Reset the Heartquake of Coagulation

Reset the Heartquake of Coagulation



“Aish… how can manager hyung left me here? And I don’t have my phone with me.” He looked down at his watch as he tapped his right foot impatiently; the digital clock showed it was 3.00 p.m. already. He was left by himself right now. Just minutes before, they were having lunch together, but Kyuhyun needed to use the restroom, so he went out. Sadly, his manager forgot to do the counting and he ended up left behind.

Kyuhyun decided to just walk to his dorm. It’s far; but it was better than trapped here alone. Some elf might recognize him and that’s the last thing he wanted to happen. And the rain at this time is not helping at all. He now trapped under an abandoned and broken hut, not so enough to protect him from the raindrops.

He was counting either to just run through the rain to the nearest shop or just wait inside, even though half of his clothes already drenched. He was just about to sprint, when suddenly a girl ran into the hut where he was. It was too late for him to make his escaped, because he didn’t want that person to think he’s crazy as he running in the rain. He had no other option rather than waits inside the hut and lowered his cap, wished for the girl to not recognize him.

The girl let out deep sigh. She kept looking at the sky, then to her watch.

“Stuck in the rain as well?” Kyuhyun brave himself to ask. At least he has accompanied.

The girl smiled once she looked at him. “Yeah.”

Kyuhyun stunned. Her smile left some impact on Kyuhyun’s heart. He liked her smile. “Kyuhyun…” he let out his hand for a shake.

The girl tilted her head in confusion. “My name… that’s my name… Kyuhyun.” He said stuttered; feeling embarrassed because the girl didn’t know him.

“Owh…” she too let out her hand for shake. “Minjee… Kim Minjee.”

Kyuhyun smiled. “Where are you heading?” he asked.


They were chatting with each other. Kyuhyun felt at ease since he learned that the girl was not an elf. She didn’t even know Super Junior. Though he felt bit disappointed, but at least he can talk to the girl with no problem.

The rain finally stopped. Kyuhyun, who at first sighed because the rain falling down, now sighing because the rain has stopped. He wanted to spend more times with Minjee, because he knew that he has fallen to her.

They bid goodbye when both; Minjee’s little brother and Kyuhyun’s manager, came to pick them. Half on the way, Kyuhyun realized that he didn’t get her number. He let out a deep sigh. It’s okay. At least I knew her name. He thought.


Kyuhyun couldn’t sleep that after that. He kept thinking about Minjee and somehow regretting how he didn’t get her number.

“Hospital” the word suddenly rang Kyuhyun’s head. He asked Leeteuk where they have lunch before. After confirming the place, he surfed through the internet and looked for the hospital near the place. And he found it.

“Hyung… I’m going out for a while.” He said to the other.

“Yah, Kyuhyun. Where are you going?” Yesung asked.

“To find my love.” he shouted and leaved the house.

“Has he gone crazy?” Yesung mumbled alone.

=== at the hospital ===

“Excuse me… did you have staff named Kim Minjee?” he asked one of the nurse on duty.

“Kim Minjee? No, we don’t.” the nurse answered.

He sighed. He was not one of the staff. How am I going to look for her? He thought.

“Excuse me.” one of the nurses called for him. “Are you Kyuhyun from Super Junior?” she asked.

Kyuhyun lowered his cap and nodded. “Please don’t say anything. I don’t want create havoc here.” He begged.

The nurse nodded her head. “Can I get your sign?” the nurse handed him a piece of paper. Kyuhyun gladly signed the paper. “Are you looking for Kim Minjee?” she asked once she got his sign.

“You know her?” he asked brightly.

“Urm… I don’t know if you’re looking for the same person, but I did know someone named Minjee. And she always has been here. Her little brother was sick and admitted to this hospital.” She explained.

“Can you bring me to her? Maybe she was the one I’m looking for.” He asked and the nurse gladly brought him to a children ward.

Kyuhyun saw a girl peeling fruits at the end of the room. And she was the one who he were looking for. He approached the latter ever so slowly.

“Hi.” He greeted. The latter stop her work immediately and turned around.

“Owh…” she quickly bowed to the figure in front of her eyes. “Please sit.” She said.

Kyuhyun did as he told. “Are you sick?” he asked.

Minjee chuckled a little. “No… it’s not me. It was my little brother. But it seems like he was out playing with the other patient.”

“Oh…” is all Kyuhyun can answered. He came without preparing anything and now he has run out of ideas what to say between them. It was an awkward moment for both.

“Erm… do you want some?” she offered the fruits to Kyuhyun. Thinking that it was not nice for him to turn her down, he took some.

“Oh, this strawberry is sweet.” He commented, suddenly felt amazed at the strawberry which has different taste than what he used to eat.

“It was from my family’s farm. So it is fresh.” She explained.

