
The Death Zone


Kai slowly slipped his fingers into the brown envelope, and steadily pulled out several sheets of information of his target.

There was a single photo–most likely, a candid shot–on the upper right of the sheet. By the styles and clothes she was wearing, he could tell that she's likely to be those kind of emo girl who doesn't give a damn about anything. She had dark black hair and brown eyes, wearing smudgy makeup, but in a very fashionable way. Kai caught a tattoo on her lower nape. It was sentences, but he couldn't make out the words.

The way she shoved her long bangs off her face made Kai his lips. It was not often to have a y target.

"Park Hae Kyu..." He muttered, *20?!* He kept the shock to himself, although it was quite obvious with his face expression. Fortunately, some of the other members are, too, too shock with their targets to notice one another.

*Be professional, Kai.* He kept thinking to himself. But it was a hard thing to keep in minds when the girl looks barely 18, and to think that he's going to call her 'noona' and not being called 'oppa' himself–well, for kai, it's a hard thing to gulp into the minds.

He pressed his fingers and motioned it on his temple. As the dizzy slowly got away, he slowly averted his gaze to the other members that were still holding the package in their hands. He also noticed that quite a few of them were acting strange. Don't ask him why he knew it, their feelings were written all over their face. It was like banging on someone's head and shouted 'MESSSAAAGGGEEE!!!'.

He spotted Kris who was crumbling the edge of his papers in agony. Even though Kai didn't know why the sarcastic Kris acted this way; he knew that something must've gone wrong–terribly wrong.



" seemed like we're going our own ways again?" Xiumin said in a gloomy voice, even though the constance of his mouth chewing onto the samgyeopsal and the 'wah~' and 'yummy' lines doesn't really tell the story.

"Just eat your things. You're spitting all over." Chen jokingly turned away from Xiumin, emphasizing his words.

"Hyung!" Xiumin shot him a glare. If this overloading-cute guy wasn't the guy that they knew too clearly, the thoughts of him being a secret investigator would never–even in a million years–cross their minds, in any ways. But it just so happened that he can do really well with guns, and can even be the second smartass after Luhan in the group.

Everyone was eating and playing pranks on each other. But a few of them just picked on their food with their chopsticks, flipping them over and over again on the grill and ended up burning it, with just the results of getting glares from the food maniac–Xiumin.

Unfortunately, Kai was one of them. Kris, two. And Lay, three. But no one knew what was going on with the 3 masterminds. They seemed more tense, depressed, and somehow, in their own little isolated world of imaginations.

"Uh...ahnyeong~ fellas?" Chanyeol snapped his fingers infront of their faces.

"Chanyeol. Do that again, and I will seriously kick your off." Lay hissed. But it sounded like a kid's trying to get his words right with his korean accents. Wrong moves, Lay.

"Chips, loosen up a bit, will ya? Okay, Duizhang? Khamjjong?" Chanyeol grinned, following by the laughters of the whole group. If you don't know him well, often times, you'd take it as an insult. But being with him more than 5 years, they knew better. He was the happy virus; his hyper-ness just can't stop you from laughing 'til your stomach aches.

But there's time even the virus won't do any good. There's people who are resistent to it, and won't really get the personal jokes. And everyone knew that there's only that one person, who just takes thing to the extreme, who will never lose a chance to compete with them : Light. Who is light? I'm afraid you must find that out yourself.

"Speaking of which, did you guys know that he's going to participate in the mission too?" D.O brought up the forbidden topic. Poor him and his innocence.

*I knew it.* Kai hissed under his breath. But before anyone can respond to it, a cellphone rang.

"Mine." Kai said, mostly because that all of them has the same ringtones. Childish, but very clever in a particular way.

As he shifted his gaze to the phone screen, he recognize the number instantly. *L.*


[Kai. Where are you now?]

"I'm with the rest of the members, why?" He became nervous all of a sudden.

[I needed you to go pack your things, and get ready for tonight's flight. Right now. Light's waiting for you at the airport.]

"Yes, si–Wait! W.h.a.t?" 


[To be Continued...] 


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minanie #1
Daaaaaaaaaaaamn, death zone o_o
It doesnt . Its really good! Ill wait for your update!!
Update soon and good luck with all your stuff!
minanie #4
Omg, I love it! Please, uptade soon~~
Jay-Dee #5
I feel so special. HAHAH. c: <3 OOH. L AS IN INFINITE'S MYUNGSOO? Cool, meng, cool. At first I didn't understand it, but now I see how cool it is with all the secret agent stuff, and kyah.~~~ Thank you for letting there be a second chapter. Watch as I comment again, looking like an idiot, after I read it. o; Update soon, anyways! Keep up the good work! c:
Who's light?? And why is he going seperatly?? Update sooon!
jvue93 #7
I can't wait to read it... (I'm busy at the moment, lol!) Please continue to update and take your time. We're anticipating something AWESOME from you, hahah!! Got to go.. Thank you!! ^_^
Sounds amazing!! Update soon!!