his fist and stop his tears from falling

“Hyun” Sehun went to reach Chen for a hug and patted his back

“My friends they’re the most important person to me if it wasn’t for them maybe I’m not here in earth anymore maybe I’m on the other side of the world already if it wasn’t for them. I owe them my life so no matter what the others tells me or no matter what the other think about us, I don’t care it won’t affect me. I need my friends and they need me I will not turn my back to them, like the others done to us” anger can be sense on Chen’s voice

“What do you mean the others done to you?” Tiffany’s curiosity is increasing every minute she’s dying to find out behind their every puzzled word

“I will not betray my friends” Chen answered firmly

Tiffany know that Chen need some time to relax from his anger so she decided to proceed to the last person that she’s assign to “Sehun the youngest of the group, am I correct?” she ask

“Neh”Sehun answered shyly and shortly

“As the youngest did you tell your hyungs that what they are doing is bad?” she ask the timid boy in front of her

Xuimin and Chen look at Sehun waiting for his answered- Tiffany notice it and she grow more curious “No, I didn’t stop them because for me what we did is a right thing to do and yet in the eyes of the others it’s the wrong thing to do- yes we knew for ourselves that what we did is wrong but none of us regret it all we want is our revenge” Sehun answered honestly

Tiffany raises her eyebrow “revenge, what revenge?” her curiosity keeps on growing

“Like what Xuimin-hyung told you sunbaenim we have our personal life that we need to keep all by ourselves without the others knowing about it” he answered firmly



Jessica cross her legs while the back of her hand is supporting her head “So, hurting other and bullying the helpless students are the things that makes you happy am I right?” she ask mockingly

“Yes” Tao answered

“No” Kris and Suho answered

“I’m sorry but hearing your tone seems like you mocking us sunbaenim” Suho smirk while looking straight into Jessica’s scary eyes

“If you don’t know sunbaenim we have different references on making ourselves happy, we have our own way of entertainment” Kris countered back

Jessica laugh mockingly “Sadistic is what you called yourselves may I presume, bullying is you entertainment and tears from the pained man is you happiness that is not how human being act”

“I’m sorry but bullying is not the right term to address that word but payback” Tao who was silently listening to the bickering of the three person in front of him finally spoke up

“Payback, does you hyung taught you the right Korean?” Jessica find a new person to mock, so she turn her body to Tao and smirk at the young man

“ Unfortunately they did, they taught me very well and it depends on the person who’s listening to my Korean if he or she could understand my real intention of speaking and if you ask- yes I always use a wise word everytime I talk” he said, making Jessica little insulted but the blonde girl shrugged it off

“very well then, if you don’t mind what do you mean about the payback that you told me” she ask, she find Tao as an easy target- making asking this kid will leads her the answer of why are they acting like a delinquent. She use her own strategy on finding real answer behind the action of the boys that they’re consulting

“Payback, revenge if you don’t know it’s other term in Korean. All we want is revenge from the students who turn their back at us” Tao answered but before he could continue he was stopped by Suho and Kris

“I’m sorry sunbaenim but can you please not stick your in our business” Suho said

“In life we have a secret that we protect, so sunbaenim to tell you honestly we are human too. We have our own secret to protect so if you dig deeper, then that is called trespassing you are violating our own rights” Kris added 

Jessica can understand them so she decided to shut and stop her curiosity “Okay, but expect me to found out that secret of yours” she give the three boys a very challenging smile. Jessica is very persistent if she want to found out something she will do everything just to get what she wants and no one can stop her


Seohyun was nervously flipping each page of the profile on her hand until Kai cut her out “As far as I know you are here to consult as, not playing with that file” he said that makes Seohyun flinch

“Ah, yes are you okay?” Seohyun ask nervously and look straight into Kai’s eyes

Kai frown his eyebrows “What do you mean are you okay, you’re the one who got hurt and your asking me if I’m okay?” he said angrily

“Ah, yes I’m sorry” Seohyun bowed her head as she starts playing with her fingers

“Kai, stop it” Luhan stopped Kai, she look at Seohyun and to his surprise Seohyun is looking back straight into his eyes “please start the consultation if you don’t mind” he said and smile at the nervous girl

“Don’t worry you can ask us, if there’s something you want to know” Lay give Seohyun an encouraging smile

