Reset the Heartquake

Reset the Heartquake of Coagulation





“How’s Jaesuk?” Manager Kim asked Minjee once they finished their meal.

“He’s fine.”

“Did you sleep with him yesterday?”

Super Junior gasped in surprised upon listened to Manager Kim’s question to Minjee.

“Yup~~” she answered happily.

Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk were hurt to hear the answer while the rest blushed listened to that.

Did he have someone else already? Eunhyuk thought.

Someone has replaced my place. Kyuhyun thought.

God, how can she be to open like that? Leeteuk thought.

Are they going to discuss her life? Donghae thought.

God, please stop their topic. Siwon thought.

Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk hyung… Ryeowook thought. Shindong, Sungmin and Yesung didn’t hear it because they sit far than them.

“You should stop sleeping with him. Look, you even have scratch on your hand. He did harsh to you.” Manager Kim suggested while examined the scratch on Minjee’s hand.

“Why? I have a good sleep every time he was around.” Minjee pouted.

God… please stop them. I don’t want to listen to this anymore. Siwon thought.

“I wonder how you can be so cold in work yet you being so lovey dovey every time you’re with him.” Manager Kim was right. In work, Minjee was really professional. She won’t ever make mistake.

 “It is because I love him.” She replied happily.

Kyuhyun stood up abruptly; couldn’t listen to this anymore. It’s broke him till he wanted to kill himself instantly. “I guess… I’ll go back home now.”

Manager Kim hit his forehead lightly. “Haha… sorry boys, I forgot all of you were here.”

The moment Minjee’s eyes met Kyuhyun’s; she can see how hurt he was. Kyuhyun just smiled weakly to her and walked away from the place.

“Yah, Kyuhyun. Wait. I’ll drop all of you.” Manager Kim halted Kyuhyun. “Come on, Minjee.” he invited and pulled the latter with him without waiting for her reply.


Kyuhyun bought the picture of him and Minjee to his chest while lying on his bed. “If I can’t have you in reality, please keep coming to my dream. Because that the only way I can stay alive.”


“Leeteuk hyung…” Sungmin called Leeteuk when they’re peeking on Kyuhyun’s room. They felt sorry for Kyuhyun… and Eunhyuk too…

They went to the kitchen to continue their yesterday discussion.

“Leeteuk hyung…” Kyuhyun suddenly went to their side. “I want to go out for a while.” He asked Leeteuk’s permission.

“Owh… okay.” He agreed and Kyuhyun went out. “I’m worried. Fishy, go and follow him.”

“Yes, sir!” Donghae saluted.


Kyuhyun’s legs brought him to Minjee’s apartment. He looked upside, but the house was dark.

“Hyung, he went to someone place. I’m sure it was not Changmin’s.” Donghae reported to the house.

“Okay, fishy. Make sure you still followed him and never lost him.” Leeteuk instructed.

“Roger!” It was exciting for Donghae, he felt like he was back when he was 7, playing a role as a spy. He saw Kyuhyun went to take the elevator, and he went panic. He called the house back.

“Sir, suspect is taking elevator now. What should I do?” he reported.

“Follow him!” Leeteuk simply said.

“If I followed him, my undercover will be exposed, sir!”

“Use the stairs, fishy!” Sungmin suggested.

“But it’s tiring.” He whined.

“Don’t you want to get promoted, privet? You must not lose him.” Yesung said, totally engrossed with Donghae’s game.

“But…” Donghae whined. “Who know which floor he… went…?” Donghae paused when he saw something.

“Donghae yah, what happen?” Siwon asked detecting the hesitant from Donghae.

“Minjee shi…” he said not blinking his eyes. “Minjee’s shi house… is here.”


Minjee walked out from the elevator, shutting her eyes when she massaged her neck. The moment she opened her eyes, she saw Kyuhyun’s sleeping in front of her door.

Kyuhyun wake up because of the jingling sound made by the keys. “Minjee…” he quickly stood up. “I…”

“What are you doing here?” she asked in stern voice.

“I… I… I miss you…” Kyuhyun said lowering his head.

Minjee sighed. “You shouldn’t be here.”

“Why are you doing this to me?” Kyuhyun asked. There’s always sadness in his tone whenever he talk to Minjee.

Minjee felt sorry for him, but she couldn’t do anything. “I told you to just forget about me.” she said softly.

