Chapter 3 - The Past

In Need of a Singer

+This chapter is a little dark, not as fluffy as before. I had to make it dark. Sorry about that.+

Now that Chanyeol and Baekhyun were roommates, Chanyeol decided it was time to talk to Baekhyun about what happened the night they met. He wanted to know who hurt his Baekhyun, it had been pestering him ever since he met Baekhyun. 

It was a week after they became roommates, a Sunday afternoon. Baekhyun was doing a crossword puzzle while Chanyeol was practicing new songs for the band on his acoustic guitar. Baekhyun called out to Chanyeol, "Chanyeol, what's an animal who lives in the savannah that starts with an O and is 5 letters?" 

Chanyeol walks over to Baekhyun and looks over his shoulders at the puzzle.

"Okapi, they always use that word," Chanyeol states plainly.

"Oh yeah! I remember seeing those at the zoo!"

Chanyeol rested his chin on Baekhyun's shoulders. 

"Baekhyun-ah, can I talk to you about something?"

Baekhyun looked over to Chanyeol, "Sure what's wrong?"

Chanyeol dragged Baekhyun over to the couch and sat down with his roommate next to him. "Baekhyun-ah if you're comfortable with talking about it, what happened that night before we met? If you don't want to talk about it I won't push you." Baekhyun sighed and looked over to his Chanyeol. "I guess you should know."

"I was abused. After I was evicted from my apartment a few months ago because I couldn't find work to pay, I was on the streets."

Baekhyun started shivering, Chanyeol could feel it through the couch. Chanyeol held Baekhyun close to him and rested his chin on his head.

"One night, I was in the park trying to sleep when some people took me. I had no idea what was happening. They threw me in a room and kept me there for weeks and didn't let me out. They didn't feed me much, but they fed me some. Often they'd visit to use me and hurt me. I was their toy."

Chanyeol was horrified. He couldn't believe Baekhyun went through this. He Baekhyun's arms where the bruises and wounds were and kissed his forehead.

"Over the time I was there, I figured out there was a way to get out. My cell had a window that was small but big enough for me, as I had lost weight. I found a way to get the window open after a few weeks. I left, but they immediately noticed and sent people after me."

Chanyeol then added, "And then you got in my cab to escape those people."

Baekhyun nodded, tears welling up in his eyes. "I hadn't had fresh air for weeks until I met you. I hadn't sang for weeks until I met you. I hadn't had a hug for months until you. Chanyeol you s-saved me. And I j-just can't thank you enough... You saw me and y-you helped me... Y-you were just what I n-needed!"

Baekhyun was now crying but smiling as Chanyeol held Baekhyun's face and promised, 

"Baekhyun, I promise nothing bad is going to happen to you anymore because we have each other. I'll never leave your side."

"You promise?"

"I swear. Nothing will hurt you."

The two leaned into each other for a kiss when the phone rang. Chanyeol, now irritated, answered it.


"Chanyeol-hyung it's Tao, sorry if we interrupted anything but we kind of have a problem and need you at Kris's apartment"

Tao said it so apologetically, it was hard to not forgive him, "It's fine, what's wrong?"

"Ah, Duizhang is having trouble with Sehun. He's in a bad state."

Sehun's probably still down about Luhan-hyung... He doesn't behave well when he's having problems with Luhan-hyung..

"I'll be there. Hold on."

"Thanks hyung!"

Chanyeol put on his sweatshirt and walked over to Baekhyun, "I'm sorry Baekhyun-ah, Sehun is in a bad state. I need to go over to Kris-hyung's."

"Can I come?"

Chanyeol felt bad but he wanted to protect his Baekhyun, "Sehun... he's not a good person when he's not feeling well. I don't want him taking his anger out on you."

Baekhyun smiled, "Thank you for caring about me Chanyeol. Be safe, I love you."

Chanyeol leaned in and kissed Baekhyun goodbye, "I will, love you too. Call me if you need me!"

Chanyeol left his apartment still worried about Baekhyun. He knew it would be wrong to not tend to Sehun, but he felt awful leaving Baekhyun after making him talk about his past.

I'm such an idiot! Why would I make him tell me!?


"No I need Luhan-hyung!!" a crying Sehun sobbed.

Kris pleaded, "Sehun, we don't know where he is!" 

Chanyeol walked into Kris's living room where Sehun was curled up in an armchair, Tao and Kris nearby. 

"What's wrong Sehun?" Chanyeol asked, patting Sehun's head.

"I only want Luhan-hyung." 

Chanyeol shrugged, "I don't see the problem, let's take you over to his apartment."

"He's not answering his phone, he probably blocked our numbers." Tao sighed.

