Meeting At Last

A Fate Changed By A Backstage Pass

I breathed onto my hands. Oh gosh, it was cold.

“When do you think they’ll come out? We’ve been out here for almost an hour already,” my friend beside me asked.

"To be honest…I don’t know. Let’s keep waiting,” I replied.

“Ok… but it’s cold, don’t you think so?”

“Yeah, I wish Kevin was here to hug me.”

“He’ll probably run from you…”

“Yah! Kevin is my beloved so don’t you dare say things like that!” I mock slapped my friend’s shoulder. She laughed.

My friend and I were waiting outside the backstage door, praying that they would appear soon. That our U-Kiss oppas would appear soon.

Having just attended their concert, we were riding some sort of high and practically jumping around while waiting for them to appear from the backstage door.

I took out my iPhone and earphones and decided to listen to DORADORA. My husband’s vocals are so cool!

“It’s too bad we couldn’t get the backstage passes, huh,” my friend sighed.

“Yup, we are waiting for them to appear from this door, which means only we see them and not other fans. Hehe,” I laughed.

“In a way it’s better than backstage passes isn’t it?” she replied with a cheeky grin.

Just then, the backstage door opened.

Seven gorgeous men stepped out from there, looking tired but laughing with each other. Korean words shot from one to another in between laughter.

Ohmygod. It’s U-Kiss.

I stood there and stared, not knowing what to do. My friend did the exact same thing. I wanted to scream, but it felt like there was something stuck in my throat.

Just then, they spotted us.

“Annyeong! Are you a KissMe?” Soohyun asked us in an unstable attempt at speaking English. I guess he had to speak up as leader.

My friend laughed, “Yes, yes we are. We’ve been waiting for you here.”

Soohyun looked confused. I guess he didn’t understand what she just said. I laughed silently to myself as I looked at Soohyun’s face.

Just then, he stepped forward. I listened to his sweet voice translate my friend’s words into Korean for the other members who didn’t understand.

At that moment, I found my voice again.

 “Kevin oppa! Oh my gosh Kevin oppa! I’m a big fan of yours, it’s really nice to meet you!” I ran forward and gave him a big hug.

I can’t believe it! Kevin Woo! The lead vocal of U-Kiss, Kevin Woo! My one and only bias since forever!

I let go of Kevin and turned to my friend, about to start screaming and shaking her shoulders. But she was looking at something else. Someone else, more like. I followed her gaze and giggled softly to myself.

Of course she’d be staring at Kiseop, the lead dancer.

Just then, she turned to Kevin, “My friend here says that you’re her husband.”

“Yah! You didn’t have to tell him the details!” I could feel my face turning red.

Kevin just smiled sweetly. “Really? Thank you!”

I think my heart just stopped.

Just then, an evil thought popped into my brain.

“Yah, Kiseop oppa,” I called out to the ulzzang of the group.

“Hmm?” he turned to look at me, looking somewhat lost.

“My friend here is in love with you!”

Hurriedly, Kevin tried translating what I said.

Next thing I knew, my friend was freaking out and Kiseop was smiling to himself and standing there looking kind of dazed. I guess he felt awkward, not knowing how to speak much English.

We stood there for awhile, introducing ourselves to U-Kiss. One by one, they introduced themselves to us even though we already knew who they were. Leader Soohyun, angel Kevin, ulzzang Kiseop, multiplayer AJ, pigeon Eli, charming Hoon, and last but not least maknae Dongho.

“Shall we go somewhere else to chat? The night wind is cold,” AJ asked in fluent English. Wow, he was good.

Everyone looked at U-Kiss’s manager, who was quiet all the while. He seemed to reject us, but then changed his mind. “Ok then, since these girls are your fans, it would be fine.”

“Let’s get into the van then. Hurry hurry~” Eli sang.

It seems like the more talkative ones would be Kevin, Eli and AJ then, since they were able to converse in English. Too bad for my friend then, since Kiseop wasn’t able to converse in English as well as my Kevin.

I was about to laugh at her when I realized that I might seem noisy to Kevin. I immediately clamped down on the laughter that was sure to burst from my lips and grabbed my friend’s wrist, following U-Kiss to their van.

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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 7: Awesome story
NamelessDongholic #2
Chapter 7: Every fangirl's dream huh? *_*
This story is so nice! Keep it up! :D
I'm a new reader of your story and it's awesome...~!!

please do a sequel about how the friend and kiseop hug each other..are the two are lovers?please~
Sarapyon #5
Whoa! This is really good but why so short O.O But I loved it ^^
Haha thank you!! XD
OMG OMG!! I can feel so many feelings reading this.
It was like a first love dream come true kinda feeling.
Happy and sad and happy again.
I love it. T^T <33
Angel_Norry #9
AHHH WHY U WRITE SO SHORT! annoyed... i shall go to sch n chase u like u chase me MUAHAHAHA
Sorry, i won't be writing a sequel for this, but do take a look at the side stories related to this story^^