“Really? That is why it sweet; like you.” Kyuhyun cupped his own mouth, regretting how can he told cheesy thing to someone he barely know. She must think I’m weird. He thought.

“Thank you, Kyuhyun shi.” She smiled and Kyuhyun swear that if he had to die at that time, he won’t have any regrets.

Kyuhyun’s phone rang and he went out to answer it. “Yes, hyung… owh… ok hyung… I’ll be back.” He hung up. He went inside back. “Minjee shi… I think I’ll go back now.” He said. Minjee just nodded. “Err…” Kyuhyun scratched his head. “Is… is that possible for us to exchange number?” he asked.

Minjee smiled. “I got no problem with that.” And with that they exchanged number.

“Can… can I come here… later?” he asked.

“Erm… it’s not convenient to meet here. I’m afraid we will disturb the others.” She said and quickly detected the disappointment at Kyuhyun’s face. “But you can call me if you want to meet me. If I’m not busy, then we can meet.”

She saw how Kyuhyun’s face brightens once again. “It’s a promise then.” He said lastly before parting.


It has been five months they both knew each other. Their relationship became better and better, but Kyuhyun still hid his real identity from Minjee. None of Super Junior members knew about his relationship, the only one knew the things that has happened is only his best friend; Shim Changmin from DBSK.

He finally decided to tell her the truth; the truth about him being a Super Junior member and also the truth of his feeling towards her. And he wanted to makes a small event for her. Kyuhyun complotted with Changmin to makes the event went smooth. Changmin was trusted to disturb his manager hyung and the other members, so that they will let Kyuhyun going out with him.

 And their plan was success; because manager Kim and Super Junior couldn’t stand Changmin’s whined about he’s being lonely because of Kyuhyun’s tight schedule. Manager Kim gave Kyuhyun one day off, so that he can drag away Changmin from his sight.

He was waiting for her to come to the garden. Kyuhyun used his family’s garden which located not far from his own house to do the event. His family went outside country for vacation; so Kyuhyun used everything he could to its max.

He was so nervous waiting for her. Changmin had leaved him all alone after checking everything.

“Hello.” A voice greeted. Kyuhyun couldn’t get more nervous when he heard the voice. It was the same feeling when he was debut as Super Junior members 3 years ago.

“C-come in…” he stuttered. Minjee chuckled at his cute reaction. “I had made dinner.” He said. “Don’t worry, it wasn’t me cooked it, even though I wanted to do so. But Changmin keep insisted that I can’t. So, I asked our chef to cook. So, it’s edible.” He explained long and rubbed his neck nervously.

“You don’t have to be in trouble like that.” she assured.

“I can’t. I wanted this dinner be perfect.” He said excited and regretted it seconds later. Minjee let out light chuckled at him. “So, let’s enjoy it first.” And they did enjoy the dinner.

“Ehem…” Kyuhyun do that to attract her attention. “Actually, I want to tell you something. And it’s important.” He paused to see her reaction. Seeing that she got her full attention listening to him, Kyuhyun continued. “IamactuallySuperJuniormemberandiwanttobeyourboyfriend.” He said in one breathe.

Minjee shocked to his ability to speak in that manner, and she only caught a little of the gist. “Super Junior?” she asked. Kyuhyun nodded. “What is that?”

Kyuhyun almost slammed his head to the table. “Super Junior is an idol groups that recently trying to conquer Korean.” He explained proudly.

Once she heard that, she quickly stood and bowed in apology. She felt as her behavior was not right before.

“No… it’s ok. Its fine even when you didn’t knew us.” He said and stood up also. “Please sit down.”

Minjee sat as she was asked to. “So, you’re one of the members?” she asked.

Kyuhyun nodded. “I’m the maknae and we have 13 members in the group. Owh… not forget the other 2 Chinese members. So it makes us 15 in a group. The biggest group in Korean history.” He chuckled.

“I’m really sorry. I didn’t know that you’re an idol.” She said apologetic.

“Nah… its fine. So, are you okay with it? The fact that I’m an idol?” he asked.

Minjee nodded. She didn’t see what the problem with him as an idol. He is also a human after all. “But I didn’t hear the other one you wanted to tell. You went too fast.” She joked.

Kyuhyun sighed. “I was asking… if… if it… it was okay for you… to be my girlfriend?” He finally asked. Minjee was in amazed state. She didn’t even blink her eyes. Seeing that reaction coming from her, Kyuhyun went nervous. “I… I was fallen to you the first day we met. And I really sincere want to be your boyfriend. I knew that we can go date like normal couple, but I promised I won’t let you down. Only if you let me to be yours.” He said the last sentence slowly.

Minjee smiled. Actually she did felt the same to the latter. But she didn’t want her feeling get in the way of their friendship. And Kyuhyun wasn’t that bad too. She might know many people later.

“I was wandering how it was dating a celebrity.” She simply said while drinking water; trying to brushed off her nervousness.

