Way of Breaking Up...

Reset the Heartquake of Coagulation


“Are you happy?” the guy next to her his ice cream deliciously. “Because I am and I’m glad we come here today.” He smiled brightly.

“Kyu…” his girlfriend called by his pet name. “Let’s end everything here.”

He stopped his ice cream. “What do you mean?”

“Everything… everything was just a bet. I don’t love you, Kyu… the way you did.”

“What are you talking about?” The ice cream on his hand slowly melts; but he didn’t have intention to finish it anymore.

“I… I was betting with my friends… either I can have any of Super Junior members as my boyfriend… I don’t… no… you’re not someone on my list… I was actually wanted it to be Donghae shi or Siwon shi… I never expected that you’ll fall for me.”

“Don’t joke, will you? It’s not funny.” He faked a laugh to reduce the tense atmosphere between them. His laugh stopped when he realized that the girl besides him was not joking at all.

“Does that mean… all this while… you’re toying with my heart?” he almost had his tears falls down, but he held it for his last pride.

“I like Donghae shi or Siwon shi more… if they were at your place, I won’t tell them about this. But you’re not them… though I tried to love you… I just couldn’t.” The girl stood up, patting away the imaginary dust from her skirt. “I guess this is the end. I hope you’ll be happy.” She turned over him. “Goodbye, Kyunnie…”she gave him her best smiled.

Before she could ever walk away, he held her hand. “You’ll regret doing this to me.” he said in warning tone.

“I’m afraid I won’t.” she replied confidently. After three steps, she stopped.

Kyuhyun at that time was hoping that she will turned over, running to his embrace and jokingly say “I got you”, “it just a prank” or anything…anything that will save their relationship. Any words that will mean everything were just a prank.

“I forgot to tell you about one more thing.” She paused and turned over. “I don’t want to feel bad, so I was hoping that you will never look for me anymore. Don’t even try to search me at my house or at the restaurant.”

But those words weren’t the words he wanted hear. He just could watch her back, leaving him alone in the amusement park.

He has broken to pieces.

Pretending that nothing is wrong even though I'm hurt.
The way to hide the tears when they are flowing.
The way to smile as if nothing is wrong even though it's left in a part of my heart.
The way to break up.

The heart passes again like this.
Many regrets are knocked down again like this.
It will get erased again.  It will become indistinct.
We will forget each other.

My meaningless day will pass again.
Our love that was like no other was nothing.
Even though I miss you, I can't see you again.  Even though it hurts, I will have to endure it.
It's the way to break up.

I'm used to the days without you.
It will be more comfortable tomorrow.
I will forget about it little by little.
Perhaps I might think of you.  Only the good memories will be left.

Only my tears that are formed remember you.
Also, there are so many traces of happiness.
Love to me is a very heartbreaking experience.  Even though it hurts, I will have to endure it.
That's how I will forget about it.

                                                                                         Super Junior Kyuhyun: Way of Breaking Up


“Kyuhyun… Kyuhyun… wake up!” Kyuhyun woke up abruptly because of the kicking he got at his .

“Ah … hyung, its hurt.” He whined.

“Yah! I’m calling you for thousand times already. Get your lazy up and join us at the dining table.” Sungmin said.

“What did Ryeowook cook today?” he asked trailing behind Sungmin.

“You’ll know once you there.” 

While they were having their dinner, Leeteuk’s phone rang.

“Ne, hyung… we’re eating right now…yes… yes… I know hyung… okay… we’ll be there instantly hyung… I understand… ne…” He turned his look to his fellow members.

“Faster finish eating those. Manager Hyung wants to meet us.” Leeteuk said and shoved big amount of rice on his mouth.

“For what, hyung?” Eunhyuk asked.

“He said he wanted to introduce our new stylist.” He answered casually.

“Can we not meet them now? I still have yet not meeting my babies…” Kyuhyun whined.

Leeteuk just rolled his eyes irritate to Kyuhyun. “Manager hyung want we meet her now.”

Kyuhyun just pouted.


“You don’t have to set such a meeting, oppa.” The girl said as she sat in front of Manager Kim.

“I want them to get know you. Plus, I bet you haven’t eaten yet.” Manager Kim smiled to the person in front of his eyes. “Ahjumma, order please!” After few minutes, the food they ordered came.

“Which group did you set me up with, oppa?” The girl asked while continued chewing her food.

“Super Junior.” Manager Kim replied. Her spoon dropped instantly when she heard the group name. “Owh… here they are. Leeteuk, boys!” he called for them.

“We are sorry we were late, hyung.” Leeteuk said apologetic. “It’s all because Eunhyuk has still not enough with the food.”

“Are you still hungry? Order! It’s my treat tonight.” The girl was back facing them, so Super Junior couldn’t look at their new stylist.

“Hyung… is she?” Donghae said after took a sit beside Manager Kim.

“Ah… yeah… I forgot to introduce her.” Manager Kim smiled at the girl. “Shouldn’t you greet those oppas?”

She put down her spoon, and stand up, giving a bow to them. “Hello, I’m Kim Minjee.” She said while still bowing.

“Aigoo… Minjee shi… you don’t have to be so formal with us. Please lift your head.” Siwon said with his gentleman gesture.

She lifted her head, and instantly her eyes met Kyuhyun. 

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Chapter 9: She must've a secret ,,no one can hurt kyuhyun like this^_^ update soooon fighting.
Chapter 5: I usually don't like reading ff with girls as the lover of suju and actually still don't like imagining they're with somebody else other than their pairings...kkkkkkkkk...but you got me curious in this story...hopefully the story will be more interesting...