Chapter 2

In Your Life

Your POV

As I was talking with Woohyun oppa, Sunggyu oppa, So Young, and Min Jung, I saw Hoya looking at me the whole time. Dongwoo, L, and Sungjong would try to talk to him but he would just ignore them and just stare at me. "Even though I don't really now him, it looks like something is bothering him. I wonder whats wrong?" As I kept on thinking, I did now I was staring at him till Woohyun oppa said something. "Yah Jin Ae are you listening to me." Woohyun said then looking at the person who I was staring at.

Regular POV

As Woohyun realized Jin Ae wasn't listening to him he yelled at her. "Yah Jin Ae are you listening to me." Jin Ae just sat there shock and blank because she didn't realized she was staring at Hoya when she was thinking of what was wrong with him. And when he yelled at you, you jumped a little. "Ummm...sorry Woohyun oppa. Wha..what did you say." Jin Ae stutter and look down at her plate. "Never mind. Just forget about it." Woohyun said annoyed. Jin Ae felt guilty when Woohyun said that, so she got up and excused herself. She doesnt like it when her brother gets annoyed or angry. So she left the cafeteria and went outside. "Ahhh. That was so embarrassing. I didnt now that I was staring at him the whole time I was thinking. Uhhg, Jin Ae why did you do that." Jin Ae said while walking to the nearest tree. As she went to sit down and lean against the tree she hears her name being called. She turned around to see who it was. And to her surprise it was Hoya. "Jin Ae" He said between breaths. As Hoya got closer to Jin Ae he sat down next to her. Jin Ae just sat there qiuet and her mind was blank. She didn't now what to do, she rarely talks to Hoya. "....." Silence and akwardness filled the air. Hoya himself didn't now why he chased after her. His body just lead him here and couldn't stop. "Umm...are you ok Hoya." Jin Ae said to kill the silence. Hoyas heart was skipping and was silence for a while until he answered her question. " I'm o..ok." He was getting nevous just hearing her voice. "Good, because earlier you didn't look good. Was there something bothering you earlier? You looked like there was something bothering you today." Jin Ae said in a worried voice. "Well there is something that's been bothering me for a while." Hoya said as he looked at Jin Ae. "What is it?" "Uhhh......" Hoya said and doesn't now what to do. "Hoya, even though we don't talk to each other a lot, you're still my friend no matter what. And you can tell me anythin that is bothering you, ok." Jin Ae said in a serious tone. Hoya was shock of what he just heard. But worst of all she doesn't now that what's bothering him is about her. "Umm, are you sure you want to now?" Hoya said while looking at Jin Ae. "Anything. I mean this is what friends are for right?" Jin Ae said as she looked at Hoya who is looking at her and nodded. Hoya took a deep breath and sign before speaking. "Ok then if you want to know." "Yes, you can tell me anything you want." "Alright then. Well theres this girl..." "Oh is she your girlfriend?" Jin Ae cut in. "No but..." "Oh, is she someone I now? Is she in your grade?" "No, not exactly but..." "Oh what's her name? Is she...." Jin Ae was cut off by Hoya. "Yah do you want to now what's bothering me or not if you keep on cutting me off like that." Hoya said and pounted a little while looking at Jin Ae. "Sorry, I'll be quiet." Jin Ae giggle as she thought it was cute seeing him get angry and she knew Hoya was getting annoyed by her interruptions. "Alright, so theres this girl and whenever I see her, she makes me feel weird. Inside here." Hoya said while putting his hand on top of his chest. "Well that's because your in love." Jin Ae said. "What? And how do you now? Have you had this feeling before, or have you been in love before?" Hoya said concerned. "Well you could say that but when I'm with the person I love, I don't want to leave him. I want to stay by his side and never leave him." Jin Ae said in a calm voice while looking up the sky and imagining all the memories she had with the person she loved dear. Hoya just look at her, amazed at how cute and pretty she looked like with the breeze blowing on her hair. "So is that it?" Jin Ae said as she turned her head to look at Hoya. "Uh no there's more." Hoya said as he looked away feeling his checks get warm. "Well did you tell her how you feel about her yet?" Jin Ae said with a smile on her face. Hoya blushed even more seeing her beautiful smile of hers. "Uh not yet." "Why not? You should tell her before someone else does." Jin Ae said. "But what if she doesn't like me? What if I'm not good enough for her?" Hoya said worried while thinking how you would respond back. "She won't like you if you don't tell her your feelings. Just tell her." Jin Ae said encouraging. "Should I? I mean I never confessed to a girl before. And I don't know how?" Hoya said unsure. "Here I'll help you. Just pretend I'm her and tell me how you feel about her. But you have to be honest and it must come from the heart." Jin Ae said while sitting in a good positive to face Hoya. He was shocked when Jin Ae said that because she still doesn't now that it's her that he's talking about. "Umm are you sure. I mean what if..what if..." Hoya stuttered and got nervous. "It's ok, just pretend I'm the girl that you like and express your feelings to her." "Ok then here we go." Hoya said while taking a deep breath and looking into her eyes. "Huh..Jin Ae, your the one and only girl that I look at because your my sun, my universe. I love you to death that I don't want to leave you. You make my heart skip a beat when I see that beautiful smile of yours on your face. Your long light-brown hair flowing in the wind. Your milky cream skin that looks soft to touch. You make me want to hug you like there is not tomorrow. And those kissable lips to feel onto my lips. And only for me to touch. I want you to be mine and only mine to be able to touch and to stay with forever." As he finish, he leaned in closer to Jin Ae. She was shock at his movements, so leaned back a little but stop once she hit the tree behind her. Hoyas warm breath tickled her face as he got closer and closer to Jin Ae. Then in a blink of an eye his lips were on hers. Jin Ae was shock and speechless. She couldn't feel or move because she was still in shock. As Hoya parted the kiss, he leaned in forward so her forehead was touching his. "Jin Ae your the girl that's been bothering me these days because I'm going crazy for you. So would you like to be my only one, my girlfriend." Hoya said while looking deep into her eyes.




Once agian, sorry if its boring!! I try to make them more interesting in the future! Thanks agian for supporting and reading my story, I'll try to update as fast as i can!!

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chikorquotes #1
Hello! Do you need a poster? Do feel free to visit Pandora Graphics if you're interested in getting one for your story. Thanks!
BellaInspirit #2
omo~ i like it~
Omg! Hoya is so chessy while confusing to her. Lol
Keep up the good work! Can't wait to see what happens next. >_<
muhanui #4
I love it so far! Update soon! Woohyun? What's wrong? Making me nervous lol. Hoya and author-nim hwaiting!! ^-^