Interlude IV

I Hid Because of the Things I Couldn't Say


Hoon sighed as he placed Soohyun’s phone back on the table. His thoughts circling around Kevin and Kiseop’s predicament. It was annoying and Hoon was getting sick of it. And he had a feeling that he wasn’t the only one to be getting annoyed.

“Who was that Hoon?” Soohyun asked from the doorway. He still wore his pajamas and his hair was messy from bed hair. A blanket was wrapped around his frame and dark circles were under his eyes. He looked worse for wear.

Hoon spun around and gave a stern look at Soohyun. He had a disapproving frown on his lips as he walked up to his boyfriend.

“You, Mister, are supposed to be in bed,” Hoon said as he began pushing his boyfriend back into their shared room.

“But you weren’t there,” Soohyun whined as he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend’s frame. He nuzzled the side of Hoon’s head as he said that. His arms tightening slightly.

“Soohyun,” Hoon said in a stern tone. This just earned Hoon a small whine and Soohyun releasing him. He watched as his boyfriend plopped down on top of the bed--not even bothering to fix himself to lie properly on the bed. This caused the younger to sigh as he walked up to the bed. He began arranging Soohyun neatly on the bed and tucked the older male into bed. As he was walking away, he felt a slight tug on his shirt and he looked back down. He says his boyfriend had grabbed onto his shirt. Hoon raised an eyebrow at the gesture, but shortly smiled softly at what Soohyun did next.

“Can you stay with me for now?” Soohyun asked with a small smile. When he got a nod from Hoon, he moved to make room for the other. And once Hoon slipped into bed next to him, he wrapped his arms around the other’s waist. He nuzzled the other’s neck for a bit with a smile on his face. “Love you.”

“I love you too,” Hoon said in return. He began running his hair through Soohyun’s hair and it wasn’t long before the other was sleeping soundly. The light snoring coming from Soohyun had another smile on Hoon’s face. He closed his eyes and it wasn’t long before he also drifted off to sleep.




Soohyun woke up with something warm wrapped in his arms. He couldn’t help but nuzzle into the warmth that was radiating off of the object. It was nice and it felt so much better than the comforter that he usually used to sleep with. Just when he stopped nuzzling into the object, he heard a soft hum. This caused Soohyun to open his eyes and what he saw brought a smile to his face.

Hoon was still asleep and there was a ray of sunshine peeking through the curtains that landed on him. To Soohyun, Hoon looked so much like an angel that Soohyun almost thought that the other wasn’t there for a moment.

Soohyun slowly sat up and leaned on his arm to look at the beautiful angel that was sleeping next to him. When a lock of hair blew into Hoon’s face, he gently tucked the hair behind Hoon’s ear. This caused the younger to stir slightly and it wasn’t long before two gorgeous pair of eyes was half open and staring up at him with a small sleepy smile. Soohyun just smiled a slightly bigger smile and leaned down to place a chaste kiss on the other’s lips.

“Morning love,” Soohyun greeted.

“Hoon morning,” Hoon greeted back. “How do you feel this morning? Is your fever down?”

“I feel much better, especially since I woke to an angel sleeping next to me,” Soohyun answered. Soohyun watched with a satisfied feeling as he saw a light blush that spread on the other’s cheek. Soohyun kissed one of the blush-covered cheeks and smiled once more. “You’re so incredibly amazing.”

“You are too,” Hoon said with his own smile. He leaned up and kissed Soohyun on the lips.

“Shall I go make breakfast?”

“Let’s stay in bed for a little bit longer. It’s really comfortable right now.”

Hoon just smiled as he wrapped his arms around the older male as Soohyun did the same thing to him.

“So, who was that that called earlier?” Soohyun asked once they were settled.

“It was Kiseop,” Hoon answered. “Apparently AJ broke up with him because he found out that Kiseop was still in love with Kevin.”

“So Kiseop is going to get together with Kevin now?” Soohyun raised an eyebrow at that.

“He said that he doesn’t want to ruin Kevin’s relationship with Eli. I even told him that he should talk to Kevin, not about the break up, but just to spend some time together. I’m not sure if he did though.”

