Death Zone : Zone 7, The Sinister City

The Death Zone


'Turn back...Wangja-nim...' A voice whispered in the back of his head–faintly, and vaguely.


'Turn back when it's still not too late...'

'Turn back...?' He looked behind him. There was nothing, but darkness. But he could briefly make out a door–no, a portal–surrounded by light in the other end of the corridor.

'Your yearning, the longing–everything, everything must stopped...' Suddenly, he felt pain. Emotional Pain. His head felt as if it was burning in an oven, wrapped around with foil. It was slowly, steadily burning his memories away–bit by bit.  

'What do you mean? And who exactly are you?' He wrapped his hands around his head, his body trembling in great suffer.

He could hear a slight suprised smirk, as the voice began haunting its way to his empty head again.

'I understand. But please keep in mind, Wangja-nim, you can never change the past. Don't go against the order of heaven, or great consequences will surface. Let it be the way it was, and Gods will take pity on you and perhaps, they will bless a second chance. And so, I bid you farewell, and good luck, my prince...'




"Wait!!!" He jerked up from his dream. Only that he wasn't dreaming. The pain had already sudsided, but he could feel the emptiness in his head; as if someone was bleaching his mind–white.

*Where am I..? The last thing I remembered–I...I was–I... I don't remember anything...* He scanned the surrounding. He was in the middle of a field filled with different kinds of flowers. Looking from afar, he could see a traditional korean palace.

Even he didn't know who he was, where he is, or where he was, he still knew where this is–stranglely.

He thought he must've loved History or something to remember nothing but this place.

As he drowned himself in deep thoughts, he felt something tuck down his arms.

"Stalker Guy..."

*Eh..?* It was a girl around his age, dressing in, somewhat, similar type of clothings. Did he know her? He still had no clues. But she was a beauty, he must admit.

"Stalker..?" He helped her got up, his eyes fixing on her.

"Don't play stupid. The plane shaking? Remember?"

"The plane shaking..? Was I in a plane? And moreover...who are you?"

The girl raised her eye brows. "Do you often pull pranks too? You're just impossible." She shook her head.

But Kai looked more frustrated than he's ever been.

"No. Seriously, who are you? Do we, like, know each other...?"

"Well, if you wanted to play stupid with me, I'll play with you." She crossed her arms, "We don't know each other. But you accidently landed on my sister in the airport, and coincidently was in the same flight with us when the plane was crashing. Talking about the plane..." She scanned her surroundings, just like what Kai did in the first place.

"Where is–"

"First Prince! First Prince, please come out now!" The two turned to the sound.

*What? Did we land on some kind of historical drama filming site?* Hae Kyu thought. There was a swarm of ancient palace-looking maids in hanboks, leaded by an eunuch who was around 4 ft tall.

"Ah! First Prince, where were you, your highn–Omo! What are you wearing? Such disgraceful hair–and who is this young girl, may I ask?"

"Did you just say...'disgraceful'?" Although he didn't who he was or where he was from–or even, why the heck did these ancient-looking people called him prince–he had to admit, the word just didn't sound right in his ears.

"Ah! Y-Your highness, please spare my lives. It wasn't intended, but your highness, your hair...oh my.." The eunuch sobbed–which in Hae Kyu's point of view, seemed ridiculous.

"Stalker guy, ask them, where are we?" She nudged him in the elbows, whispering.

"Alright, Alright. Er, Ahem, where are we?" He asked, even though he knew perfectly where this is. 

"Pardon me, prince? Did you hit yourself in the head? YOU! What did you do to our prince?" The Eunuch glared at Hae Kyu.

"No, no, no, no. Although I kinda lost my memories, but no. So, answer me, where are we?" He went with the flow. If they insisted on calling him 'prince', he might as well acted as one.

"A–Algaesumnida, prince. We are in the back garden of the Gyeongbokgung palace."

"Gyeongbokgung? Are we 'still' in the 21st Century?!" Hae Kyu blurted, with her hands on her hips, confused.

"The 21st Century? How DARE you?!! This is the 15th Century, in the reign of King Taejong of Joseon Dynasty!!"


Oh well, at least, He didn't expect this.


[To be continued...]



PHOBIA Talks : Before I get to the point, I should say that this era 'did' exist, yes, the king's name and all that, in Joseon Dynasty. But this is a fantasy fic, remember? So, any events (except the ones that are noted) are a work of fiction and author's imagination.

Ok, so. I promised you to update since, like, thursday? Mianhe. I hang out with my friends on Friday. And I was too lazy to do it on yesterday. So yeah, I kinda make this chapter long on purpose. Anyway, I'm thinking of doing a double update to make up. So stay tuned. /I don't know if you guys like this chapter, but yeah.../

Ah, and last but not least, did you guys notice the 'supernatural' tag? lawl. I just added because of some twist of events AND thoughts. So yeah, I guess you can predict what'd happen by now.

Oh, and, as usual, a BIG shout out thank you to all my readers and two new ones : Maiko_chan and xabrina for subscribing! I can't thank you enough :)

Have a nice day, and stay tuned! 

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minanie #1
Daaaaaaaaaaaamn, death zone o_o
It doesnt . Its really good! Ill wait for your update!!
Update soon and good luck with all your stuff!
minanie #4
Omg, I love it! Please, uptade soon~~
Jay-Dee #5
I feel so special. HAHAH. c: <3 OOH. L AS IN INFINITE'S MYUNGSOO? Cool, meng, cool. At first I didn't understand it, but now I see how cool it is with all the secret agent stuff, and kyah.~~~ Thank you for letting there be a second chapter. Watch as I comment again, looking like an idiot, after I read it. o; Update soon, anyways! Keep up the good work! c:
Who's light?? And why is he going seperatly?? Update sooon!
jvue93 #7
I can't wait to read it... (I'm busy at the moment, lol!) Please continue to update and take your time. We're anticipating something AWESOME from you, hahah!! Got to go.. Thank you!! ^_^
Sounds amazing!! Update soon!!