Chapter 7 - Collapse

In Need of a Singer

It was band practice.

On the outside, it seemed very normal. Normal except to Kris.

Kris remembered constantly glancing over at his neighbor who was out-of-sorts that day. Tao didn't speak and he didn't smile. Not once. All he did was look down and out the window. Usually he would comment often during rehearsal and would have a smile plastered on his face the whole time. But today was different.

The band had just finished practicing their new song: "Beautiful," and they were about to start playing "Machine."

Kris tapped his foot, "One- two- one, two, three, and!-"

They started playing, everything going well. Chanyeol had a very difficult part on this song, so he messed up a few notes, but it wasn't anything he couldn't fix easily.

Baekhyun was in the middle of the chorus, singing, "Ma-ma-ma-ma-machine," when all of the sudden


Tao had collapsed and hit the cymbals on his drumset.

Kris threw off his bass and ran to the collapsed Tao before anyone took their next breath.

"TAO!" Chanyeol yelled.

Kris had Tao in his arms, feeling his forehead for a temperature and making sure he was still breathing.

Tao's forehead was warm, but other than being shaken and feverish, he was okay.

"Is he okay!?" a frantic Baekhyun asked.

Kris nodded, "He just has a fever. I'm going to take him home and take care of him. You guys can stay and rehearse or go home, it's fine."

Before the other three had time to say anything, Kris helped the drummer up and let him lean on him. He then got his stuff and as he was leaving he yelled, "Oh and Chanyeol, practice your part for 'Machine.'" 

Chanyeol sighed, he knew the Kris didn't really care whether he practiced or not. Kris just wanted to put on a calm face and be leader in front of the band. That was Kris's way: not to burden others with how he's feeling, to put on a mask and not let anyone think for a second that he needed help.

"Duizhang is having a hard time, isn't he..." Sehun noted, scratching his head.

Chanyeol exhaled again, "He is but he'd never forgive us if we tried to help."

Baekhyun then tugged gently on Chanyeol's shirt, "He didn't really want you to practice, right?"

Chanyeol shook his head.


"Duizhang you don't have to do this..." a feverish Tao grumbled.

"Yes I do. You're ill, Tao." Kris said quietly.

Kris and Tao were in a taxi-cab going back to Kris's place. Kris was going to take care of Tao for a while there until he got better. Tao hated being worried about, just like Kris. He tried to refuse Kris's help but gave in due to his fever. 

After a minute or so of silence, Kris looked down. Kris didn't notice, but Tao had lain down on his lap and had started to sleep. 

Kris ran his fingers through Tao's jet-black hair and felt a great wave of sadness hit him.

What did I do to make him think he couldn't confide in me? I feel terrible.


When they arrived, Kris gently woke up Tao, got him out of the cab, and paid the cab driver.

The stairs up to Kris's appartment were difficult for Tao and they didn't have an elevator in their complex, so Kris picked him up and carried him up the stairs. Tao had become lighter, something to add on to Kris's worries.

Once they got to his appartment, Kris put Tao down, unlocked the door, and guided him to his own bed and sat him down.

"How do you feel? Warm? Cold?"

Tao pulled his legs up on the bed and hugged them close. 

"Pathetic." he whispered.

Kris threw his arm around Tao and pulled him over to his side. 

"Tao, I understand how you feel."

He then brought Tao to eye level with him, "I just need you right now to let me take care of you. I want to fix you. Please."

Tao looked away from Kris, saying nothing. 

"Please." Kris pleaded.

Tao then let himself fall onto Kris's bed and murmured, "I'm cold..."

Kris knew that it was difficult for Tao to give in like this. He heard a great deal of shame in Tao's voice.

He then went to his closet, grabbed some blankets and gave his patient a set of pajamas. 

"I'll make you some tea, and in the meantime you can change into this."

Tao nodded and Kris proceeded to ruffle the panda's hair before leaving to make tea.


"Duizhang..." Tao called.

It was night time and Tao couldn't sleep. He was in Kris's bed and Kris was sleeping on the couch in the living room. Kris was a heavy sleeper and probably couldn't hear Tao unless Tao called him by the nickname Kris seldom heard and secretly loved.

Being feverish and an all-around mess, Tao started tearing up, "Kris-gege...?"

He heard Kris get up and quickly run over to the side of his bed. 

