Chapter 3

I Hid Because of the Things I Couldn't Say


AN: Thank you for all those who have left comments. I'm actually really surprise as I never expected to get any. You guys are the best and I thank you for all those who have subscribe to this story as well. I'll keep working hard to try and get the chapters out to you guys.

So without further words, enjoy chapter 3.


Kiseop just stared out of the window and watched as the rain fell to the earth. He didn’t think of anything as he continued to stare out of the window. The only thought on his mind was the fact that that day was the day that Kevin broke up with him. It had already been a year since then, but to Kiseop it wasn’t. The event felt like it had just happened yesterday, the pain still fresh in his heart.

The days had passed in a blur, but the pain never eased nor left Kiseop. People say that with time everything would get better. Maybe they were right, but Kiseop wouldn’t know. The pain in his heart had yet to leave. But truth be told, Kiseop wasn’t sure if he wanted the pain to leave. It was a constant reminder of what he felt for Kevin that he could only be able to feel what he did with Kevin.

Kiseop sighed as he stood from where he had taken a seat in front of the window. He slowly made his way to the kitchen of his flat to make something to eat. He didn’t feel like something big even though it was already close to being night time. So he just made an omelet as it was fast and easy to make. Just when his food touched the plate that he had laid out, someone knocked on his front door.

By the sound of the knock, Kiseop had a pretty good idea on who was at the door. The brunet set down the pan and made his way to answer the door. Once the door was open an arm was slung around his neck. The arm that was connected to the body then dragged him to the living room.

“Kiseop, tonight we are going out and party!” the person holding Kiseop declared.

“Soohyun-hyung, can you release me?” Kiseop asked. When the arm around his shoulder was gone, Kiseop asked, “And what do you mean by partying?”

“Exactly what I said! You have yet to go out for the past year. And don’t even say you have been out of your apartment; school, work, and groceries don’t count,” Soohyun said when he saw the younger was going to retort. His face then turned to one of woe at what he was going to say next. “You’ve turned into a hermit and you’re just starting your college life.”

“Hyung, I—“

“Don’t try to talk me out of this Kiseop! You are going to go no matter what, even if I have to bodily drag you out myself,” Soohyun threatened. “Now go get dress and let’s have some fun!” The older male then pushed Kiseop towards his room. Once the other was in the room Soohyun went to find something quick to eat. Lucky for him, Kiseop’s food was left out and unguarded.

In the bedroom Kiseop sighed as he went through hid closet. He didn’t want to go out, but because it was Soohyun that had threatened him, he knew the other would actually follow through. Another sigh escaped his lips as he tried to find an outfit to wear, but it was difficult when Kiseop had stopped caring about what he wore for the past year. After a few minutes of looking though his closet Kiseop just grabbed anything and dressed. Once he was he left his room and went to find Soohyun. When he did Kiseop found him finishing his dinner.

“Hyung!” Kiseop shouted.

Soohyun looked up from the plate with a sheepish smile as he answered Kiseop. “Yes Kiseop?”

“If you ate my dinner, you better be thinking of buying me dinner later.”

Soohyun had the decency to blush at what he did. But when he had seen what Kiseop was wearing, it stopped. He nodded his head in approval as he surveyed what the others choice of clothes. It was the perfect outfit for what they were going to do tonight. The blond swung his arm around Kiseop’s shoulder and proceeded to drag the other out the door.

“Now let’s party!”


It was already past midnight and Kiseop was not enjoying himself one bit. Even though Soohyun had taken him out to have fun, said blond had ditched him as soon as they had entered their fifth bar together. Drinking the rest of his water, Kiseop stood up and left the bar. He didn’t want to be there any longer than necessary and chose to walk without a thought of where he was going.

Kiseop didn’t care where he was going; he just allowed his feet to lead him to wherever they wanted him to go. He barely registered the streets he had to as he still needed to get home. When he did finally stop Kiseop wished he hadn’t.

A sharp pang of sadness entered Kiseop’s heart as he stared at the building in front of him, a building he hadn’t seen for close to a year. Kiseop felt the telltale signs of tears beginning to form as the memories began to flash through his mind. They didn’t stop and it hurt. He could still picture the day everything ended. He remembered that that day was a Thursday and had been sunny for most of the day. He remembered soft lips against his own and the taste of something sweet. Most importantly, he remembered the dark gaze filled with love directed only towards him.

Kiseop snapped out of his thoughts as soon as the image of the one who stole his heart and broke it came to mind. He had promised himself that he wouldn’t think about it. At least Kiseop had tried, but it was hard for him. Everything had reminded him of Kevin, Kevin who had been his love, his life, his everything. And when Kevin had broken up with him, everything had been a blur. He couldn’t even remember the first month. All he remembered was calling Kevin that one time and waiting for the other to call him back. It never happened. He knew that he had gone through a slight depression during that time and if it wasn’t for his family and friends, Kiseop was sure that it would’ve been worse.

The brunet closed his eyes as he tried to push the memories deep into his mind, but it was still hard. Standing outside of Kevin’s house he was reminded of when he had first met Kevin’s family as his boyfriend. It had been nerve wracking to say the least back then.


“Kevin, I don’t know about this,” a younger Kiseop said nervously. Butterflies were fluttering wildly in his stomach at the thought of what the two of them was going to have to do.

“You can do it, Kiseop,” Kevin encourage. He gave his boyfriend’s hand a slight squeeze to comfort the other. “You’ve already met them and they love you.”

“That was before I became your boyfriend,” Kiseop pointed out. The butterflies were still fluttering, but the fact that Kevin was trying to comfort him helped to calm them down greatly. Kevin just gave a pointed look at Kiseop and said boy sighed. “I’ll take your words to heart,” Kiseop said as he gave Kevin a small smile which was returned to him at full force.

