Starting of a Rumor..and an official oppa ..

I'm in LUV with a N.E.R.D [HIATUS]


Recap :

" Just tell her to come to the mall after school,arasso ? "


" Why do I have to go ? " HaeJi asked Minhyun after he told her about what Lea told him .

" Molla . " He replied .After the break,both went back to class for duty . Minhyun's class was next door, 3-2 , so he could easily communicate with HaeJi while doing their duties . 

>> Right then , as HaeJi was cleaning up ,she looked under a suspicious desk . An unknown student left a note there. She read it . It said :

"  Yah, why do you think JR sang that song to her ? O.o "

" Molla , and if I recall,it was from someone in our class,right ? #.# "

" I thought so too ! Who could it be .. o_o ?? "

" Yah,don't you think it might be Kim HaeJi ? "

" Kim HaeJi-ssi ?Nah,she doesn't even have the look to talk to JR . Besides, why her ?? -.- "

" Think about it . You and I were there at that time , and she was also wearing glasses . :P " 

" Yeah...Maybe you're right.. ^^But wait,aren't JR and Lea in a relationship ?? Why is she butting in ?? "

"  Molla ~ But I don't see them together often these days.. Did something happen ? "

" Tch,she must have wanted to stand out so much that she clung onto JR .. Haha ! What a sl*t !! "

" Maybe that's why Lea and JR broke up ..!! Gasp !! :O And to think that we thought HaeJi was innocent.. She even tried pulling him in with contacts !! Eeww,she's such a hypocrite ! "

"Too bad she was turned down , haha !! She wore her glasses again today !! Deserves her right , b*tch ! Being so ty ain't a good idea !! XDD "

"I feel soo bad for Lea though ..I pity her ;~; Owh ! I so hate that Kim HaeJi! She's gonna die !! D< " 

After HaeJi read those words,especially the parts where she was cursed at, she shook her hand and put the paper down on the desk angrily . She let out drops of tears while gritting her teeth . She squated down,  and bit her fingers while the other hand covers part of her face . She cried so loudly that Minhyun from next door can hear her crying .MinHyun ran quickly to HaeJi's classroom to find HaeJi still crying in that position. Minhyun came closer to her and asked her questions.He was worried about HaeJi as ahe was asking questions and even checking her body to see if she was unhurt or not . <<

" H-HaeJi-ah ! Why are you crying ?!Don't cry ..! " He asked panicking too . 

" Am I .. really like that.. to other .. people ?! " She asked,still sobbing while leaning beside Minhyun . 

" W-what are you talking about ??? Who was it ?! " Minhyun asked as he got up . Then he saw the note on the table that was full of teardrops . Then he took away the note to read it . As he read it to the end , he crumpled the paper and looked at HaeJi .

" Who would do this ..Who would dare to hurt you ?!?! Don't worry, I'll definitely find this person !! HaeJi-ah,you stay here ! " Minhyun consoled her and ran quickly towards the door .

" Wait ..!  K-kajima(Don't go ) .. Jebal..I don't want you to make this matter worse .. Just please,don't do anything .. " She stopped Minhyun from running out the door. Then Minhyun came to a halt and  walked slowly to her. 

" ..Arasso.. Here,get on my back . I'll take you home . " He understood how she felt and squated down in a position to carry her .

" ..JR..used to say that to me .. He offered me a piggyback ride to class when Lea accidentally threw a tin can on my head .That..was the first time I actually talked to JR .. " She said,slightly grinning while thinking back of the first time she met him . 

" .. Get on my back . " Minhyun,not being able to say anything because he thought that it's awkward,said it again . Then HaeJi nodded and got on his back.Minhyun lifted her up , and he brought her home .

* At HaeJi's house *

" Kamshamnida . " She bowed as waving MinHyun goodbye. Minhyun gave a smile and went back home with his hands in his pockets.

* The next day *

" Omo omo! Did you hear ?? Did you ?? " Students were making much more noises in the hallway than usual . Minhyun got to school,again without JR as he didn't come again ,and saw a crowd of people .He wasn't that interested,but he decided to go with the crowd and listen .

" .. I heard,that HaeJi was carried in by Minhyun yesterday at school !! It was a piggyback..!" the student said .