“How can I, Minjee? I’m not able to do it.”

Minjee couldn’t afford to handle him anymore; she decided to just go inside. Before Minjee could enter her house, Kyuhyun hugged her from back.

“Please, Minjee. I miss you so badly. Please come back to me.” He said between the hug. “I won’t question why you did that to me before. I won’t say a word, Minjee. As long as we went back to our relationship.”

Minjee could felt her shoulder wet. Was Kyuhyun cry? That question lingered on her mind. And she knew he did when she heard him sobbing.

Kyuhyun felt scared. Minjee didn’t even reply to him or to his hug. Thus, he gripped her more tightly. “Please, Minjee. Please. Your silent is killing me. Please… I love you… I love you so much…”

On the other side, Donghae was watching everything intensely. He did not want to disturb their conversation.

“Kyuhyun…” she called. “You should forget about me.”

Kyuhyun shook his head and buried it to her shoulder. “No, I don’t want to. My love towards you is too deep to forget about you. Please don’t ask me to do such a thing, Minjee.”

“I’m not worth for you, Kyuhyun. I change your pure love for money, remember?”

Kyuhyun gripped tighten on Minjee’s shoulder. “I don’t care about that. That’s all what happen in the past.”

“Stop it, Cho Kyuhyun!” Minjee remarked and turned to him. She had cold look when she was looking at him. “Why can’t you just forget about it? Get a life, Cho! Don’t be so pathetic like this.”

Minjee shouted make Kyuhyun shocked. She had never raised her voice to him before. Even though at their first fight, Minjee always remained soft to him.  

When your cold words

Reach my heart

In my eyes, without me knowing

Wet dewdrops


Where they’re from and how they form over and over even I don’t know

The only thing I know is that I just really hurt

My formerly burning heart is slowly becoming cold


I don’t know what to say, or how to hold on to you

How can I, how can I do it


On the window and on my eyes

Dew forms, tears form

A small stream is made


I’m afraid that if I close my eyes they will flow

Even as I look up to the sky

Of the tears that have ultimately become worse

One drop was finally discovered


How if I can’t see you again then how can I

Tomorrow morning when I unknowingly reach for the telephone

What will I do then?


I want to smile

And leave you with a good image when I look at you

The tears ultimately fall down


  • Super Junior K.R.Y: Coagulation

“Because I was too in love with you that I become someone this pathetic.” Kyuhyun mumbled.

“I told you, it’s all over. Stop bugging me, asking to love you back… because I’ll never.” She remark.

“KIM MINJEE!” Donghae shouted at him. Donghae couldn’t hold his anger anymore. “DON’T INSULT KYUHYUN THAT WAY!” He has watched enough of it and seeing how Kyuhyun being treated by Minjee make him wanted to strangle that girl right now.

“Lee Donghae…” Minjee was shocked to see Donghae there. Kyuhyun still has his head lower.

Donghae pulled Kyuhyun hand, dragging him away from her. “Was his love that dirty? That you threw him away just like that? Playing with his pride?”

“Hyung… don’t…” Kyuhyun begged for Donghae to stop.

“Why are you like this, Kyu? You’re not this weak! You’re the one who always bullies us, why are you crying for someone like her?”

“Hyung… please.” He begged again and again.

“Listen here, Kim Minjee. Don’t you ever try to insult Kyuhyun anymore. We will protect him from you.” Donghae reminded.

“Then… Lee Donghae! Make him stay away from me. Ask him to stop begging me.”

“I WILL!” Donghae pulled Kyuhyun’s hand and they went to the elevator. Inside the elevator, Donghae kept cursing. Everyone knew that Donghae didn’t curse, but what has happened in front of his eyes really make him angry.

Kyuhyun kept his head lowered, trying to compose everything Minjee had said to him. He tried hard to hold his tears, but he didn’t know why it won’t stop.

“Wait here, Kyu. I’ll get the car.” Donghae said and left Kyuhyun to get the car which he parked a little farther.

Kyuhyun just obediently wait for Donghae. “She doesn’t love me anymore.” He kept repeating it on his mind, and on his lips.

Unconsciously, Kyuhyun was moving forward. He didn’t realize there was a truck at the road, advancing to his direction. The driver too not realized Kyuhyun’s present on the road. 

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Chapter 9: She must've a secret ,,no one can hurt kyuhyun like this^_^ update soooon fighting.
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