When they had reached Kevin’s house the butterflies were back with a vengeance. Kiseop couldn’t even say hi to Kevin’s mother when she had opened the door for them, he only looked at the ground. They were shortly sitting and Kiseop had yet to look up from the ground. His nervousness robbing him of his courage.

“Mom, is everyone else home?” Kiseop heard Kevin ask. Kiseop prayed that the answer would be a no. Too bad for him that it wasn’t.

“Deanna is in her room and your father is upstairs doing some paperwork,” Kevin’s mother answered. “Would you like me to go get them?”

“Yes please. I have something to tell you guys,” Kevin said in a tone that sounded like he was smiling.

“Okay dear.”

Kiseop listened as the footsteps of Kevin’s mother faded away the farther away she went from the room. His head still down, not looking at anything. He didn’t look up until Kevin had called his name. Once he looked up, Kevin had a soft smile on his face as he tried to calm Kiseop down.

“Relax Kiseop. Everything’s going to be all right, just you watch.”

Kiseop only nodded his head as he clung to what Kevin had said. He clung to it as if it was his lifeline and at the moment it sort of was before Kiseop felt like he was going to bolt from the house.

“What is it that you had to talk about, Kevin?” Kevin’s father asked as he entered the room and took a seat across from the two teens.

Kevin smiled as he entwined his hand with one of Kiseop’s. “I would like for you to meet my boyfriend,” Kevin announced. Kiseop felt like hitting himself in the head at how straight forward Kevin had been at announcing the news to his family.

Kiseop waited in the silence that had followed after Kevin’s announcement. It was horrible for Kiseop and it didn’t help the butterflies in his stomach at all. He even began to worry that Kevin’s family wouldn’t accept their relationship. That Kevin would have to choose between his family and Kiseop. He didn’t want to see that happen to Kevin ever.

After a few minutes of silence, it was Kevin’s mother who had broken it.

“I’m so glad you found someone,” Kevin’s mother said. This in turned had caused Kiseop to look at Kevin’s mother with slight confusion. “I was wondering when you two would get together.”

Kiseop’s mouth had opened slightly at what Kevin’s mother had just said. Sure, he had hope for some acceptance from his boyfriend’s family, but what the others mother said threw him completely off. It only continued as the other family members began to put in their two cents.

“You better take care of my son, Kiseop,” Kevin’s father said. He gave Kiseop a pat on the shoulder and though it sounded like a threat, he was wearing a large smile on his face.

“Congrats you two!” Deanna congratulated happily.

Kiseop only smiled as he took in what had just happened. His and Kevin’s relationship was accepted by Kevin’s family. They could be together without having to worry. The smile grew as he thought that Kevin wouldn’t have to pick between him and his family.

At that moment, Kiseop felt something lean on his shoulder. And since there was only one person who would be leaning on his shoulder now Kiseop wrapped an arm around Kevin’s waist and drew him closer to his body. He looked down at the smaller male. Said male had a smile on his face and his eyes seem to be saying, ‘I told you so,’ and Kiseop was happy that Kevin had been right.

“Yeah, you were right and I’m glad you were,” Kiseop said softly as he placed a kiss on the others forehead. “I love you.”

Kiseop was awarded with a large smile and an equally soft ‘I love you.’


Coming out of the memory Kiseop realized that a few of the tears he had been trying to hold back had escaped. He sighed and wiped them away. The brunet looked at the house one last time before he turned to walk back to his apartment. He pushed away the thoughts and memories of the other male towards the back of his mind. Kiseop just didn’t want to think about them anymore, he only wanted to forget them. The pain and hurt that always seem to accompany them and wanted to drown him in it. He just wanted to forget and finally be able to move on. Even if his heart didn’t want him to.


AN: Here is the third chapter! I hope you guys liked it. Sorry it’s a bit late, but I’ll try to update by Saturday. The next chapter is going to be an interface and won’t be having Kevin or Kiseop in it as a heads up. I’m going to be doing something special for the next chapter for my friend. (You know who you are.) So look forward to it!

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This next chapter is probably going to be the shortest yet to date. I'm sorry about this, but I want to get this out.


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Chapter 19: So I read this entire thing in one day (wow, no life xD lol) and I absolutely love this! It was so beautifully written and the emotional roller coaster I went through was just...anyways, I hope you can post the epilogue soon although the ending is already perfect as is ^^
Chapter 19: eli and aj together too xDD
Chapter 18: Gdhagsg! I'm SO glad they got together! I knew this couldn't end up with them apart... Oh! Last two chapters? Well I'll wait for them n.n take care and again really nice story! <3
Ps: how was your graduation? :)
Chapter 18: sooo cute togetherr ^^
update soon pleasee xD
Chapter 18: I hope Eli and AJ will find another lover who can love them with all of his/her heart...they deserved to be happy, because of their big heart vinseop is finally together again ^.^
Chapter 17: can't wait for the other chapter T^T
i love Eli & Aj in this story xD
erialc #7
Chapter 17: I really admire Eli and AJ in this story, it takes a lot of love and guts to let someone go.
Chapter 17: You update!!! n.n I'm really glad Eli was so supporting ;A; it was about time someone said something for Kevin to realize he must go back to KiSeop!
Looking forward to the next chapter :) take care and congratulations on you graduation (*^_^*)
this fic is SO good! ;A; actually I kind of cry on the 9th chapter TT_TT the part when Kevin ask KiSeop for a ride home and he rejects it OMG that was so heartbroken the way you describe it u_u anyway, can't wait to read the next chapter ^_^
ps: I don't really ship the soohoon but it's good too n.n -hugs-
Chapter 16: Soohoon soo cutee ^-^