Chapter 5

I Hid Because of the Things I Couldn't Say


Kiseop sighed as he tossed the diploma on the coffee table. The last few hours had been long for Kiseop as he had just graduated from college. Unfortunately it was now all about the graduation parties the other graduates were going to throw—not that Kiseop even cared. He wasn’t going to spend all his money on something pointless in his view nor was he planning on going to one.

The red head made his way towards his bedroom. He stripped his clothes until he was in his boxer and tossed his clothes into the hamper next to the bathroom door. He walked towards his closet and grabbed a pair of pajama pants and boxers. With the items in hand, Kiseop took a shower. As he took a shower his mind wandered to the past six years—all of which was a slight blur to him. After all, he hadn’t done anything worth remembering properly. He hadn’t even dated anyone and had only focused on his studies. Kiseop knew he was going to have to find something else to keep his minds off of things he didn’t want to think about. But what? Work wasn’t a challenge and going clubbing every night didn’t appeal to Kiseop like it would to most.

Maybe Soohyun was right. I am turning into a hermit, Kiseop thought as he remembered what his friend had said so long ago. After just standing in the hot spray of the water, Kiseop twisted the tap to shut off the water and got out. He dressed slowly and dried his hair at a leisurely pace. Once dressed he lay on his bed and slept. There were no dreams for Kiseop that night or memories of the past that brought pain to Kiseop’s heart. There was only darkness.

When Kiseop opened his eyes it was to the sight of his bedroom ceiling and the sound of knocking. The red head groaned at the knocking and just wanted to go back to sleep. Kiseop brought his pillow over his face to try and block out the noise. When he did the knocking had stopped. With the annoying knocks stopped Kiseop closed his eyes to go back to sleep, too bad that the person at his front door was a very persistent person.

Kiseop released another groan as the knocking came back with full force—which was probably worse now. He just hoped that whoever it was on the other side of his door wouldn’t break it down. The idea of having to pay the landlord property damage and having to install a new door wasn’t on his list of things he would do. The male got out of bed and made his way to the door. As soon as Kiseop opened the door, he was greeted by Soohyun—who had thrown his arms around him—and Hoon. The former practically shouting his greeting to Kiseop.

“Hello Soohyun, Hoon. What brings you here?” Kiseop asked as he pulled away from Soohyun’s embrace.

“There’s a graduation party going on tonight and you’re coming with us!” Soohyun declared. He wasn’t going to leave any room for Kiseop to argue. The older male was determined to get his friend out and enjoy life. “You need to get out more, got that.”

Kiseop only groaned inwardly. He didn’t want to argue with Soohyun at the moment. “Fine, I’ll go with you. Just tell me the time and place.”

You got it, buddy!” Soohyun said happily. “To celebrate, let’s go out and get you some new party clothes.” Soohyun began to push Kiseop out of the door until Hoon had rested a hand on his shoulder. The older male gave a questioning look towards Hoon, but as soon as his eyes landed on the other’s eyes he gave a nod. He released Kiseop and headed for the door. “Okay Hoon, just make sure that Kiseop comes down with you.”

“Don’t worry Soohyun. It’ll only take a few minutes,” Hoon said with a smile as he placed a soft kiss on his boyfriend’s cheek. He watched as his boyfriend left the apartment before he turned to face Kiseop, who had a confused expression on his face. “We need to talk.”

“About what?”

“Kiseop, I know that you have probably heard this thousands of times, but you need to listen to this,” Hoon said gently and Kiseop got the feeling that he knew where this conversation was going. “You need to move on. It’s already been six years.”

Kiseop stiffened at hearing those words. Words that he didn’t want to hear. Not when he couldn’t move on yet. Not when it still hurt to think about that day all those years ago. When he was happy and his heart was ready to burst from being around that one person—even if through the happiness he felt the pain of not being loved by the one person he wanted that love from. And knowing that the other didn’t love him anymore will always hurt no matter how much time will pass. The red head scoffed mentally at whoever said that the pain would ease with time. They apparently have never had their heart broken by the love of their life.

“I’m not ready to move on, Hoon,” Kiseop said softly that the other had to strain to hear his words. “It’s still too painful.”

“”I know it still hurts Kiseop, but you have to try to get over it at least. And if not for yourself, then do it for Kevin. He would want you to move on.”

