What Do I Do Now?

A Fate Changed By A Backstage Pass


 “Will you be my girlfriend?”

“… what?”

“I like you. Will you be my girlfriend?” he was looking at me earnestly, and I could tell he was being serious.

“I… I… I don’t-”

“Sorry, got to go. I’ll chat with you another time. Annyeong~” The video call ended.

What just happened? Did Kevin Woo of U-Kiss just confess to me?

What do I do now?

Just then, a Skype notification popped up. I clicked on it hurriedly. It was my friend.

“So, you done?”

“Yeah I guess…?”

“What did he say? O.o”

“He…confessed to me. What do I do now?”

“He… WHAT!? OMG!!!”

“Don’t tell anyone! Promise?”

“Ok, I promise. But what’re you gonna do now?”

“I don’t know… he’s my bias and all, and I love him, but this. There’s the fans to think of too, what will happen after I’m his girlfriend? The whole U-Kiss fandom will probably know me.”

“If you can handle that, then it’s ok. You love him, and he loves you… right?”


“Take your time to think about it, don’t fret^^ See you in school tomorrow”

“See ya” I signed off Skype.

What do I do now? Should I accept him? I mean, this is crazy! A celebrity falling in love with me, a normal girl? How was it even possible?

Maybe I should sleep early tonight.

I sighed and slipped into bed. Yet it was no use. The confession was all I could think of. The only thing on my mind. I tried thinking about homework, and before I knew it, the world was black, and I was asleep.


The next morning I woke up in a mess. That night was not a restful night for me. The confession was the only thing I heard in my dream, everything that everyone in my dream said was “Will you be my girlfriend?”

“Urgh. School today,” I muttered and trudged to the bathroom to get ready.


At school, my friend caught up to me. “So, what’s your decision?”

“I thought you told me to take my time?” I stuck my tongue out at her.

“Yeah, but you’re making me curious,” she stuck her tongue back at me.

“I think… I’ll accept him as my boyfriend. I really do love him after all, and if he loves me… what’s there to lose?”

“Chincha!? Congratulations to the both of you then!” my friend started jumping up and down in excitement.

“Haha chill, you can’t tell anyone. I’m not sure if this will be revealed to the public yet.”

“Ok, count on me!”

The teacher walked into the classroom and another long day at school started…


After school, I took out my iPhone to check Twitter. I spotted Kevin’s name in one of my mentions.

“@________ So… do you have your reply yet? I’m willing to wait for you^^”

I stared at the screen blankly for a moment. This was it. No backing out. Once I entered my tweet to him, everything will be changed.

“Oppa, shall we Skype tonight?”


9.45p.m. He still wasn’t online. Where was he? Was he busy? Then again, he didn’t reply my tweet…

Just as I was about to log off Skype, a tiny window popped up at the bottom right of my screen.

“KevinWoo is online”

Hurriedly, I typed in the chat box.

“Hi oppa~”

“Hi~ so do you have your reply? Or do you need more time?”



“I think… I’ll accept you. As my boyfriend>___<”


“Yup >///<”

“Omg I love you so much, I really do~~~”

“I love you too oppa <3”

“I have to go now~ Soohyun hyung is scolding me for not sleeping earlier ):”

“Ok… goodnight^^”


He signed off.

Did I just accept him? Was this for real? I didn’t know what to make of it anymore. My life right now was like a dream. Meeting U-Kiss, becoming friends with them, having the lead vocalist as my boyfriend…

Was this all real? Or just a dream?

Putting this thought aside, I decided to turn in for the night. Tomorrow would be a brand new start for me, girlfriend of U-Kiss’s vocalist, and I couldn’t feel sleepy, could I?

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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 7: Awesome story
NamelessDongholic #2
Chapter 7: Every fangirl's dream huh? *_*
This story is so nice! Keep it up! :D
I'm a new reader of your story and it's awesome...~!!

please do a sequel about how the friend and kiseop hug each other..are the two are lovers?please~
Sarapyon #5
Whoa! This is really good but why so short O.O But I loved it ^^
Haha thank you!! XD
OMG OMG!! I can feel so many feelings reading this.
It was like a first love dream come true kinda feeling.
Happy and sad and happy again.
I love it. T^T <33
Angel_Norry #9
AHHH WHY U WRITE SO SHORT! annoyed... i shall go to sch n chase u like u chase me MUAHAHAHA
Sorry, i won't be writing a sequel for this, but do take a look at the side stories related to this story^^