Chapter 7

I Hid Because of the Things I Couldn't Say



Kevin couldn’t move at the sound of his name being said by the other male. It was too much for Kevin. What was worst was when another male came up to stand by Kiseop’s side in his peripheral vision. The male was taller than Kevin, but shorter than Kiseop. The brunet didn’t know who this male was, but it became apparent that Kiseop knew the other not a second later.

“Kiseop, do you know this person?”

Kiseop nodded at AJ’s question. He slowly opened his mouth to answer as he released the grip he had on Kevin’s arm. He tried to think of the correct words to describe how he knew Kevin, but in the end decided to go for the truth. After all, it was all in the past and he was with AJ now.

“We’re—“ Kiseop started, but was interrupted by Kevin.

“Acquaintances,” Kevin said as he looked towards the male next to Kiseop. The brunet didn’t recognize the other male and Kevin felt dread make its way to his heart. He had a suspicious feeling about what this man in front of him was towards Kiseop and Kevin didn’t like it.

“Hello. I’m AJ and Kiseop’s boyfriend,” AJ introduced as he gave a slight bow towards Kevin. “It’s nice to meet a friend of Kiseop.”

“Kevin,” Kevin introduced as he also gave his own bow to AJ. He then turned to Eli and introduced the blond to the other two. “This is Eli, my boyfriend.” As Kevin said those words, he glanced towards Kiseop’s direction and for a brief moment he thought he saw a flash of pain through the red head’s eyes.

No Kevin, you’re just imagining it, Kevin thought to himself as he dismissed what he saw. He heard Eli say things before he looked away from Kiseop. Little did the brunet realize that he wasn’t imagining the flash of pain in Kiseop’s eyes.

Kiseop, upon hearing those words leave Kevin’s lips, felt hurt. Hurt that Kevin had moved on from him. And though he already knew there was a possibility that Kevin had moved on in the time span they were apart, it didn’t stop him from hoping that Kevin hadn’t or the pain to stop hurting.

Hypocrite, Kiseop’s mind supplied. And he knew it was true. He had chosen to move on as well, but it was only for Kevin. The one he loved, still love, and had tried to contain the love he once felt for the other. But now that Kiseop was standing in front of Kevin after six years, the only thing he wanted to do was to pull said male to his chest and hug and kiss him. Yet he couldn’t. Not now, not ever.

After a moment of silence, Kiseop said in a monotone, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Eli.” And Kiseop felt a small part of him die on the inside as he said those few words to the male who had taken Kevin’s heart.

“Did you guys just get into town?” AJ asked. He looked from Kevin to Kiseop and back again out of the corners of his eyes. He was curious as to what had caused his boyfriend’s sullen mood change. He wondered if there was something more to Kiseop and Kevin’s relationship than just being mere acquaintances. He had a feeling there was.

“Well, Kevin just did. I’ve been here for about a week,” Eli answered. He too had noticed the way Kevin had interrupted Kiseop when he was about to say something. It was curious to him, but he didn’t say anything. Instead he entwined his fingers with Kevin’s.

“What are you guys going to do today then?” AJ asked.

“We were just going to go around the mall and look around.”

“Would you care to join us?”


Kevin felt his heart drop at the prospect of having to be next to Kiseop and not being able to do anything. And though he wanted to be by Kiseop, Kevin didn’t want to stay in the other’s presence. He was stuck between wanting to apologize to the red head for what he had done in the past to just running away. But Kevin could build up the courage to say anything, especially with his boyfriend and AJ around.

The four walked around the mall until the sky started to turn a bright orange. AJ and Eli had gotten along to know each other that they could now call each other friends already. But while the two were having fun, Kevin’s and Kiseop’s mind and heart had been a jumble of emotions. They didn’t even know what to say. How could they?

How could they say anything when they were both hurting? Hurting from loving the other too much. But as it neared the end of the day, the two knew they had to talk to each other. If not to explain, but to move on.

“Kevin,” Kiseop called softly. When he got Kevin’s attention he continued. “We need to talk about what happened six years ago.”