Kiseop didn’t say anything as he took in Hoon’s words. His heart wouldn’t let him forget the time he spent with Kevin, but what Hoon had said was so true. Kevin would want him to move on. Could he move on? The answer was yes, but the real question was whether he wanted to. Yet, Kiseop found himself nodding and answering Hoon’s words. Even if his heart was telling him not to—to wait for Kevin—Kiseop would move on if that was what Kevin wanted.

“I’ll try Hoon.”

Hoon gave a smile as he ushered Kiseop out the door. And in a soft voice he said, “Everything will work out.”


The party had started at nine and everyone had arrived with the few late comers who were coming at different times. Kiseop, Hoon, and Soohyun being some of the few who came later than everyone else. As soon as the three had entered, Hoon and Soohyun went to the dance floor while Kiseop went to take a seat at the bar.

Kiseop watched as his friends danced in the crowd. He saw the two sharing a few kisses here and there as they danced to the music. A sharp pang entered the red head's heart. It wasn't that he was jealous, but that he saw Kevin and himself dancing in place of the couple. They were laughing and smiling together. And just as quickly as the image appeared it was gone. A frown marred Kiseop’s face at what he saw. Maybe it was the sight of how happy his friends were that caused him to remember when he was happy with Kevin.

The sound of glass hitting wood reached Kiseop’s ears causing him to turn around to the bartender. Kiseop shot the bartender a questioning look as he had yet to order anything. He bartender in return just shrugged and pointed to a male at the end of the bar. Said male stood up and walked over to sit next to Kiseop.

"Thanks for the drink," Kiseop thanked as the male sat down.

"Not a problem, man. You looked like you needed it," the man said. "So, what's with the frown?"

"It's nothing."

The stranger glanced at the direction where Kiseop was looking to see Soohyun and Hoon kissing. He then turned back to Kiseop. "Thinking of your ex?" the stranger asked as he raised a hand to call the bartender over. He quickly ordered a drink before glancing at Kiseop for an answer.

"Why would you say that?" Kiseop questioned as he took a sip from the drink the stranger had gotten him. It burned slightly as it went down his throat, but it was a good burn.

"The way you look at those two. Are one of them you ex?"

Kiseop couldn't help it when the laugh came out. The thought of Soohyun or Hoon being his boyfriend was too funny. "Goodness, no! They're just friends." Kiseop answered.

"If they're just friends then I'm guessing that your ex isn't here."

"I don't even know you," Kiseop said in a light tone. "And yet, you are asking about my love life. You're certainly strange."

"Sorry, forgot my manners there. Name's Jaeseop or AJ, whichever you prefer," the stranger, Jaeseop, introduced. "And you, handsome?"

Kiseop ignored the last word of the other's question. "It's Kiseop."

"So Kiseop, are you going to dance?" AJ asked. He then drank the rest of his drink. When he turned to look at Kiseop, he saw the other shake his head as a negative. AJ just gave a 'tsking' noise before he stood up. He saw the confused look that was sported on Kiseop’s face, but he didn't explain anything. A smile was placed on his face and he took Kiseop's hand in his own. Once he held the other's hand AJ dragged the red head to the dance floor.

"Why di--" Kiseop started, but was interrupted by a finger being placed on his lips. He looked at AJ and waited for the other to answer his interrupted question. The smile was still on AJ's face.

"Indulge me Kiseop," AJ said. He then began to dance to the beat of the music as he placed his hands on Kiseop's waist. He then began to move Kiseop's body along with his own. He continued to hold Kiseop's waist even after Kiseop began to dance to the music.

Kiseop didn't know when his body began to move on its own, but now that it did Kiseop enjoyed it. He couldn't remember the last time he had danced or even enjoyed something. It had just been so long for the red head, ever since Kevin had left him.

Kevin, the one he had given his heart to. Who was his joy, life, and soul. Who had broken his heart and left him with no chance of closure. The one he still love with all his heart and more than anything in the world.

Kiseop's thoughts stopped abruptly as he was about to picture Kevin smiling at him and was the one who was actually dancing in front of him. He needed to get over Kevin like everyone had said and Kiseop knew that. It was just that his heart was unwilling of him to let it go.

Kiseop fixed his gaze on AJ as it had drifted to somewhere over the other's shoulder. Their body moving against one another. He looked AJ over and actually saw him for the first time. AJ was beautiful, though not in the sense of when one would talk about women. Perhaps the right word for Kiseop to use would be handsome. Yes, AJ was handsome and in the short amount of time that Kiseop had spent with the other, the red head felt relax. Kiseop didn't know why, he just did.

