Chapter 16

Consulting the 12 DELINQUENT


When Kai saw that Seohyun is all alone in the garden, he decided to join her, he gather all his courage to face her. He went out of his room and went to the garden then he saw Seohyun, he cleared his throat so that she would notice him.

Seohyun turned her head and saw Kai standing behind her “Oh, Kai-ssi what are you doing here?” she ask, but he didn’t answer again, he just scratch the back of his head

“Take a sit” she move giving space for Kai to sit and patted the spacing, signalling him to sit down

“Thanks” he then take his sit, he stare blankly at the fountain in front of him, he didn’t utter a word, he keep on stealing glances at her “About....” he said breaking the silence between them, he turn his head on Seohyun direction, by his surprise Seohyun is already looking at him with her questionable look, he cleared his throat “earlier, why did you do that? I’m having a second thought if I should be mad or thank you”

Seohyun smile as she saw the troubled guy beside her, does her action earlier really made the others worried about her? But that is not her intention. “Oh, that my instinct told me to go between on you guys” she jokily answered. But all she gets is a frown from Kai

“That was stupid of you” Kai on the other way “It was okay for me to get punch since I’m use to it”

“You may use to it but it still hurts right? No matter how much you pretend that you didn’t get hurt during your fight but deep inside the pain is killing you, you’re poker face might tell that you’re not scared but deep inside you are scared and seeking for the other to help you out”

Kai give a surprising look at Seohyun, how did she know that? No one had found out about his true feeling asides from his friend, but her she immediately saw right trough him. He did his best to have a poker face every time they encounter some difficulty and every time they got themselves into a fight

“If you’re asking why, that’s because I can understand you all, no matter how much you guys tried to hide your true feelings, I can still tell if your faking it or not” she answer, and smile “but...” Seohyun sigh looking away breaking their eye contact “ I no we, we can’t still figure out the true self that you guys had been hiding but the Unnies and Oppas believe that there’s a reason in your behaviour, and sooner or later we will find it out soon, and that’s the point of consulting right? Consulting may be our punishment but for us we didn’t think of it that way, changing you guys had been our goal lately”

“Well, good luck on that” Kai stood up, and walk away leaving Seohyun behind without saying good bye      



 Morning had pass and everyone is having their breakfast, the atmosphere between the twenty people might be good and bad. Good for the consultant since Leetuek had an amazing idea again, the consultant is planning that they should begin the true consulting no joke for now and focus more on consulting. Bad for the delinquent since they can feel that their day might ruin again, just by thinking that they will be a waiter again made their beautiful morning gone bad. After they eat Leetuek start to talk “Okay, I prepared a room and you guys will be staying there all day long” emphasizing every words that come out from his mouth

“You have got to be kidding me, first you made us become a waiter and now you want us to lock in a room? What is this? Taking our freedom to have some fun?” Kris ask in disbelief, and got a nod from his fellow member agreeing on him, they should had fun since they are on a beach, beach is equals to fun, what do you expect.

“No more complain....” Leeteuk phone suddenly rang that made him cut his words; he look at his phone an unknown number is calling him. Everyone is looking at him curiously, he smile nervously at them before answering “Yo...” he was cut off again, he take away his phone from his ear

“Loudspeaker, loudspeaker” Kyuhyun smack the table in excitement, then Leeteuk press the loudspeaker “You're going on the beach without my permission?” the voice on the phone yelled, and they immediately know whose on the other side of the phone “Old man we’re already in the beach” Kyuhyun yelled, then Exo found out that the person is their Principal, they keep quiet and listen to their conversation

“You’re what? And you’re taking those kids with you?” the Principal yell in frustration, he didn’t know a thing about it and now his secretary had just told him when they find out that they are not on the room

“We did” Taeyeon answer “you did ask right?” she ask Leeteuk “you didn’t?” she said sarcastically

“Yah” Donghae pushes Leeteuk “Oh, our punishment will be double this time” he tried to massage his cape

“Leeteuk didn’t ask for my permission, kids is worst than those kids that your consulting, I age 20 years because of you” they can tell that their Principal is really frustrated just by hearing his voice, they can also her that some teacher are convincing him to relax and take it easy

“You’re already old, old man” Kyuhyun yelled, and he have a very satisfied face plastered in him

“Cho Kyuhyun I know it was you who said that......” the call was cut off, since Leeteuk turn his phone off. He look at Exo with a wide smile on his face and they find it really creepy “Well, then let’s start” he said.

Exo find it amusing on how they treat their Principal like that, they treat him like a normal man, they can joke and make fun of the man who has a higher position of their school, the man that they respect a lot, but when they started talking to him, it seems like he is just a regular man with no position in their school, they take him so easily and even had the guts to cut the call.

“Our principal is really old, what if we treat him a little nicer next time” Tiffany suggested

The consultant think about what tiffany had said “Nah” they answer even Tiffany said that even if she’s the one suggesting being a little nicer to their Principal.