“You mean…” Kyuhyun couldn’t believe his ears.

“I do like you, Kyuhyun.” She smiled. And Kyuhyun couldn’t feel contented more than that.

“I have a song I prepared for you. Shame of me, I should sing this before I confessed.” He rubbed his neck shyly and ready to sing. He sang Listen to You for his new announced girlfriend.

No, it’s not me
this really doesn’t make sense
whenever I eat or sleep I only see you 
I think I’m Crazy

I despised you
because you tormented me everyday
How… I don’t know how
I have come to love you, it’s strange

My heart listens to you from head to toe
even though my friends tease me
my heart hears only you
One two three you are smiling
you take my breath away
Every day I collect your smile to cook a dish called love
I love you, love you…
love you (4x)

why won’t you leave me alone even for a second
even though I’m at loss for words and bewildered 
my heart only calls for you
when I cook for you I get so excited that I whistle
even though I cut my finger
my heart is still happy thinking about you smiling brightly

when night passes passes and passes again that
even my memory is faded
my heart and my smiling eyes
will never leave you

Oh my baby my love…

  • SJ Kyuhyun: Listen To You

“Yah Kyuhyun, Eunhyuk… where have you been? Manager Kim was looking for you both.” Leeteuk asked once they both returned to their doom.

“Why did manager hyung looking for us?” Eunhyuk asked. Leeteuk just shrugged his shoulder and pointed to the main room. Both Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun went there.

“Hyung… what’s wrong?” Eunhyuk asked once they reached there.

“Ah… I just wanted to tell you…” he looked at his phone. “You both didn’t have schedule tomorrow. Manager Kang…” he dialed a number. “Manager Kang said that you both will be given a day off.” Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk nodded. “Aish… why didn’t she picked up?” he said frustrated.

“Who are you calling, hyung?” Kyuhyun asked.

“Minjee. She didn’t pick my call since hour ago. I wonder if she was fine.” He said worryingly.

“Maybe she has asleep already, hyung.” Ryeowook said and handle out a bowl of fruits. “Changmin went out with her before.”

“Ah… really? Maybe I should check her out.” Manager Kim said and took his coat from the coat rack. “Remember your schedule tomorrow.” He reminded Super Junior before took a leaved.

“I’ll be at my room.” Kyuhyun said and went to his room.

“Eunhyuk, what has happened?” Sungmin asked. “Kyuhyun was different. Did you both fights?”

“No hyung…” Eunhyuk denied. “It just… he just knew about something hyung…”

“Something?” Donghae said.

“He just knew why his ex – girlfriend dumped him.” Eunhyuk explained.

“Why was that?” Siwon asked this time.

“Because of money.” Eunhyuk said full stop and went to his room.

Kyuhyun went out from the bedroom after shower and throwing himself to his bed.

“You wanted to know the reason?”

He cupped his face with his hand.

Because it was fun. Making him believe that I love him the same way he did.”

Kyuhyun had tears on his face.

And of course, I got money from it.”

Kyuhyun wanted to kill himself at that time. He really couldn’t believe that it was her hidden agenda. All this while her plan was to win the bet she made with her friends. And he was stupidly blind walking into her trap.

He made his mind. He will make her suffer, more than he has. He decided to return everything she had done to her. Every single tears, every single pain.


Eunhyuk went out since today is his off day. Other Super Junior members have heading out to fulfill their schedule, leaving Kyuhyun all alone in the house.

Smirking, Kyuhyun got an idea. He dialed Minjee’s phone, saying that she need to take care of the unwanted clothes as their stylist. Reluctantly, Minjee come.

Kyuhyun just watched her doing her work when suddenly an idea popped up in his mind. “Kim Minjee… go out and buy me a coffee.” Kyuhyun instructed. Minjee who were currently busy putting their clothes inside a box ignored his command. “Yah! Are you deaf?” He stated angrily.

She stopped instantly. “Yes, Cho Kyuhyun shi… what do you want?” she said smiling sweetly.

“I said…” Kyuhyun stood up and went nearer her. “To buy me a coffee.” He said and pushed her harshly to the wall.

Minjee hissed. “You know Cho Kyuhyun shi… I am not your maid. Why don’t you just get it by yourself?”

Kyuhyun trailed his finger on her face. “You’re my stylist, didn’t you? So, I can instruct you the way I like.”

She pushed away his hand from her. “Hands off from me.” she stated.

“Why? It’s just you and me here now. No one else was here. We can do anything as we pleased.” Kyuhyun said; pulled her closer by waist. “I was thinking… maybe we can forget the past.” He said suddenly. Minjee’s eyebrows attached because of the confusion. 

“You know… we can forget the past.” he said and trailing again her face. “What has happened between you and me…” he leaned closer. “We can bury it.” He said whispered seductively at her ear.

