Chapter 2

KyuWook - I hate everything about you

“Kim Ryeowook!”


There was only one person to call me that. Anyways, I could’ve recognized that deep voice anywhere.


The only other Asian person in this entire school, Ch… Kyuhyun Cho, who just loooved to call me ‘Kim Ryeowook’, knowing I often blocked before saying my name because I was used to say my last name first.


“Yah, Kim Ryeowook! You know, it’s not called a ‘first’ name for nothing! Why do you keep calling yourself ‘Kim Ryeowook’?”


I heard laughs all around him, but ignored them and continued walking, making my music play louder in my ears so I wouldn’t hear him humiliate me in front of the entire school. Again. As usual. Just like every single day. What was the worst, I wondered? The fact that he was ALWAYS in the same group as me, or the fact that he actually was my neighbor and that he was always free to mock me whenever he felt like it? Hmm, tough choice.


I think… I think that the fact that he was in the same group was the worst. Because he was WAY meaner when there were other people with him. Pretty normal, huh? When nobody else was there, there was no one to impress by laughing at me.


I walked to the room where my next lesson would take place and sat near the door, waiting for the teacher to arrive and unlock it. That classroom was the last in the corridor, so I closed my eyes, took off one of my earphones and sighed in relief because there weren’t many people around. Only one or two teachers, and no student yet. After all, it was only 1 in the afternoon, and the next lesson started at 1:30. I was already there because I had no friend to talk to while eating, nobody to talk to after eating either.


“Ryeowook? What are you doing here already?”


I opened my eyes.


“Gaston. Hi.”


Oh yeah, by the way, this was a school where everybody spoke French and had French names. I knew English because my parents usually spoke to me either in English or in Korean when I was home, but with my teachers I had to use French. I’m translating here so you will understand though.


“You know I don’t have friends to talk to”, I sighed before entering the classroom he had just unlocked.


I sat where I usually sat - first row, right in front of the teachers so other students wouldn’t bother me - and got lost in my thoughts again.


In this school, which was in the country and not in the city, students usually called the teachers by their first name, and not by “Mister” this or “Miss” that. Oh, and they used the French informal “you” to speak to them too, instead of using the other one, more respectful. Plus, because this was a public school, there were no uniforms and the teachers were not very strict. Do I need to say that they all had weird names? But they surely thought the same about my name.


“Would you wish to play chess?” he suddenly asked, making me come back to reality.


That ECR - ‘Éthique et Culture Religieuse’, something like Ethics and Religious Culture - teacher was one of the friendliest teachers you could ever meet. He was nice, he treated serious students as adults and he was able to appreciate jokes, even when they were a bit mean. Oh, and he liked playing chess with students.


“Yeah, why not?”


We started playing. That teacher didn’t seem like it, but he was a beast at playing chess. It took ten minutes before he beat me and I shook my head softly, disappointed by myself.


“I guess I’m not really in the mood. Sorry.”


He sat on his desk and was about to act as a psychologist when suddenly students entered the room. And, of course, it had to be Ch… Kyuhyun Cho and his gang who were coming here to make my life horrible.


I really, really, REALLY hated everything about him.


“Yah, Kim Ryeowook! No friends to talk to, so you got bored and went directly here? Poooooor little booooy.”


I tried not to think too much about it. I knew I would cry if I remembered too much how much the other students hated me. At least, we were in the classroom, and Gaston helped me by scolding Cho and the rest. Though I knew they would do it again as soon as the teacher wasn’t here anymore.


They put their books on their desks before leaving the classroom, one by one. I sighed in relief when the last one left. Until a hand touched my shoulder, and I jumped. I turned, and…


“Yah, Kim Ryeowook! Why are you sighing like that?”


Cho. I turned and tried to ignore him. But his big hand with long, long fingers was on my shoulder, and I couldn’t ignore him as well as I wanted to. Suddenly, his face was very close to mine, and his mouth softly brushed the skin of my ear as he whispered:


“Do you really hate me that much?”


I turned, pushing his hand away, and looked at him with eyes full of anger and hatred.


“Maybe I wouldn’t hate you that much if you didn’t make my life so horrible!”


I wanted to leave the classroom, run away, but the other ones were outside and would make my life even more horrible. So I simply stayed where I was, not looking at Cho, arms crossed on my chest, wondering where the teacher had left while I was busy yelling at Cho. He sat on the desk next to me and sighed softly.


“Yah, there are two categories of people in a school. The bullied and the bullying.”


“And of course I have to be the first category”, I muttered.


“Not necessarily.”


“Just leave me alone! You really want to make me hate school right?”


I wanted to cry, but I didn’t. There was no way I would offer him the sight of me crying like a baby. I pouted and looked away, fighting so my tears would stay inside my eyes. I don’t know how I managed to do it, but I did, and after a few seconds I was calm again, able to think correctly and, more importantly, I was able to simply look away and hate him silently again.


He was still on the desk next to me, staring at me. I decided to ignore him. Maybe he would go away. Maybe he would. I hoped he would.




Just ignore him.


“Hey, Kim Ryeowook.”


Just ignore him.


“Yah, I’m talking to you!”


Ignore him.


“You’re very cute.”


Ign… WHAT?


I'm feeling evil so I won't write before tonight ~~ xD Here it's 15h37 right now, so... xD Anyways, there's a storm coming, and Internet doesn't work when we don't have electricity, so if the storm is strong enough, you won't have the next chapter before a while ^^' xD

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Chapter 20: Im so happy this story had a happy ending,
Kyuhyun's persistence paid off! Hurrah!!
wintertmm #2
Chapter 20: my heart ache when kyu was trying to chase wookie long time since i read such a simple sweet and touching story. all smiles here really love it.
ismary666 #3
Chapter 20: Something happened there that my coment went crooked: | no matter, it is understood :)
ismary666 #4
Chapter 20: "Saranghae"
"Ai ____eru"
"Wu ai ni"
"Je t'aime"
"I love you"
"Te amo"

Le agregue el español :)
me encanto el fic, gracias muchas y seguire leyendo todos tus escritos :)
un besote
I added the Spanish :)
I loved the fic, thanks a lot and I keep reading all your writings :)
a big kiss.
ismary666 #5
Chapter 19: woke up,
I love you,
So awwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!! I'm happy and I not cry.
ismary666 #6
Chapter 18: R felt the love of K?, K has to woke up and go to the prom, please!!!!
ismary666 #7
Chapter 17: Evil person : (
so something bad had to happen to react to R, I will mourn, seriously: (
ismary666 #8
Chapter 16: I'm happy as lombris, ejejeje, is just an expression, but i love the KyuWook i love it, I love, I adore you for writing, jajajajajaa, hell, my antivirus stopped working, that ugly thing,
I said that I adore you for writing fics so cute.
Oh!! poor, poor K, twice in the car,
do not you make me mourn?, right?
ismary666 #9
Chapter 15: Will R accept go to prom with k?, Awwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!, K will suffer?,I go to mourn: |
ismary666 #10
Chapter 14: A cut is accidental, but if K suffers, oh! So if it will be painful, because the pains of love always hurts like hell, I say: (