Hateful Person

My Lovely Penguin

The conversation will be:

Black - Speaking korean

Green - Speaking english 

Sora was reading peacefully but suddenly a boy put his arm around her shoulder, pulled her closer to him and take her book to cover their face. They look like a couple who reading a book together. Sora surprised. She look at him intently. He also stare at stare at Sora's eyes. 

"whoaaah..her eyes..beautiful" he talked to himself.

"who the hell is he?" Sora talked to herself. 

"where's he?I'm pretty sure he's running here" A girl talked to her friend. "Yeah, me too" Her friend replied. "Are you sure that's Seungho oppa?" Another girl said. "Ofcourse you saw Mir and Joon too,right?" the first girl annoyed. "it's okay, we'll find him again later, we have a class now" the 2nd girl suggest. The others sigh then agree and they are leaving now. 

"Who's she?I never see her before, new student?why she stare at me like that?she fall for me?kekeke" That boy thought while keep holding the book and arm around Sora.

"Yah!! what the hell are you doing?! who do you think you are?huh?!!" Sora scold him while stand up. That boy surprised with her reaction. He stare at her but still holding book. "Touch me again you'll regret it!" Sora clean up her books. "Stay away from me!" Sora grab her book then leave him alone. Dumbfounded. "What the hell?! she scold me?! she.." He mumbled. "Hyeong! you are here" his friend voice surprised him. "What's wrong with your face  Seungho hyeong?" Mir chuckled. "Haha..what happened hyeong?" Joon laugh. "Ani..let's go" Seungho stand up. Joon and Mir looked each other then shurg.

"Phweeeh..thank god she scold me when no one around me. That'll be problem if she scold me in front of the dongsaeng" Seungho talk to himself. 

"Aaaarrgghhh!! english class! I hate that" Mir whinning. "Tsk..Cheol Yong, it just one year. Easy" Joon put his arm around him. "That's true Cheol Yong, easy" Seungho added. Mir pout. they are walking to their class now. It's a general class so a lot of student take this class. "Whooah, a lot of people. Any seat left?" Mir said while exploring the class. "Look over there" Joon pointing at three empty seats at the back. Seungho, Mir and Joon heading to that seats. All eyes on them except one person. They just smile and slightly nodded while keep walking. "I wanna sit down here" Mir take a seat beside a girl who drown in her book. She was focused with her book and doesn't realize if Mir sit down beside her. "I'm here" Joon sit next to Mir and Seungho beside Joon. So, it's Mir, Joon then Seungho. "Who's she?I never seen her before" Mir whispered to Joon. Joon poke his head to checking on that girl. After look at her, Joon shook. "Mwo?" Seungho asked. "Ani, Mir asking about girl beside him" Joon replied while pointing to that girl. Seungho poke his head.  

When Joon pointing at her. She finished with her book. They can look at her face clearly now. Seungho' eyes wide open when he saw her. "uh?you know her hyeong?" Joon asked. "Ani" Seungho trying to looked cool. She now realize Mir sit down next to her. She looked at him then smile. "Annyeonghaseo" Mir greet her. "Annyeonghaseo" She smile. "Mir imida" Mir introduce himself. "Oh..Kang Sora imida" Sora replied with smile. Sora realize if Joon looked at her. She smile to him. "Joon imida" Joon said. "Sora" Sora smile. Seungho secretly take a glance to them but still trying to looked cool. "I've never see you before, are you new here" Mir asked. "Hmm..yes, I just move here" Sora smiled. "Ooo..where are you from?" Joon replied. But when she about to replied, their lecture is coming. "Good afternoon class" He begin. "Aaah..so her name is Sora" Seungho thought while preparing his book.

"Hmm..look like I have a lot of student here" He open his power point. "Okay, I've checking on the latest english class and all of you failed in speaking. Why??is it that hard?" He asked. "Ne" The students replied. "Tsk..what's wrong with you guys?Well, let's fixed it now" He smile. "Okay, I'll give you a task. A conversation task. Find a friend to be your partner and write a conversation then practice it in front of class" He continued. Aaaaaaahh" The students complaint. "Hey..what's is it?no complaint, hurry.." He order. "Huaa!! hyeong! eottheke?! I'm with you hyeong" Mir whinning to Joon. "I don't know. Eottheke?What should we write?" Joon scratch his back head. "Uh, Sora, who's your partner?" Mir asked Sora who keep calm. Sora looked at Mir then shrug. "Oh, what about Seungho hyeong?you can paired up with him" Mir suggest. "Who?" Sora asked. "With Seungho hyeong" Mir pointing at Seungho who trying to looked cool. He keep staring at his book. Sora poke her head. She frowned when she looked at him. "No,thanks, I'll find another partner" Sora replied uninterest. "Uh?wae-eo?" Mir confused. "I'm not.." Sora about to replied but she surprised with her lecture. He was walking around, checking on his students. "Oh..you guys are back" he talked to MBLAQ. "Ne" Seungho nodded. 