Kevin took a deep breath before he nodded his answer. The brunet had honestly known that this was going to happen. If not now then later, but either way it would still come. That didn’t mean that he was ready to face it now. But his heart wanted them to be together while his mind protested. In the end, his heart won.

“When and where do you want to meet?”

Kiseop didn’t say anything for a while. His mind trying to come up with places that the two of them could meet that was neutral to the both of them. Meaning a place that wouldn’t bring up unnecessary memories in Kiseop while in the other’s presence. But there wasn’t many places the pair could go to that wouldn’t bring up memories and those that didn’t were buildings that were built after Kevin had left.

The red head just sighed before answering Kevin’s question.

“Do you remember the café across from the park that we used to go to?” A nod from Kevin. “Let’s meet there on Saturday at around noon.”

“Okay. I’ll see you then Kiseop,” Kevin said softly before going to stand next to Eli. Kevin watched as Kiseop walked next to his boyfriend and said boyfriend quickly placed a kiss on the red head’s cheek. At the sight of the peck, Kevin felt his heart clench in pain and he wanted to pull AJ away from Kiseop and demand that he would leave Kiseop alone, but he didn’t. He couldn’t do anything; after all, it was his entire fault that he wasn’t the one who stood by Kiseop’s side anymore.

It wasn’t long after that that the two couples separated and head home for the night.


In the days leading up to Kevin’s meeting with Kiseop, Kevin was a mess. He had butterflies in his stomach constantly at the thought of having to tell Kiseop the truth. Kevin didn’t want to tell Kiseop the truth because even if he told the other why he did what he did, it wouldn’t make a difference. Kiseop had moved on and the thought of the two of them being together was gone for good. They could never go back to the way things were. And the thought hurt more than it should.

Now that it was Saturday and almost near the appointed time, Kevin was almost tempted to not meet with Kiseop and tell him he wasn’t feeling good. At least it wouldn’t be a complete lie. It was just a shame that he didn’t have the other’s number. So with a sigh, Kevin grabbed his coat and headed for the café he was going to meet the love that could never be his again.

The walk to the café was surprisingly short and when Kevin got there Kiseop was already seated at a table. Kevin paused as he took in Kiseop.

Kiseop wore what others would think was casual, but to Kevin it was made even better with the red head wearing it. The bright red leather jacket that clung nicely to Kiseop’s body that it showed off his body and caught the attention of a few females that passed by. Kevin continued staring at Kiseop for a few moments before he was brought out of his staring by the said red head he was admiring.

When Kiseop had looked towards the entrance to see if Kevin would show up, he saw the brunet just standing there staring off in his direction. He wasn’t sure to feel at that point. He wasn’t sure if Kevin was looking at him or something else—he hoped it was him, but the chance of that was slim. Kiseop stood up and waved for Kevin to come over. The red head watched as Kevin made his way towards his table and took a seat. When Kevin had took a seat Kiseop also sat down and a waitress came to their table.

“Hello sirs,” the waitress greeted. “May I take your orders?”

Kevin paused and picked up the menu in front of him. With a glance at the menu the brunet ordered the first thing he saw which was some sort of cake from what he understood. He also ordered an earl tea before the waitress turned to Kiseop.

“And you, sir?”

“Just a jasmine tea,” Kiseop answered.

“Okay. I’ll be back with your orders shortly,” the waitress said before she walked away.

After the waitress left the two had fallen into an uncomfortable silence. It wasn’t even broken until after the waitress had brought their orders and even then it wasn’t until a few minutes later that it finally broke. Kiseop being the one who broke the ice.

“How have you been, Kevin?” Kiseop asked as he took a sip from his tea. Kiseop really did want to know how the other was doing. Even though the other had broken his heart, he still worried about the other and had continued to worry even now.

“I’ve been fine and you?” Kevin asked in return as he too took a sip from his tea.