“Knowing Kiseop, he probably did ask Kevin out and they’re currently who knows where they are.”

“Do you think those two will ever realize that they’re still very much in love with each other? Especially when they are almost always together now?”

“They’re both pretty dense,” Soohyun answered with a slight frown. “But I’m certain that it might all work out. I don’t want to see Kiseop go through the same thing six years ago.”

“‘Might’? I’m positive it will work out. After all, they may be dense, but it’s only a matter of time before one of them cracks.” Hoon had a smile on his face as he said that. Then an idea struck him and a mischievous glint made its way to his eye. “Wanna make a bet?”

“About what?” Soohyun questioned with a slight frown.

“On who’s going to crack first.”

“Then that will definitely be Kiseop,” Soohyun said with all seriousness.

“I say it’s going to be Kevin.” He had a knowing smile on his face.

“And why do you say that? Kiseop doesn’t have a reason to really hold back now.” There was a confused expression on his face as he looked at Hoon.

“Let’s just say I have a strong feeling that Kevin’s going to crack soon.” Hoon then got out of bed and stood over the bed with a smile. “Now, let’s get some food in that stomach of yours. You haven’t had a proper meal in a long time.”

Soohyun pouted, but got out of bed nonetheless. He walked over to Hoon and wrapped an arm around the other’s waist. “You’ll tell me about the reason later right?”

“Once I find out if it really did happen.” Hoon then began to walk towards the kitchen with Soohyun in toll. “Now go sit at the table as I get something ready to eat.”

“Can’t I help you with the food?” Soohyun asked or whine more like it.

“Nope, you are still recovering from your cold. I don’t want you to cough over everything in the kitchen and have me ending up being sick.”

“But I’ve already kissed you and you’re still not sick!”

“Doesn’t mean that I won’t get sick if I eat germ infested food.”

Soohyun just pouted and began to grumble as he made his way to the dining room and took a seat. All the while Hoon was laughing quietly to himself at the complete adorableness that was his currently sick boyfriend. He wasn’t going to have his boyfriend hurt himself while cooking after all.


AN: This chapter is done. And we already know who won the bet between the two. This is just a filler chapter, so sorry it's short, that was to help me get something out to you readers. It was cute I thought, so yeah. And I'm going to say this ahead of time, I'm sorry if I don't update as fast as you like, but I'm also a reader and I am currently reading Klaine stories. So if you don't know who they are, watch Glee. You will get addicted to some of the stories, I know I am.

Well, so now you know.

Until next time

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This next chapter is probably going to be the shortest yet to date. I'm sorry about this, but I want to get this out.


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Chapter 19: So I read this entire thing in one day (wow, no life xD lol) and I absolutely love this! It was so beautifully written and the emotional roller coaster I went through was just...anyways, I hope you can post the epilogue soon although the ending is already perfect as is ^^
Chapter 19: eli and aj together too xDD
Chapter 18: Gdhagsg! I'm SO glad they got together! I knew this couldn't end up with them apart... Oh! Last two chapters? Well I'll wait for them n.n take care and again really nice story! <3
Ps: how was your graduation? :)
Chapter 18: sooo cute togetherr ^^
update soon pleasee xD
Chapter 18: I hope Eli and AJ will find another lover who can love them with all of his/her heart...they deserved to be happy, because of their big heart vinseop is finally together again ^.^
Chapter 17: can't wait for the other chapter T^T
i love Eli & Aj in this story xD
erialc #7
Chapter 17: I really admire Eli and AJ in this story, it takes a lot of love and guts to let someone go.
Chapter 17: You update!!! n.n I'm really glad Eli was so supporting ;A; it was about time someone said something for Kevin to realize he must go back to KiSeop!
Looking forward to the next chapter :) take care and congratulations on you graduation (*^_^*)
this fic is SO good! ;A; actually I kind of cry on the 9th chapter TT_TT the part when Kevin ask KiSeop for a ride home and he rejects it OMG that was so heartbroken the way you describe it u_u anyway, can't wait to read the next chapter ^_^
ps: I don't really ship the soohoon but it's good too n.n -hugs-
Chapter 16: Soohoon soo cutee ^-^