"Hi Cheol Yong. So, who's your partner?" He asked. "I'm with Joon hyeong" Mir grinned and Joon smile. "Okay.what about you Seungho?" He talked to Seungho. "Oh..I..still have no one" Seungho scratch his back head. "Uh?no one? Oh..Who are you?I never see you before" The lecture said when he looked at Sora. "Annyeonghaseo. Ne. I'm just moved here" Sora nodded. "Oh, so you're the new student. The sajang-nim told me about you. Aah,that's right. You can paired up with Seungho and help him. I've heard about your parents" He smile. "Ne but I" "Come on, Seungho moved here." The lecture cut her. He order Seungho to move to the empty seat beside her. Seungho sigh in defeat then moving. "Good, you guys can start now. We don't have much time" The lecture said then leaving. Sora sigh while looked away. "Listen, let's just do this and stop put that kinda face" Seungho said. "What the.." Sora sigh in disbelief. "Fine, let's have a fun conversation" Sora looked at Seungho intently. "Okay" Seungho trying to looked cool. Mir and Joon watching them then looked each other. They shrug then back to their task. 

"What kind of conversation you want?" Sora said uninterest. "Up to you" Seungho replied but didn't looked at Sora. Sora getting upset. "Okay, let's have a conversation about an insolent man who disturb a girl. She was reading" "Yah! what kind of conversation is that?" Seungho pissed. "You said up to me" Sora replied coldly. "What about a dumb girl and a cool guy?" Seungho smirk. "Mwo?dumb girl?!" Sora sigh in disbelief. "Yes, dumb girl." Seungho nodded while put a cocky face. Sora looked at Seungho and narrowing her eyes. "Okay, let's have that kinda conversation" Sora replied calmly then start to writing. Seungho surprised with her reaction but then checking on her writting. 

15 minutes later. "Okay, times up. Let's start it guys" The lecture said. "Aaaahh!" The students complaint. "Heey..why you guys always complaint. Hmm..let's start with..hmm, ah!what about Seungho and Kang Sora" The lecture said. All eyes on them now. Sora calmly stand up while Seungho look a bit nervous. "Fighting" Joon and Mir said. Sora smile to them. "Okay, are you ready guys?" The lecture asked as soon as Sora and Seungho arrived. They are standing in front of the class. Sora and Seungho nodded. "Okay, so what's your topic guys?" He asked. "Dumb girl and cool boy" Seungho replied with evil smile. Sora just sigh then looked away. "Well, it's all yours" The lecture said.

Sora : "Excuse me, do you know.."

Seungho : "Yes?What can I do for you?"

Sora : "Whoaaah..are you?"

Seungho : "Hmm..yes" Seungho nodded with smile

Sora : "Great! Could you tell me the difference between polar bear and grizzly bear?" 

Seungho : "Really?you don't know?Isn't it so obivious?"

Sora : "Nope" Sora shook

Seungho : "Grizzly bear is North American brown bear and Polar bear is a white Arctic Bear" Seungho put cocky face.

Sora : "Oooo..I just know it but Is Grizzly bear can speak in English?" 

Seungho : "What?" Seungho confused because Sora dialogue isn't in their script

Sora : "Yes, this is the best day in my life. I never thought that I'm gonna have conversation with a Grizzly bear in Seoul" Sora smirk.

The class laughed out loud even the lecture when they heard Sora's words. Seungho sigh in disbelief then clenching his fist. "Hahaha, nice. Thank You Sora and Seungho. You can going back to your seat" The lecture said. Sora bowed then back to her seat. Seungho bowed too but his eyes locked to Sora who walked in front of him. "Okay, who's next?" The lecture continued. The conversation task continued. Seungho back to his seat besides Joon but glare at Sora every minute. Finally their English class is finished. Sora was casually walking towards the exit but suddenly Seungho put his hand on Sora's right shoulder, trying to stop her. Sora surprised, she spontaneus throw her books on her left hand and in a flash she grab Seungho hand with her both hands. She turned her body while twist Seungho hand and folded it to his back. She locked Seungho's hand with her left hand and she raised her right fist, ready to punch him but she stopped by Seungho left hand. Seungho crossed his left hand in front of his face. Her fist only inches from Seungho hand.