“Ah, neh thank you” she smile back at the dimple guy “why do you love hurting the others who had done nothing to you” she ask seriously and look into their eyes- she become serious all of the sudden

“Had done nothing to us? Think before you talk miss smartly” Kai mock Seohyun and glare at him- Seohyun glare at Kai but there’s no doubt she herself is also confused of Kai’s action

“Kai” Lay called Kai- the dimple guy glare at his angry friend “sorry about that, the others are sensitive about his topic and me too I am sensitive about this topic” Lay give an apologetic smile to Seohyun

“If you don’t mind miss consultant, can you please ask us other question aside from that” Luhan said

“Seohyun call me Seohyun” she said “I know there’s a reason behind your action but do you mind telling me about it?” she ask Luhan

The deer guy smile at their consultant “I don’t mind but my friends mind, so I’m sorry I can’t tell you about it we want to keep it to ourselves” he give Seohyun an apologetic look

“I’m sorry if you feel insulted about this but can you please don’t ask us about the reason and our feeling regarding to our actions, it just that we hate people who meddle in our business” Lay tried his buet not to make Seohyun insulted with his words

“No it’s okay I understand, If you want to keep it as a secret then I respect your decision and if you want to tell me about it, I assure you I will not tell anyone about it and expect me to listen to your words” she said and give the three guys an encouraging smile “but can you tell me you tell me your honest feelings, have you ever regret your actions?”

“We’ve be lying if we told you that we didn’t regret it but there is nothing we could do that’s the only thing we can do for now” Lay answered her question seriously and Luhan nodded agreeing to Lay’s answer. As for Kai he is attentively listening to their conversation he decided to shut his mouth to prevent huge misunderstanding and fight since he know for himself that his the most sensitive one everytime they talk about this kind of topic

The girls’ consultation with the boys had finally ended. They let the boys relax since they know that they are exhausted with the non-stop consultation from them.

The eight consultants discuss about the things that they talk with the boys, and all they got is the same answer revenge. Every single one of them mention that word everytime they share about the things that they discuss with Exo

“Revenge, why do they keep saying that word” Tiffany frown her eyebrows trying to figure out about that word

“The question is why do they want revenge?” Kyuhyun ask like a detective

  “The only person who knows the answer is the boys only” Leeteuk said.

They look into each other’s eyes- exchanging glances, no one is saying a single word but they all know that they are thinking the same thing- thinking and asking themselves why the boys want revenge that badly and they know for themselves that they need to know about it so that they can help the Exo boys.










First and foremost I am deeply Sorry
I thought that no one is still reading this
story of mine and decided not to update this story
anymore and was about to delete this
But some of the readers ask me to update this
story then I said to myself that there is someone who
still read my story so I should update this, and here it is
an Update I’m sorry if it’s been a long time since I last updated this
and I promise you that it won’t happen again, I find an inspiration to keep
this story going- thanks to all the manga that I read and to all the movie that I
watch about some trouble students ^^

Again I’m sorry, I know my update isn’t enough for you guys to
forgive me, I’m sorry I’ll be a good Author and update this story
more frequently.


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Annyeong readers I removed the tags of HEASICA, SIFANY, TAETEUK AND SEOKYU but don't worry their love story are still there and it will continue as I promise


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zicky_yun #1
Chapter 21: Please update TT.TT more HaeSica
njemus #2
Chapter 21: Update please..
amiisiltya #3
Chapter 21: I love it. I always waiting for their lobe moment hehe
But i lobe their friendship :) when will you update ? please update soon cause i'm sure a lot of people waiting for this story :) Fighting !! :)
passionatelover #4
Chapter 21: Update Soon.. Thank you
farahhudasyamimi #5
Chapter 21: Please update.... Thank you
jeskrys #6
Chapter 21: Love your story♥♥ PLEASE UPDATE
Chapter 21: I love your story! I read it in 2012 when you publish it and I'm still waiting for an update. I really love it. This is my second time reading it. This story should not go to waste.
Author-nim please update soon~
jungli29 #8
Chapter 3: Whoa!many elfs are exotics now, as i can see your writing now an exo stories.still my suju#1.update soon author nim!labyour stories.
dorkyfish #9
Chapter 21: Author nimmmm pleaseee pleaseee pleaseeee update soon pleaseeeeee
keikochaaan #10
Chapter 20: Please update soon!!