Sold Out

A Fate Changed By A Backstage Pass

“WHAT!?” I slammed my hands onto the table and stood up, knocking my chair down.

“It’s true, the backstage passes are sold out! Apparently sales started a few days ago and sold out the next day!” my friend was panicking.

“Chincha!? No! How are we supposed to see U-Kiss now!? There’s no way we can see them anymore…” I wailed.



“Unless we go wait by the exit of the backstage after the concert. I mean, they have to leave by that exit right? If we wait there then they would appear sooner or later… I guess?” my friend explained hurriedly.

“Omo! That could work! So we wait for them there after the concert?” I asked, thinking that perhaps there was hope after all.

“Yup, I suppose so.”

“Ok, it’s settled then. Now, we’ll just have to be content with our front row tickets and wait for the day of the concert to arrive…”



It was the day! Long snakes of people, KissMes to be exact, were all over the place. My friend and I were quite near the front, spazzing about how excited we were.

“My Kiseop is gonna be so awesome, dancing in the lead~” my friend started fantasizing about her bias in U-Kiss.

“No way, Kevin’s gonna be much better!” Soon, we were bickering about who was better.

Awhile later, we were in the stadium, waiting for the appearance of U-Kiss. And guess what? My friend and I were lucky enough to get seats right in front of the stage! This meant that if any U-Kiss member reached down, we could touch his hands!

While I was silently praying that I could maybe touch Kevin’s hands, I felt a nudge beside me. “Remember, after the concert, we go to the exit of the backstage,” my friend whispered, in case any KissMes around caught on to our plan.

Before I could nod an “ok”, music started playing and U-Kiss burst onto the stage.

Screams echoed around the stadium immediately, including screams of my friend and I. It was U-Kiss! In front of our very eyes! Un-be-lie-va-ble!

They launched into the dance of DORADORA immediately. Seeing Kiseop flip up his shirt, I could hear my friend beside me scream extra loudly. I laughed, unable to control myself.

The concert flew by quickly, almost too quickly. Neverland, Believe, Tick Tack and other songs were performed, including a few chat sessions in between. Before we knew it, the concert was over, and it was time to say goodbye to U-Kiss.

But not for us.

Once U-Kiss went backstage, my friend and I hurriedly pushed our way to exit the stuffy stadium.

“Follow me, hurry up,” my friend grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the crowd of KissMes.

Since I didn’t know where the backstage exit was, I blindly followed my friend. Soon, we reached an empty carpark lot. Well, empty except for a big van, which I presumed was U-Kiss’s.

“Are we here?” I asked, a little breathless.

“Yeah. Look, there’s the exit,” my friend pointed toward the stadium, signaling to me a door that had the words ‘BACKSTAGE’ written in bold there.

“Now what?” I looked over at her.

“Now, we wait.”

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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 7: Awesome story
NamelessDongholic #2
Chapter 7: Every fangirl's dream huh? *_*
This story is so nice! Keep it up! :D
I'm a new reader of your story and it's awesome...~!!

please do a sequel about how the friend and kiseop hug each other..are the two are lovers?please~
Sarapyon #5
Whoa! This is really good but why so short O.O But I loved it ^^
Haha thank you!! XD
OMG OMG!! I can feel so many feelings reading this.
It was like a first love dream come true kinda feeling.
Happy and sad and happy again.
I love it. T^T <33
Angel_Norry #9
AHHH WHY U WRITE SO SHORT! annoyed... i shall go to sch n chase u like u chase me MUAHAHAHA
Sorry, i won't be writing a sequel for this, but do take a look at the side stories related to this story^^