"Yah!! What are doing?! Why you surprised me?!!" Sora let go Seungho's right hand. "Are you okay?" Sora pick up her books. "Yah! I just wanna talk to you!" Seungho annoyed. "Yah! it's not my fault. I told you to not to touch me again!" Sora pissed off, she walking away while nagging. Joon and Mir standing still. Dumbfounded. "Whoooaaahhh!! she can do martial art?" Mir impressed. Joon nodded while eyes locked to Sora. "Are you okay?" Joon checking on Seungho now. "I'm fine" Seungho replied then start to walking following by the others. "She can do martial art?where's she from?" Seungho talked to himself. "Hyeong let's eat. I'm hungry" Mir whinning. "Me too, gaja" Seungho replied. They are heading to the cafetaria. "Whoah, it's so crowded. We can't find any seat" Joon exploring cafetaria with his eyes. "Oh!that's Sora, she's alone. Let's join her" Mir excited. "Yah..let's find another place" Seungho replied. "Hyeong, no more place left, let's sit there" Mir begging. "That's right hyeong, no more place left" Joon added. "fine" Seungho sigh in defeat. "Sora, can we sit down here?" Mir grinned. Sora smile then nodded while munching her sandwich but her face expression changed when she saw Seungho. "Come on hyeong" Mir sit down right to Sora, Joon on her left side and Seungho across her. Sora and Seungho looked each other intently. 

"So, Sora, you can do martial art?" Mir break the silent. "Just a bit" Sora smile. "whoaaah, daebak. Where are you from?" Joon asked. "I just back from Alaska" Sora replied. "Ooo..penguin" Mir blurt out. Sora smile to him while drinking her water. "Yep, I was learning about penguin before back to Seoul" She said. "Just back from Alaska?that's why she doesn't know me?but Kpop all over the world these days. Even in Germany we were on the top chart. She really doesn't know me or she just pretend?" Seungho talked to himself. "Hmm..Sora, do you know us?" Joon suddenly asked. "Yes, Lee Joon and Mir,right?" Sora replied innocently. Mir and Joon burst of laughed. "Wae-eo?" Sora frowned. "Do you know MBLAQ?" Mir asked. "MBLAQ??" Sora confused. "Whoah, you really don't know MBLAQ??" Joon surprised. Sora just nodded. Seungho hissed. "And your problem is?" Sora looked at Seungho. She's getting upset. "You don't have internet connection or television in Alaska?" Seungho replied in cynical tone. "I never waste my time to watching a useless person" Sora replied coldly while stand up. "I have to go, see you again Joon and Mir" Sora waved to Joon and Mir then walking away without looking at Seungho. "Useless?!! she called me useless???!!!" Seungho pissed off. "Easy hyeong, she just back from broad. Relax" Joon and Mir trying to calm him down. 

"Arrrgghhh!!! society !!! how come people like him does exist?!!" Sora pissed off. She's sit down in that bench again. Bench when the first time she met Seungho. "no internet in alaska?" Sora stand up while replied Seungho acted. "Aaarrrgghhh! I should punch him earlier!! Damn you Seungho! aaarrggghh!! what a hateful person!!" Sora kick the tree. Suddenly her phone is ringing. "Uh?who is it?" Sora sit down.

"Hello..Sora is speaking" Sora pick up the phone.

"Yah..Kang Sora, you're in Seoul now. you have to speak in korean"

"Huh?aaaaaaaaa!! how are you?!! You changed your number?" Sora excited.

"Hehehe..yeah, I have to. So,how your first day?"

"! hey, I miss you, you already back to Seoul?"

"Yes, I just back last night. Let's meet up"

"Sure!! when?at your home?" Sora grinned

"Yep, see you at dinner" 

"Yay! see you, I'll hung up" Sora hung up. 

"aaaahh...finally I have someone to talked to" Sora sit down while smiling. "Yah..Sora, we need to talked" A voice surprised her. Sora looked at the source then rolled her eyes. "What again, Seungho?" Sora stand up.



Sorry if the english conversation task is boring :P. Free to comment ^^ 



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Chapter 16: I enjoy reading this!
Mona13 #2
Chapter 16: This was very good. I give you two thumbs up
KellyKiller #3
Chapter 16: awwwwwww...... his penguin is back :)
munkynuts23 #4
Good story. I love Leader Panda.
@Dalily : Thank you!!! Really?don't forget to subscribe then,kekeke
@MeganEve : Thank You!! <3 and thank you for comment <3333333
I love this story <3 THNK YOU!!
Dalily #7
waaa...really nice ending..i hope you can make more story about Seungho...i'll wait for it..
@MeganEve : Be patient friend,haha..but the next chapter will be the final chapter..
Please don;t leave Seungho <\3 update before i dieee