She tried to push him away, but he was too strong. “Don’t try Minjee… you make me wanted you more.” He said seductively. He leaned closer to her face. His hand was already at her waist; pulling her closer.

“What are you up to?” Minjee said panicking at Kyuhyun’s weird behavior.

“I want you.” He simply said and kissed her on lips. Minjee pushed him away, but he’s showing no sign to retreat. Minjee finally give in.

SNAP! A clicked sound could be heard. Kyuhyun pulled away from the kiss and chuckled evilly. He showed the picture to Minjee. “Did you know what will happen to you if I handed this to manager hyung?” he chuckled evilly. “I’m sure manager hyung will fired you.”

“What are you up to?” she asked once again.

“I want to make you suffer. For all you had done to me.” He smirked. “Looking at this… you really enjoyed my kiss, don’t you? Do you want more? I can pay you. You liked money after all, right?”

Minjee slapped Kyuhyun on his cheek. She had almost has tears on her eyes, but she held back. “I wonder… if you still able to say this to me later.” She got out from the house, bumping to Eunhyuk who just went back home.

“Minjee shi…” Eunhyuk called softly. He looked at his hand instantly when he felt something on it. It was a drop of water. Did she cry? He wondered.

“Kyuhyun, was has happened?” Eunhyuk asked instantly when he spotted Kyuhyun frozen at the room. “Are you okay?” Eunhyuk went nearer. “Yah, Kyuhyun!” Eunhyuk pushed him lightly.

“Ah, hyung. Welcome back.” Kyuhyun said in shock.

“I asked you, what happen? I saw Minjee shi storming out from here. And I think she’s crying.” Eunhyuk stated.

“Crying?” Kyuhyun worried. He was about to go after her when suddenly his inner mind stopped him. It was what you wanted to happen, right? You wanted her to suffer, right? So, let it be.

“Kyuhyun…” Eunhyuk called worriedly. “You… you didn’t do anything stupid, didn’t you?” Eunhyuk asked. Kyuhyun just silenced. Eunhyuk roamed the room and his eyes landed on the phone Kyuhyun held at his hand. He went closer and took the phone from Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun didn’t have time to react when Eunhyuk snatched the phone. And he didn’t have time to explain when he saw Eunhyuk’s eyes went bigger because of shocked. “What have you done, Kyuhyun?” Eunhyuk shook his head in disbelief. Kyuhyun couldn’t get what the lead dancer mean, and before he knew it, Eunhyuk had already gone from his eyes.


Eunhyuk was searching for Minjee. He didn’t forget to wear his hoodie and cover his face with mask, so that people won’t recognize him as member of Super Junior.

He finally saw her, and he went faster to grab her hands, calling for taxi and shoved inside the taxi. Minjee gasped when she knew who the one who practically kidnapped her was. 

“Eunhyuk shi…”

“We need to talk.” Eunhyuk said. “Tell the driver your home address.” He instructed and Minjee obeyed.

The taxi leaved them in front of Minjee’s small apartment. They took the elevator to the 7th floor. When they reached, Minjee quickly unlocked the key and they both went inside afraid that people might know Eunhyuk.

“Have a sit.” She said. “Is there anything you wanted to drink?” Eunhyuk shook his head.

“Sit, Minjee. We have so much to talk.” Minjee gulped softly at Eunhyuk seriousness.


Kyuhyun lay lazily at the couch. He doesn’t have any ideas where Eunhyuk has gone. It has been three hours already.

He traced his lips with his finger. He still can felt Minjee’s lips against him. Out of mind, he let out an idiotic smiled.

It was true. What he has said to her was true. He wanted to erase the sad memories between them. He wanted her to come back to him. He didn’t care what she has done before, because he’s craving for her love. Because he has been prison; been prison by her love; and there’s no other way out except they both being together again.

“She was crying.” Eunhyuk’s words suddenly rang his mind. He didn’t know why, though he wanted her to suffer as he was, he couldn’t erase those pain from his heart. He was the one who hurt her, and he couldn’t accept it. He couldn’t accept he heartlessly make her cry, though she had done the same thing to him.

He quickly grabbed his car key and dialing manager Kim’s number using the phone on his hand. “Hello, hyung. Can you tell me where Minjee live? Message me the address, hyung. Thank you, hyung.” He said and cut the phone. Instantly, he received a message. He drove the car towards the destination.

He parked his car far away from the apartment. He took the elevator to the 7th floor. Once the elevator opened, he felt sting in his heart because of what he just saw. Eunhyuk was kissing her forehead.

Kyuhyun quickly closed the elevator back and went down. He went inside his car and slammed his head on the steering repeatedly.

“Stupid! I should have known her.” He chuckled bitterly. 


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Chapter 9: She must've a secret ,,no one can hurt kyuhyun like this^_^ update soooon fighting.
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