Start of a Dream

A Fate Changed By A Backstage Pass


The next day in school, I told my friend everything that happened.

“So now you 2 are a couple?” she asked with wide eyes.

“Yup. I’m not sure if we’ll let the media know though,” I was slightly worried about the media finding out about our relationship.

“Don’t worry about the media, your love will overcome all odds,” she laughed.

“Hmmph. If you say so then…”

“At least your bias loves you too you know?”

“You and Kiseop are… just friends?”

“Yeah. But that’s ok… I guess…”

I looked at my friend’s face. No matter how I see it, she seemed kind of down.

Just then, the bell rang, the teacher walked in, and class started. I sighed. No matter how different I feel today, things would still be the same. Same old life routine. Oh well, at least it would be better with Kevin in it…


A few months passed, and me and Kevin were still as happy together as ever, if not even happier. One day, an announcement from Soohyun surprised my friend and I.

“U-Kiss will be coming to Singapore! But not for a concert, it’s just to visit the 2 of you~” the leader’s voice rang loud and clear through the phone.

“Chincha? When are you guys coming?” I asked, grabbing my iPhone with 2 hands as if it would slip out of my hands any moment.

“In about 2 days’ time. Be ready for us~ meanwhile, don’t tell anyone ok? This is a special secret trip to see you guys only… hehehe.”

“Ok then, see you guys in 2 days’ time! Don’t forget to call us when you arrive! Bye~” I ended the call, unable to contain my excitement. Immediately, I dialed my friend’s number and told her the good news.

“Really? That means you get to see Kevin!” she was practically shouting through the phone with all the excitement.

“I know! I can’t wait!”

“Let’s go out with them once they reach! Ok?”

“Ok! Meanwhile I have to put down the phone, so see you in school tomorrow~”

“Bye,” the call ended.

I couldn’t believe it! After having a long distance relationship with Kevin for the past few months, I can finally see him!


2 days flew back in a flash, and the next thing we knew, U-Kiss had arrived. They were staying for a week, and what’s more, the holidays had started, which meant we could spent practically all day with U-Kiss!

On the first day, we brought them to the theme park. Kiseop didn’t want to go in at first, but after some coaxing from my friend and Kevin (and forcing from Soohyun) he finally followed us in.

The trip to the theme park was hilarious, with Kiseop screaming his lungs out on every roller coaster he was forced on. Not just him actually, Kevin too! His scream was even higher than mine, and at the end of the day many of us had slightly sore throats.

The next day, as we were making our way to the next destination, the local zoo, Kevin leaned over and whispered in my ear, “You wanna sneak away from them and enjoy some time alone today?”

My eyes widened at his suggestion. “Sure oppa!”

“It’s a date then~”


I could feel my cheeks flush at the sound of that word. This would be the first date Kevin and I go on.

I tried calming myself, but it was no use. My heart was beating so fast. My first date with Kevin. I hoped nothing would go wrong…

At the zoo, U-Kiss started putting on their disguises, which, by the way, were really good considering the fact that no one has been able to identify them.

After the zoo tickets were bought, we entered the zoo. While the others started gaping at the chimpanzees and their movements, Kevin grabbed my hand and we started running from them.

We ran for quite a bit. When we finally stopped, I was breathless.

“Oppa… I never… knew… you were this good at… running…” I said between gasps of air.

“I… never knew… either…” he was breathing hard too.

“What? You… don’t even know… you could run?” I shot him an incredulous look.

“Yeah… maybe you were by… my side… this time, so I could.”

“Huh… that’s so mushy oppa.”

“Mianhae~ meanwhile, let’s get something to drink and walk around the zoo, shall we?”

“Ok~” we linked hands and started looking for a drink stand.


“I really loved today…” Kevin sighed beside me.

“Me too,” I cuddled closer to him.

We spent the whole day together, exploring the zoo and hiding from the others whenever we bumped into them.

We were sitting by the lake at the zoo, enjoying the small breeze and the warmth of the setting sun. I sighed, content.

“Why are you sighing?” Kevin was playing with my hair, twirling it around with his finger.

“Nothing. I just wish we could be like this forever,” I smiled up at him.

“Ahhh why are you so cute~” Kevin stopped playing with my hair and started pinching my cheeks.

“Oppa stop that~” I whined, trying to use aegyo on him.

“Never~” he sang. I reached up and tried to get him to stop pinching me. Big mistake. We ended up falling backwards.

