KyuWook - I hate everything about you


AU!KyuWook in high school

École Secondaire Jean-Nicolet (Nicolet, Quebec, Canada)

Cho Kyuhyun is a 17 years old jerk who is loved by everyone despite his horrible personality. Tall, handsome and very smart, nobody can resist him. Nobody? No. Kim Ryeowook, 17 years old too, hates everything about this guy and tries to avoid him as much as possible. But Kyuhyun seems to like Ryeowook pretty much, and starts following him everywhere...


English isn't my first language and I type fast, so just tell me if you see mistakes (I mean, big mistakes, just 'it would be cuter if you put this word before this one' doesn't count as a mistake), I'll correct them =)

Comments and subscriptions are very appreciated ^^ Comments help me knowing what you like, what you don't like, etc., and subscriptions just make my days xD Nah, seriously, subscriptions tell me if I'm doing something good or not ^^

Hope you enjoy this!


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Chapter 20: Im so happy this story had a happy ending,
Kyuhyun's persistence paid off! Hurrah!!
wintertmm #2
Chapter 20: my heart ache when kyu was trying to chase wookie long time since i read such a simple sweet and touching story. all smiles here really love it.
ismary666 #3
Chapter 20: Something happened there that my coment went crooked: | no matter, it is understood :)
ismary666 #4
Chapter 20: "Saranghae"
"Ai ____eru"
"Wu ai ni"
"Je t'aime"
"I love you"
"Te amo"

Le agregue el español :)
me encanto el fic, gracias muchas y seguire leyendo todos tus escritos :)
un besote
I added the Spanish :)
I loved the fic, thanks a lot and I keep reading all your writings :)
a big kiss.
ismary666 #5
Chapter 19: woke up,
I love you,
So awwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!! I'm happy and I not cry.
ismary666 #6
Chapter 18: R felt the love of K?, K has to woke up and go to the prom, please!!!!
ismary666 #7
Chapter 17: Evil person : (
so something bad had to happen to react to R, I will mourn, seriously: (
ismary666 #8
Chapter 16: I'm happy as lombris, ejejeje, is just an expression, but i love the KyuWook i love it, I love, I adore you for writing, jajajajajaa, hell, my antivirus stopped working, that ugly thing,
I said that I adore you for writing fics so cute.
Oh!! poor, poor K, twice in the car,
do not you make me mourn?, right?
ismary666 #9
Chapter 15: Will R accept go to prom with k?, Awwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!, K will suffer?,I go to mourn: |
ismary666 #10
Chapter 14: A cut is accidental, but if K suffers, oh! So if it will be painful, because the pains of love always hurts like hell, I say: (