 Exo were on the room that Leeteuk told them to stay, they expect that it would be nice or luxurious style but it’s not. The room only had a bed and a table in front of the bed, no TV no device can be found on that boring room. They started roaming around inside the room finding something that could help them ease the boredom, then the door open and they saw Leeteuk coming in “Please sit on the bed” he said as he walk his way on the table in front of the bed, he sat there and wait for the Exo to take their sit

“Okay, let’s start” he said when all of them had taken a sit some laying on the bed, he doesn’t mind what kind of position they’re making as long as their listening to him “We’ve been consulting you for a week and I know that you know that you don’t know my name, confusing right?” he laugh on his lame joke, they all look at him weirdly, thinking that this man is an idiot a guy who recently got out from a mental hospital , a stupid guy that has his own world “My name is Leeteuk, as all of you know we are here to consult you, but consulting you guys is our punishment and since we can’t do something about it mind as will consult you, but as day past we really think that you guys need some consulting, consulting you is not a punishment for us now, we didn’t think about it like that when we saw that you guys really need some help, I know trusting people is not easy for you guys am I right?” he ask, he look straight at them, having an eye contact in each one of Exo, he want them to trust him, he want them to see his serious expression, he want to convince them that he is not joking and welling to listen to their problem and thought “I was like that before, I don’t trust the people around me but I never get to the point of hurting them, do you know what I did? I found a hobby that I enjoy the most and try my hardest to trust the people again, I play basketball any sports to get rid of my anger, it was hard to tell you the truth but I didn’t give up” he said, true before he become an athlete he hate the people around him he despise them for ruining his trust

“Tell me honestly, does hurting you friends and fellow freshmen make you guys happy? Does seeing them fear you make you happy? Are you happy being sadistic?” he ask, but no one answer him. Exo bow their head all the things that Leeteuk told them had pass through their heart, they never think of it that way, they never plan to continue those kind of action but they can’t help it they have a reason to do those kind of thing and they won’t tell anyone one about it

“Yes, you have each other to call a friend and I know you guys didn’t just think of each other as a friend but also a family having friend is good no the best thing ever, the best thing in the word, you can rely on them, you can tell all your worries, they are always by your side whenever you need a shoulder to lean on, their always at your back every time you’re in trouble and most of all their always by your side they will never live you if circumstances accurse, that did you ever think that it’s the best time to change and stared trusting the people around you not just putting your trust on your friend but for the people who cared for you too, the people who’s waiting for you guys to open up” Leeteuk said, he had to admit he is also jealous to the kids in front of him, he never had a friend like that, he never had a shoulder to rely on when his in trouble and in need before, there is no one to call a friend before, but through all that he manage to change and be the Leeteuk that they know right now, if he can manage to change without relying on someone, what’s more that they have each other’s back every time. “Changing is scary, trusting someone is scary, but it won’t kill you if you try right?” he continue

“Do you know why I’m saying this?” he ask, and Exo shake their head, he smiled he know that those kids know the reason why his telling them all those thing, but they tried to deny it and know nothing about it “I’m talking about trust ‘cos I know, as I can see you guys don’t trust the people around you, you only trust each other which is I consider as nice but you can’t rely at each other every time. Trusting is your problem, and I didn’t say that you guys should trust us easily, we want you to find our true self before you can put your trust on us” Leeteuk put his hand on his chest as he talk about the topic “So think about the thing that I told you” he stood up, leaving Exo in silence Leeteuk words really had an impact on them, so thus it mean that his right? Should they consider his word? They keep on asking themselves about it.

Leeteuk went out of the room the the rest of the consultant gather around him “So how is it?” Taeyeon ask

“I think, my word had reach them” he said in a calm tune

“Good” Kyuhyun nodded

“Well, then whose next?” Donghae ask, looking around waiting for someone to answer

“Me” Siwon took a step forward and they look at him surprisingly

“Are you sure?” Jessica ask

“You’re ready?” Tiffany ask

“Fighting” Seohyun cheer for him


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Annyeong readers I removed the tags of HEASICA, SIFANY, TAETEUK AND SEOKYU but don't worry their love story are still there and it will continue as I promise


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zicky_yun #1
Chapter 21: Please update TT.TT more HaeSica
njemus #2
Chapter 21: Update please..
amiisiltya #3
Chapter 21: I love it. I always waiting for their lobe moment hehe
But i lobe their friendship :) when will you update ? please update soon cause i'm sure a lot of people waiting for this story :) Fighting !! :)
passionatelover #4
Chapter 21: Update Soon.. Thank you
farahhudasyamimi #5
Chapter 21: Please update.... Thank you
jeskrys #6
Chapter 21: Love your story♥♥ PLEASE UPDATE
Chapter 21: I love your story! I read it in 2012 when you publish it and I'm still waiting for an update. I really love it. This is my second time reading it. This story should not go to waste.
Author-nim please update soon~
jungli29 #8
Chapter 3: Whoa!many elfs are exotics now, as i can see your writing now an exo stories.still my suju#1.update soon author nim!labyour stories.
dorkyfish #9
Chapter 21: Author nimmmm pleaseee pleaseee pleaseeee update soon pleaseeeeee
keikochaaan #10
Chapter 20: Please update soon!!