The pair danced for a while longer until AJ had gone to the restroom while Kiseop went to get drinks for the two of them. The red head had asked for two glasses of water before Hoon and Soohyun were by his side. His mind registered the two ordering drinks themselves before they had turned to face him. Once they were facing him that was when the questions began.

"Are you having fun?" Hoon asked.

At the same time Soohyun had asked l, "Who was that you were dancing with?"

There were more questions, but those were the only two he had heard over the loud sound of the music. So he answered them. "I'm having fun and that was AJ or Jaeseop to answer your question." there was a smile on Kiseop's face as he admitted he was having fun.

Soohyun was about to make a comment about Kiseop's smile until he was stopped by his lover placing a hand on his shoulder. He looked at Hoon who had a smile in his face as he inclined his head in the direction of the restroom. Soohyun followed where Hoon indicated and saw the male who he now knew as AJ coming over to Kiseop. He then watched as AJ drank the other glass of water next to Kiseop's glass before he dragged the red head to the outside of the bar. Soohyun turned back towards Hoon with a smile on his face that matched the one Hoon was wearing as well.

Meanwhile, Kiseop and AJ were outside of the bar facing each other. Kiseop wore a confused expression on his handsome face as he wondered why the other male had brought him outside. The other male had given no indication as to why he had brought Kiseop here, so for now, Kiseop was waiting for the other to speak.

"Kiseop, will you go out with me?" AJ asked after a minute of just looking at Kiseop.

Kiseop's mouth fell open at what AJ had asked. They had only just met and barely knew each other. And yet, AJ had asked him out. That was what Kiseop told AJ as well.

"I know that we barely know each other, but that's what dates are for," AJ said with a large smile. "So how about it?"

Kiseop didn't say anything as he took in what AJ had said. AJ wanted to go out with him, but Kiseop wasn't sure. He wasn't sure what to do--or would it be better to say his heart wasn't sure. After all, his heart still belonged to Kevin. And at the thought of Kevin he remembered what Hoon had said earlier about Kevin wanting him to move on by now. With that thought in mind and the lingering pain in his heart Kiseop gave his answer to AJ.

"I'll go out with you, AJ." And I'll move on for Kevin's sake, Kiseop added in his head. He would move on because he was tired of always feeling the sadness and maybe with AJ it will go away. Just because this would be what Kevin would want for him. So Kiseop gave a smile towards AJ as he received one from the other male.


AN: I'm sorry for the long wait everyone, but here is chapter 6.

There are reasons as to why  this is late. My heart was breaking at the thought of putting Kiseop and AJ together. Not only that, I wrote down the first few paragraphs and then my mind went blank. I didn't know how to continue the story. So sorry if this seems a little choppy. In more news, I had training during the summer, school started up for me and I have a job, so updates will be at least every two weeks or so. I'm sorry, but life  is hectic.

So once again sorry for the long wait.

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This next chapter is probably going to be the shortest yet to date. I'm sorry about this, but I want to get this out.


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Chapter 19: So I read this entire thing in one day (wow, no life xD lol) and I absolutely love this! It was so beautifully written and the emotional roller coaster I went through was just...anyways, I hope you can post the epilogue soon although the ending is already perfect as is ^^
Chapter 19: eli and aj together too xDD
Chapter 18: Gdhagsg! I'm SO glad they got together! I knew this couldn't end up with them apart... Oh! Last two chapters? Well I'll wait for them n.n take care and again really nice story! <3
Ps: how was your graduation? :)
Chapter 18: sooo cute togetherr ^^
update soon pleasee xD
Chapter 18: I hope Eli and AJ will find another lover who can love them with all of his/her heart...they deserved to be happy, because of their big heart vinseop is finally together again ^.^
Chapter 17: can't wait for the other chapter T^T
i love Eli & Aj in this story xD
erialc #7
Chapter 17: I really admire Eli and AJ in this story, it takes a lot of love and guts to let someone go.
Chapter 17: You update!!! n.n I'm really glad Eli was so supporting ;A; it was about time someone said something for Kevin to realize he must go back to KiSeop!
Looking forward to the next chapter :) take care and congratulations on you graduation (*^_^*)
this fic is SO good! ;A; actually I kind of cry on the 9th chapter TT_TT the part when Kevin ask KiSeop for a ride home and he rejects it OMG that was so heartbroken the way you describe it u_u anyway, can't wait to read the next chapter ^_^
ps: I don't really ship the soohoon but it's good too n.n -hugs-
Chapter 16: Soohoon soo cutee ^-^