"Is everything okay?" 

Tao sniffed and wiped away a stray tear. "I'm sorry I made you worry."

Kris smiled, "It's fine."

Tao lurched out of the covers and hugged Kris tight. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so-"

Kris returned the hug and Tao's back as Tao began to cry, his apologies cut off by tears. 

"Everything will be alright, Tao." Kris whispered as he wiped Tao's tears.

"Thank you ge."


Tao had some night terrors that evening. Kris knew because he'd made himself a bed on the floor with blankets and pillows. He couldn't sleep next to Tao because he couldn't get sick. Kris didn't want anyone else taking care of Tao.

Kris knew that Tao's dreams would be very bad due to his fever. 

But somehow they got through the night, Kris a little tired, and Tao feeling somewhat better.

No matter how tired he got, Kris promised to take care of Tao until he recovered. Even when Chanyeol and Baekhyun called volunteering to take over, he didn't feel it'd be right for them to care for Tao.

"No, it's fine Chanyeol, I've got this... No, I'm not tired... Don't worry, I can handle it... Thanks anyway, bye you two."

Tao looked at Kris who was sitting with the phone at the end of his bed.

"Are you okay, Duizhang?"

Kris looked over at Tao and smiled rather fakely, "I'm fine."

Tao could tell he wasn't. He sat up, crawled over to Kris, and gave him a back-hug.

Kris smiled. His mask was breaking.


Chanyeol hung up the phone and pounded the kitchen counter. "Why doesn't he let me help!?"

Baekhyun took Chanyeol's hand which consequently relaxed and suggested, "Chanyeol-ah, he seems to really care about Tao. If he's taking it too far, Tao will tell us. I know it."

Chanyeol sat down at the kitchen table, Baekhyun following suit. 

"Kris-hyung is strong-willed. But sometimes he works himself too hard, and even through his mask, it shows." He explained.

Baekhyun took Chanyeol's face in his hands and gave him a quick kiss on the lips, "We'll find a way to help them."

Chanyeol nodded and gave Baekhyun a kiss.


Had to sneak in some Baekyeol fluff. I mean, it's been a while.

Well now that I'm back home I'll be writing more. I'm liking how Taoris is panning out. It may even take more chapters, but I'll be throwing in more HunHan and Baekyeol to keep it balanced. Remember, I love suggestions and need suggestions to keep you all happy! Comment here or message me on my tumblr:


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Sorry guys no chapter tonight, my eyes are insanely itchy and I can't focus. LOVE YOU ALL AND SORRY.


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Aaaaaw.. X3
I can't keep my self from squealing, when I see 3 couples dating full of fluffiness... XD
Like BaekYeol the best! I love to see Baekhyun playing Chanyeol's hair. It's so fluffy... ^^

Don't worry. I understand your condition, and I won't unsubscribe. Have a nice trip! ^^
wow! have a nice trip, author-nim LD i'll still being one of your subscriber :D
Baekyeol moment here is really adorable! hahahahahaah...
PikaKyuLove #3
Have fun on your trip! ^__^ All the couples are adorable!!!
Have a fun trip! Its fine I'll still stay subscribed~ Just means I'll be even more excited when i see an update again~
Euhm... This is... Sweet...
You know, lately I found some stories about KaiSoo.. And I found them really cute together. After BaekYeol, I think KaiSoo is also my favorite OTP now.. X)

I'm reaaally glad that you decided to cancel the angst.. XD

I love this! Very much! ^^

Can't wait for the next update! ^^
Yes I am a blackjack, I love 2ne1 so much!! (Bommie's my bias.) I'll make references to kaisoo in the following chapters but this was just a side chapter that I had a lot of fun writing. Thanks all for your support I'm so happy you enjoyed this chapter! ^-^
rofl xD please!!!! al of the above!!!! if u can! taoris/hunhan/bekyeol! but if u can't.,.please.,please.,TAORIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WITH TT!!!!! WHITES!
bluegroove10 #8
author-nim is a blackjack?? i love this one!!
menikkey #9
New reader here~
i love baekyeol fluffiness here.kekkekk~ :D

i'm lookin forward for the next update. I hope kaisoo are doing well...
PikaKyuLove #10
Lol, Kai works fast! XD Man, I totally thought Sang was Seungri....