Kris added, "We also don't know what kind of mental state he's in so we don't want Sehun getting hurt by Luhan-hyung."

Sehun stood up, "You know what I'm just going to go home. Thanks guys but there's nothing you can do."

Everyone tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen, Sehun wanted to go home. His apartment wasn't that far away so he decided to walk. It would clear his head. Sehun stuck his hands in his pockets and looked at the ground as he walked home. He bumped into someone who scowled and walked on. Sehun looked back at the man.

I must have ruined his day.

He then turned to walk again when he bumped into someone else.

Sehun looked up to find Luhan.


"Sehun. What are you doing here?"

"Walking home, can I talk to you, hyung?" Sehun tugged on Luhan's sleeve.

Luhan sighed, "I thought this was all over, I don't want to."

Sehun looked down, "I shouldn't have expected you to say yes. I should've just walked away."

Sehun then ran off straight to his apartment not looking back.


Why couldn't it be like the past?

Sehun crawled into his bed and thought about the times he had with his Luhan-hyung.

He remembered the times they went for bubble tea together, the times they watched movies all night, the times they would record their own duets. The one time when Luhan gave Sehun a kiss but to this day denies he ever did.

Sehun missed Luhan with all of his heart. He missed every second they spent together. He shouldn't have assumed that Luhan wanted to talk. Why would he? 

I'm probably just an afterthought to him.

Sehun's eyes started to well up when he heard the doorbell. He got up, wiped his eyes and opened the door cautiously.


It was Luhan.

Sehun's eyes began to tear again so Luhan looked away to not embarrass his friend. 

"What do you want, hyung? You never call, you don't make plans with me, you don't hang around me, and it seems like you don't like me. What possibly could you want with me, lowly Sehun?!"

Sehun then started to cry, so Luhan reached for his ex-bandmate, resulting in a slap from him.

Despite Sehun's persistent fighting, Luhan's arm continued over to run its fingers through Sehun's hair.

"I'm sorry. That's all. Bye."

Luhan left abruptly. Sehun didn't even have a chance to say goodbye. 

He felt his head where Luhan briefly his hair. 


Outside, Luhan was kicking himself.

Why did I even think of going back!? I can't have anymore emotional contact with him! I'm such a moron!


That night, both Sehun and Luhan found themselves crying.

Crying because the past hurt too much. 


Author's note: I've pretty much finished the Baekyeol arc but it will reappear. I'm planning on making this fic pretty long, but I don't know. Taoris will come after I've finished the HunHan arc. Suggestions and constructive criticisms are always welcome, I'm just a beginner at this. Thanks for all of your continued support.

By the way, I will be gone from June 7th through 10th so if I don't finish by then, I won't be able to post then. Sorry for the inconvenience!


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Sorry guys no chapter tonight, my eyes are insanely itchy and I can't focus. LOVE YOU ALL AND SORRY.


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Aaaaaw.. X3
I can't keep my self from squealing, when I see 3 couples dating full of fluffiness... XD
Like BaekYeol the best! I love to see Baekhyun playing Chanyeol's hair. It's so fluffy... ^^

Don't worry. I understand your condition, and I won't unsubscribe. Have a nice trip! ^^
wow! have a nice trip, author-nim LD i'll still being one of your subscriber :D
Baekyeol moment here is really adorable! hahahahahaah...
PikaKyuLove #3
Have fun on your trip! ^__^ All the couples are adorable!!!
Have a fun trip! Its fine I'll still stay subscribed~ Just means I'll be even more excited when i see an update again~
Euhm... This is... Sweet...
You know, lately I found some stories about KaiSoo.. And I found them really cute together. After BaekYeol, I think KaiSoo is also my favorite OTP now.. X)

I'm reaaally glad that you decided to cancel the angst.. XD

I love this! Very much! ^^

Can't wait for the next update! ^^
Yes I am a blackjack, I love 2ne1 so much!! (Bommie's my bias.) I'll make references to kaisoo in the following chapters but this was just a side chapter that I had a lot of fun writing. Thanks all for your support I'm so happy you enjoyed this chapter! ^-^
rofl xD please!!!! al of the above!!!! if u can! taoris/hunhan/bekyeol! but if u can't.,.please.,please.,TAORIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WITH TT!!!!! WHITES!
bluegroove10 #8
author-nim is a blackjack?? i love this one!!
menikkey #9
New reader here~
i love baekyeol fluffiness here.kekkekk~ :D

i'm lookin forward for the next update. I hope kaisoo are doing well...
PikaKyuLove #10
Lol, Kai works fast! XD Man, I totally thought Sang was Seungri....