Silence fell once more between the two and Kevin wanted to fidget in his seat at the silence. In the past, Kevin never minded the silence with Kiseop before, but now it was uncomfortable. The thought sadden Kevin that he may never be comfortable with the red head again. The brunet’s heart ached, but he would deal with it as best as he could, after all it was his fault.

Kiseop took a deep breath and released it in a sort of tired sigh. He wanted to get past this stage of awkwardness and the last of his heartbreak. Releasing another sigh Kiseop said in an even tone, “Kevin, I know that this must be awkward for you after all these years of being gone, but can you please tell me why you broke up with me?”

Kevin inwardly groaned, this was what he had wanted to avoid at all cost. How exactly was he going to explain to Kiseop why he broke up with him when he had been too much of a coward in the first place. The time past with the brunet lost in his thought, but went unnoticed until Kiseop had spoken up.

“You don’t have to tell me now if you don’t want to, but I hope that you’ll be able to tell me one day,” Kiseop said softly. “I just want us to be friends again at least. We don’t even have to mention anything about the time we dated if that’s what you want.”

Kevin didn’t say anything for a few seconds as the words that the older male had sunk in. The words in his mind translating to something entirely different than what was actually said.

“Let’s forget the past and be just friends.”

The thought hurt, but it was enough. Just being by Kiseop’s side, even as friends, was long as he could see Kiseop, it would be enough. At least, that’s what he hoped. So with a smile, Kevin glanced at Kiseop and nodded his head.

“Okay Kiseop.”


AN: This story makes me both happy and sad whenever I'm writing.  Happy cuz it's vinseop, sad cuz they're not together.

It makes me so kaput about it. Still, I hope you guys like it. Not my favorite chapter, but at least they've sort of made up. Oh well. 

Tell me what you guys think. And thanks for taking you time to even read my story. It makes me happy to see when people subscribe, comment, or even when I see the view counts. It makes me happy. So I won't ever abandon this story, so don't worry. It just takes time to update, I'm very busy.

In other news, I have a request of you lovely readers, me and Kirakaiwolf54,  are working on a story of our own for school. Some of you may know her from this sight, especially if you like taeny and soosica. This is a story that is currently a work in progress and I want your opinions about this one scene that I wrote for the story. 

Just go to this link:

You can review anonymously if you want, but I just want your opinion about it as we plan to make this a movie later on as well.

So that's it! Until next time lovely readers!

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This next chapter is probably going to be the shortest yet to date. I'm sorry about this, but I want to get this out.


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Chapter 19: So I read this entire thing in one day (wow, no life xD lol) and I absolutely love this! It was so beautifully written and the emotional roller coaster I went through was just...anyways, I hope you can post the epilogue soon although the ending is already perfect as is ^^
Chapter 19: eli and aj together too xDD
Chapter 18: Gdhagsg! I'm SO glad they got together! I knew this couldn't end up with them apart... Oh! Last two chapters? Well I'll wait for them n.n take care and again really nice story! <3
Ps: how was your graduation? :)
Chapter 18: sooo cute togetherr ^^
update soon pleasee xD
Chapter 18: I hope Eli and AJ will find another lover who can love them with all of his/her heart...they deserved to be happy, because of their big heart vinseop is finally together again ^.^
Chapter 17: can't wait for the other chapter T^T
i love Eli & Aj in this story xD
erialc #7
Chapter 17: I really admire Eli and AJ in this story, it takes a lot of love and guts to let someone go.
Chapter 17: You update!!! n.n I'm really glad Eli was so supporting ;A; it was about time someone said something for Kevin to realize he must go back to KiSeop!
Looking forward to the next chapter :) take care and congratulations on you graduation (*^_^*)
this fic is SO good! ;A; actually I kind of cry on the 9th chapter TT_TT the part when Kevin ask KiSeop for a ride home and he rejects it OMG that was so heartbroken the way you describe it u_u anyway, can't wait to read the next chapter ^_^
ps: I don't really ship the soohoon but it's good too n.n -hugs-
Chapter 16: Soohoon soo cutee ^-^