Reset the Heartquake of Coagulation

Reset the Heartquake of Coagulation



“She’s not living here anymore.” The landlady said.

“Is there any ways I can contact her?”

“I’m afraid I can’t provide you with the info. She just left like that. Even we were shocked to saw the house was empty this morning.”

“Perhaps you know any of her friends?”

“I don’t think she has one. I never saw any of her friends coming over.” The landlady answered crashed his hope. He thought he could find her, and asked her to explain everything clearly.

He admit that he still can get over her yet, because he couldn’t believe the lover of him could do such a terrible thing  to him.

He has walked around the town from morning, not caring if people know him as the last member of Super Junior.

“Minjee? She had quit yesterday.” one of Atelier’s workers said. He came to Atelier, an Italian restaurant where Minjee was doing her part time job as waitress. But to his disappointment, she already quit there. She’s leaving no trace for him to follow. 


We used to love during the many days we were together
we used to hurt together- making each other’s pain our own

Where are you? Can’t you hear my voice?
My pained heart is looking for you
is calling out to you - crazily

My heart, my tears, my memories of you
Drop by drop, they are falling against my chest
though I cry and I cry, the memories won’t erase
and again today, I drench my empty heart

We used to like each other - you laughed at my smile
we used to cry together - you were pained by my tears

Where are you? Can’t you see my tired body?
My pained heart is looking for you
Is calling out to you – crazily

Please come back to me - I call out your name every night
And in my exhausted waiting, I wander around and look for you

  • Super Junior: Memories

Finished with their performance, they were heading back to SM building. Once there, they met DBSK Yunho and Changmin instantly.

“Yunho yah!!!” Leeteuk called cheerfully.

“Ah, Leeteuk hyung!” Yunho and Changmin quickly went to them. “Done with your schedule, today?” he asked.

“Yeah. Oh, meet our new stylist. Minjee shi… can you come here for a moment?” Leeteuk called Minjee who was walking ever slowly at the back. She fastened her steps once she heard Leeteuk calling for her.

“Minjee?” Changmin said suddenly when he saw her who Leeteuk wanted to introduce.

“Why, Changmin? Did you know our stylist?” Yesung asked.

“Ah… ne hyung. I know her very well. We were schoolmates after all.” Changmin gave her deadly glare. “It’s been a long time, Minjee.” he said and extended his arm for shake.

Minjee hesitantly accept the shake, because she didn’t wish to meet him here. The shake was hard; and Minjee instantly pulled back her hand. She knew Changmin hated her.

“Hyung… you’re done with your schedule, am I right?” Changmin asked and Super Junior nodded at his question. “Then, can I go out with her for a moment?” He said and linked his arm at Minjee’s shoulder. “It’s been a long time we haven’t met, so I would love to have a talk with her, right Minjee?” Changmin said and faked a smiled at her.  

Kyuhyun wasn’t there, and Changmin took the opportunity to drag her out. Changmin is the only one who knew what she had done to Kyuhyun, and he definitely not pleased with her appearance now. Not when Kyuhyun finally able to recover from his broken heart.

“Why are you here?” Changmin asked once they both sat on respective chair inside the SM’s café.

“Working, of course.”

“Who is it this time? Eunhyuk hyung? Or you’re still after Donghae and Siwon hyung?” he asked rudely.

“You’re insulting me, Shim Changmin!” She said angrily.

“Your anger would never suppress mine towards you. Y  OU! The one who toyed with Kyuhyun’s heart, make his life miserable.”

“It was between me and him. Nothing has to do with you!”

“You dare to say those things to me? Kyuhyun is my best friend; of course I care about him! You, the one who broke his heart, the one who almost killed him, and now you’re approaching other hyungs. There’s no way I’ll let you do the same thing you did to Kyuhyun to other hyungs”

“I am leaving.” She said and stood up abruptly.

“Why did you do that, Minjee?” Changmin said softly. “Did you know how much Kyuhyun had suffered? Did you know how tired he was looking for you?

“I have told him the reason. And I don’t want to repeat it twice. What has happened just happened because it has to.” After saying that, Minjee leaved the table. Without them knowing, Eunhyuk was actually following them. And he happened to listened to everything.

Few moments later, Kyuhyun came to the café.

“Changmin!” Kyuhyun called. “You saw Minjee?” he asked anxiously. Changmin just nodded. “Did you ask her the reason?”

Changmin sighed. He knew Kyuhyun still put a hope on her. “Kyuhyun, she didn’t deny anything. I have asked you to not put your hopes high. It just happens that she really done it because she wanted to.”

Kyuhyun slammed down on the chair. His energy was practically gone.

“You should move on, Kyu. There are no you in her life.” Changmin said and caressed Kyuhyun’s back, soothing him. “Forget her, Kyu”

Eunhyuk leaved the café to go after Minjee. He couldn’t believe what he just heard. He needed an explanation.

“Minjee shi…” he called once he spotted her going to the subway.

The latter turned for looked who had called her. She was surprised to saw Eunhyuk. Afraid that people might recognize him from Super Junior, she pushed the lead dancer to the alley.

“Eunhyuk shi… what are you doing here?” She asked slowly. “What if people recognized you?”

“Minjee shi…” he held the latter shoulder. “Tell me. You and Kyuhyun was a lover before?”

Minjee shocked but she knew she needed to cover it. “What are you saying?”

“Don’t lie!” Eunhyuk half shouted. “I overheard everything. You! Toying with Kyuhyun’s heart.” Eunhyuk said in disappointment. “Why did you do that? Why did you toying with his heart?” he asked and shook her shoulder.

Minjee lowered her head. “Because…” she just about to speak when Kyuhyun and Changmin beat her first.

“Eunhyuk hyung!” Kyuhyun called and distancing Eunhyuk from Minjee.

Minjee lifted her head and she instantly saw Kyuhyun. “You wanted to know the reason, Eunhyuk shi?” She changed her look to Eunhyuk and smiled. “It was fun. Making him believe that I love him the same way he did, and of course, I got money from it. It’s all about bet.” She said heartlessly, didn’t care about Kyuhyun’s feeling after all.

“You’re doing all that because of money?” Kyuhyun asked wearily. There’s sadness on his tone.

 “Of course. What else is the reason? I’m dating a celebrity. It such a waste if I didn’t get anything, didn’t I?” She still flashed her sweet smiled. A smiled that Kyuhyun used to loved before. But now it’s all became a history.

“If this is the reason, then you’ll regret doing this to me!” Kyuhyun exclaimed angrily.

“Didn’t I tell you before that day? I won’t! There’s no way I’ll regret it.”

 “You!” Kyuhyun shouted and pushed her to the wall. He pinned her on the wall.

“What? You wanted to hurt me? Think about it again, Cho Kyuhyun. If I shouted Cho Kyuhyun from Super Junior, how much riots it will create? Moreover, not only you, Eunhyuk shi and so do Changmin shi from DBSK will be in great trouble. Should I do it?”

Changmin quickly stepped in before she could do anything. “Kyu… Eunhyuk hyung… let’s go from here. Or not people will gather here.” Changmin said lowering his cap because people have started looking at them because of Kyuhyun’s shouted.

Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun reluctantly leaved the alley, because they also realized the crowded. “YOU’RE NOT EVEN A HUMAN.” Eunhyuk said to her before they leaved the place.

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Chapter 9: She must've a secret ,,no one can hurt kyuhyun like this^_^ update soooon fighting.
Chapter 5: I usually don't like reading ff with girls as the lover of suju and actually still don't like imagining they're with somebody else other than their pairings...kkkkkkkkk...but you got me curious in this story...hopefully the story will be more interesting...