Shattered Pieces

The Death Zone


The 12 eyed each other suspiciously.

"Don't you look at me like that, Duizhang." Lu han scoffed as his long, slender fingers pushed into his pocket and pulled out his mask.

"Oh? So you're not the smartass anymore, huh?" Kris smirked.

"Korean, guys. Korean." Suho shook his head while shoving through the half-awake members and made his way to the code screen.

"Well, well. It's been a long time since we've gathered. How about an after-work party with the girls?" Baekhyun suggested, winking at several female co-workers by the way.

"Yeah right. Just get your out of the way already." Kai rolled his eyes, following Suho to the front door as he bumped shoulders with Baekhyun. They had never been much of a friend to each other, but to the other members, they seemed to grow more mature and responsible; in which if it's in the past, they'd have already been claws to claws by now.

As the door slid open, Sehun and Tao yawned, too tired from the hours plane flight to drag their feet across the marble floor. Chen chuckled at the sight of their maknaes as he patted their shoulders and walked pass them.



"This place hadn't changed at all." Xiumin grinned at the view. He hopped into one of the couch gleefully despite the fact that he should be looking more tough and mysterious for being one of the top secret agent.

"And that's the worst part. It brings back memories." Chanyeol put on a face.

The bright light from the crystal lightings shone onto the mosaic tiles. The room was of a modern classic styles, with a long set of conference table in the center, an 103-inch plasma TV placed in the corner of the room facing the couches, and a desk with papers stacked in different high piles. The 16 celcius cool air from the air-conditioner set a gloomy mood in the room.

"Welcome back, my boys." The guys immediately turned to the husky voice, coming from the TV Screen.

"L." D.O muttered, fixing his gaze on the red screen.

Suits him. The old man has never come face-to-face to EXO before, nonetheless the regular agents. But they knew better than that, there was one.

"Long time no hear, L." Kris scoffed. It was the truth, regardless. They had long communicated for the last 2 years, giving off the reason that they're all busy completeing their tasks. But L usually liked to talk personally to each one of them, so there was never a real time where the 12 were gathered together–at least, not like now.

"Mind you and your sarcasms, Wu Yi Fan." A faint chuckling followed.

"So, Wassup? Calling for us altogether at the same times like this, it must've meant something, right?" Chanyeol rubbed his nose, suspiscious.

"In a common sense, yes. An anonymous cli–" L began, but was cut off half-way.

"Anonymous? Hah! My foot. Who do they think they are?" Tao gave a sarcastic laugh.

"Well well, Tao. If you excuse me, I'm in the middle of a serious business here?" Everyone snickered as Tao pouted and began sulking.

"I shall proceed" L paused, "So, an anonymous client had requested for a mission. A very tough one, I must say. So you see, he or she had 12 pieces of the shattered locket that had been passed down for generations. The client seemed to think that the locket must be something special, and now that he found 12 shattered pieces, he's searching for the rest of it. He had a private investigator to look more into the case, but had only gathered informations of 13 other people that had now possessed some of the remaining parts."

"And I'm guessing that...whoever that person is must have wanted us to steal it from the 13 people?"


"Damn that person and their stupid generation stuff. We're the top 12 agents for god's sake, and yet, you're asking us to play this immature game?" Kai snarled.

The voice hissed back, "Watch your words, Kai."

"...I'm sorry, please continue."

"That's better. So since everyone is being angelic and have no comments, I shall designate each one of you your own task, but keep in mind, this is the same mission. Understand?"

"Yes, sir." Everyone spoke at the same time, as if planned.

"Look to your left side. The documents and infos are on the table. Take one that has your name of it, and study it carefully tonight. Depending on each person, you will have to go to different places. I had already booked plane tickets and prepared for your stay in different places for some of you. I will only expect the best from you 12, so don't let me down. Farewell. And I'll see you again in 2 months." Without getting to ask any questions, the TV screen switched off automatically.

Everyone moved and reached for their own package of documents, except for Kai that was still wondering in his own little world.

*13 remaning pieces. 12 agents. Is it possible...that he's going to do the last one?*


[To be Continued...] 



PHOBIA Talks : A shout-out thank you to the first 5 subscribers–aileen93, Jay-Dee, KpopFanGirl21, bubblez501, and jvue93–who gave me the motivation to continue this first fanfic of mine *bows 90 degrees*. I hope you're not disappointed with this chapter, and enjoyed it as much as  i did writing this.

Comments, subscriptions, and criticisms are still needed, and will be very highly appreciated. I'm quite busy with the end-of-year projects and the whole assessment things, but I promised to update daily–at least once each day.

Last but not least, thank you again, and have a nice day, lovely chinggus~ <3


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minanie #1
Daaaaaaaaaaaamn, death zone o_o
It doesnt . Its really good! Ill wait for your update!!
Update soon and good luck with all your stuff!
minanie #4
Omg, I love it! Please, uptade soon~~
Jay-Dee #5
I feel so special. HAHAH. c: <3 OOH. L AS IN INFINITE'S MYUNGSOO? Cool, meng, cool. At first I didn't understand it, but now I see how cool it is with all the secret agent stuff, and kyah.~~~ Thank you for letting there be a second chapter. Watch as I comment again, looking like an idiot, after I read it. o; Update soon, anyways! Keep up the good work! c:
Who's light?? And why is he going seperatly?? Update sooon!
jvue93 #7
I can't wait to read it... (I'm busy at the moment, lol!) Please continue to update and take your time. We're anticipating something AWESOME from you, hahah!! Got to go.. Thank you!! ^_^
Sounds amazing!! Update soon!!