“See what happened now oppa,” I pouted, trying to sit up but failing. I ended up on my back again.

Just then, I realized why I couldn’t sit up. When we fell backwards, Kevin had landed on top of me. His arms held me down, and he was lying on top of me.

“O… oppa?” I tried to push him up.

“Shhh. Let’s lie like this, it’s relaxing…” Kevin sighed.

“Oh, ok,” I gave up on pushing him and laid down on the grass.

We were both silent for awhile, just lying on the grass. The silence was accompanied by the chirping of birds as they went home for the evening and the harmony of crickets as they welcomed the night.

I could hear my heart beating too. It was so loud. I hope Kevin couldn’t hear it.

“Oppa, it’s getting late… we should go find the others,” I tried pushing Kevin up again.

“Ok~ but I wanna spend more time alone with you though,” he pouted and started sitting up.

I giggled. “You’re so cute~”

He looked up at me, his face inches from mine. “You’re cute too, you know that?”

I couldn’t reply him. Not with his face this close to mine. I could feel his breath on my face. Did he eat mint? I think he did. I just sat there and stared at his face. It was beautiful. So beautiful.

He whispered my name, breaking my thoughts.

“Y-yes?” I reply, dazed.

He stared to lean in, closer and closer. I closed my eyes.


We jumped back, putting some space between each other. I could feel the blood rush to my face.

Kevin picked up his ringing iPhone. “Hello? Oh, Soohyun hyung… yeah, we’re still here… uh-huh… ok, see you there in abit.”

I looked up at him. “What did Soohyun say?”

“They’re waiting for us at the entrance of the zoo. We’ll meet them there, then go for dinner together. C’mon, let’s go,” he replied with a bright smile.

I stood up clumsily, almost falling down in the process. I felt a pressure on my arm as Kevin stopped my fall. “T-thank you…” I thanked him, not daring to look into his eyes. I mean, we just almost kissed!

“Hey… don’t worry too much about what happened before Soohyun’s call ok? We’ll take it slowly,” Kevin smiled at me as we linked hands and started walking towards the entrance of the zoo.

I looked up at him. “Oppa, I love you.”

“What was that? So random~”

“Ehh but it’s true…”

“Ok~ I believe you. I love you too.”


Soon, a week flew by, and U-Kiss was back in Korea. The holidays passed by slowly. One day, I received a call.

A call I should never have picked up.

I stared at the iPhone screen for awhile. Unknown called ID? This was weird. I picked up anyway.


“Good day. Are you Kevin Woo’s girlfriend?” an unfamiliar voice spoke from the other side of the line.

Fear gripped my heart. How did this unknown person know? The only people who knew were U-Kiss, my friend and I. There’s no way no one could’ve found out! “Who are you? How do you know about me and Kevin?”

“Hehehe. I don’t have to tell you who I am. And you wanna find out how I know about the 2 of you? Well, that’s a long story.”

“Cut it short,” I spat into the phone.

“Woah, chill. It was the zoo. The 2 of you being lovey-dovey, almost kissing. I took photos, y’know? You want me to expose them to the public? Get Kevin in trouble and maybe kicked out of U-Kiss?”

“No! Why are you doing this? Are you an Anti-Fan? How did you know it was Kevin anyway? The disguises…” I trailed off, not sure of what to say next.

“Those disguises? Hah. There are better ones out there. What else did you say? Anti-Fan? No, on the contrary I love U-Kiss. I love Kevin. So, the reason I’m doing this is simple. You want Kevin safe? Just break up with Kevin. Either that, or those photos get to the public eye, and who knows what will happen?”

The call ended.

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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 7: Awesome story
NamelessDongholic #2
Chapter 7: Every fangirl's dream huh? *_*
This story is so nice! Keep it up! :D
I'm a new reader of your story and it's awesome...~!!

please do a sequel about how the friend and kiseop hug each other..are the two are lovers?please~
Sarapyon #5
Whoa! This is really good but why so short O.O But I loved it ^^
Haha thank you!! XD
OMG OMG!! I can feel so many feelings reading this.
It was like a first love dream come true kinda feeling.
Happy and sad and happy again.
I love it. T^T <33
Angel_Norry #9
AHHH WHY U WRITE SO SHORT! annoyed... i shall go to sch n chase u like u chase me MUAHAHAHA
Sorry, i won't be writing a sequel for this, but do take a look at the side stories related to this story^^