" Geunde..I thought she was clinging to JR the whole time ?? " Another asked.

"Tch,she must've been a real b*tch , even stealing Minhyun . Such an attention seeker !! " The student replied.

" She must've thought that JR isn't enough,so she was planning to take away his best friend too since JR's not around ..! " the other said .

"Will she start wearing her contacts today too ?? " Minhyun was already annoyed ,and went straight into the crowd to find the two students talking about HaeJi.As they saw  Minhyun with a firm face,they quickly stood up properly while the other students evaded and went back to their business . Minhyun glared at them with fierce eyes.

"Some conversation you got there , huh ? Tell me what's next . I wanna know what other sh*t you guys are talking about . Come on,don't be shy. What the crap you said , huh ?? " Minhyun smirked . The two were flustered and gulped .They didn't know what to say.

" Let me ask you guys some questions . Do you guys know her ? " 

" W-what are you talking about sunbaenim.. " they tried to avoid but Minhyun pushed them to the wall .

" I asked you the question. What's. The . Answer . " He said,gritting his teeth .

" N-n-n-o,sunbaenim !!! " The were scared to death .

"  Correct answer . You guys,don't know her. You guys,are full of deep sh*t,so don't you or you even say a word about her . GET IT? " The two students nodded and ran away . Minhyun leaned on the wall,still worrying about HaeJi . Before HaeJi comes to school,he decided to make an announcement .

"Oi, you rascals! I am Hwang MinHyun , and I am the one who piggybacked HaeJi . I have an announcement to make for all of you who has been torturing HaeJi lately , so listen ! " He shouted with a speaker on top of a bench and attracted all the students attention. 

" Lea-ah, I know you're already here in school. So please listen up to me too ! Sl*t,B*tch ?? Seriously you guys are taking this way ahead ! You guys out there who are threatening HaeJi , all of you deserve to die !! You don't know her at all,yet you say mean things to her !! Yesterday,I piggybacked her. I did,so what ?!?! That was only because some idiotic students talked crappy sh*t about her !! Yes, she was hurt . She cried and bit her fingers because she was finally noticed ; but in a bad way ! I happened to be next door and heard her tears,so I went in to console her ! I was the onw who decided to piggyback her. She had nothing to do with it !! She's already being hurt enough with her situation with JR at the moment.But does that mean you guys can talk bad about her alreadyy??? And Lea, I know you don't have bad intentions. And I am in no place to say this,but I swear,I swear that you are one of the caring people I know !! Lea,please,I know you guys recently broke up,but please,don't try to take back on HaeJi. I know you stand up for this announcement with me ..! " Minhyun explained to all of the students. The students started feeling guilty. Suddenly,someone came up on the bench.It was Lea . She smiled . 

" You're smart,stupid "She said as she was grinning.Minhyun was glad as Lea took away the speaker from him .

" Everyone, I am Lea . Although I don't know what's going on with HaeJi right now,but I do believe her . Why ? Because..She's my friend . And,what Minhyun said was true,I broke up with JR. Happy?? Now you've got all the explanation. You can't say I don't know her now,do you ?? I know her,I believe in her ,even though I don't like her. Thank you . " She said,proudly.HaeJi , at the back of the crowd alone,smiled.

" I have a really supporting friend now . Gomawo,Lea & Minhyun oppa .. " She bowed to him but unfortunately,Minhyun didn't see . Then HaeJi went inside her class .....


But,what really did happen to JR ? No one knows . 



^ OMYGAAHHHHH !!!!! Finally done == ... !!!

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WOAHHHH!! Im so curious atm. Update soon.
JuniorRoyalJR #2
Haha! Very welcome! :) Fighting!
Update soon! FIGHTING~!!!!!!
I feel like haemi will be her mom. Like she'll try to get jr and minhyuk. Update soon, unnie.please update more! :D
your story makes me happy and smile the whole day.
Ohhh I cant wait to see what kind of troubles those two will cause. haha
YUM! Looks yummy!
Update! Maybe minhyuk will start to like haeji. Maybe?
Update, when i saw your story, i totally freak out.
YAYY COOKIE! haha We shall wait!
Your welcome! I hope you get alot and alot of ideas for your stories. Also, love the cookie!!!! Please come back soon! FIGHTING & HWAITING!!!!!