I'm Flying

Super Titanic

Donghae sat on his bed and thought about his fiance's words: "You will never see him. When you resist us, we have to initiate something that makes sure, that you will never see him. Do we understand?"
   He felt like he couldn't breath and his chest felt heavy, while the strongest pain rose into his furious bumping heart; A pain which spread into his whole body.
   He didn't even know why he felt this way. Did he like Eunhyuk so much? Did he like a young man, he barly knew so much, that he would feel such a pain?
   He laid down on his bed and stared into space, so deep in thoughts, that he didn't even recognized that the maid came in and talked to him until somebody slaped him on his thigh. It was his mother.
   "Donghae-ah! Hurry up! We are waiting for you, my dear son!"
He looked at Heechul with a perplexed look: "Sorry, mother... I just was in-"
   "Don't hang behind, dear. Hurry up, Hangeng-sshi is already waiting for us, just because of you!"
Donghae started to remember. Their all had an appointment with Hangeng, who wanted to give them a private tour, so they could gain a insight of the Titanic and her crew.

   Eunhyuk walked over the deck. He was frustrated and confused. Why were they so repellent? And did Donghae knew about it? What if they tried to hold him away from Donghae?
   From afar he saw an old man, who played with a child, which was probably his grandchild. The old man wore a coat and a hat, which he both took off and put it down on a bench.
   Eunhyuk looked at the coat, which looked elegant, and an idea came up on his mind. And before he knew it, he grapped the coat and the hat, put them on and sneaked away quickly.

   Donghae stood in front of the brigde with his mother, his fiance and his valet and Hangeng, who shared some facts about the Titanic until the captain stepped near them.
   The captain wore his uniform proudly and in his right hand he hold a cup of tea. To his right, another man was standing, who was even taller than his captain, and next to the tall man stood a third man, who looked much smaller.
   "Good Afternoon. I'm your captain Leeteuk. On my right side is my first mate Zhoumi and next to him, we have our fifth mate Ryeowook", Leeteuk explained and Zhoumi and Ryeowook bowed to the guest.
   The captain didn't really finished his sentence as Heechul already started to ask: "But why are there two rudder?"
   Leeteuk nodded and turned to the rudder, which was in the first room and started to explain: "Well, we don't really use this on. We only use this when we have to ship near the coast."
   Heechul listened carefully, while Siwon talked to Hangeng and Zhoumi.
Donghae didn't even moved until Ryeowook stepped next to him and tapped him on his shoulder.
   "Are you okay, Donghae-ah? You looks pale!", Ryeowook said.
Donghae nodded, "I'm okay", and stepped to his mother, while Ryeowook looked after him with a little worry in his eyes.
   "I told you not to get in our way", a familar voice whispered into Ryeowooks ear from behind, he turned around rapidly and suddenly he faced the tall man with the evil smirk.
  The man bend forward, wiped over his shoulder and added: "Watch out, peewee, otherwise your nice uniform will get dirty!"
   Ryeowook went back a bit and screwed up his face. He already took a breath to anwser him, but a seaman went in like the wind and shouted: "Captain, Captain! A warning again, sir!"
   Leeteuk accepted the piece of paper, which the seaman handed him and looked at his guests, who all looked shocked.
   "Don't worry, it's quite normal for this time of year", he explained.
Donghae was bushed. What was the warning for? Icebergs? That couldn't be possible, they were in the middle of the Pacific.
   But Donghae didn't had time to asked about it, because his mother already pulled him out at the deck.

   Zhoumi picked up a key, which lay on the floor next to Ryeowook.
   "Captain, somebody of the guests dropped his keys", Zhoumi said and showed Leeteuk the key.
   "Where did you find them?"
   "It was next right to Ryeowook", he explained, "Maybe they belongs to the tall guy, who was next to our fifth mate!"
   "You think so?", Leeteuk asked astonished.
   "Yes. He was there all the time."
   "What?", Ryeowook was shocked, "What do you mean, he was there all the time, hyung?"
   "Like I said. He stood next to you since they came in. Didn't you notice?", Zhoumi asked.
Ryeowook shook his head.
   "Then I should also tell you, that he not just stood next to you. He even looked at you all the time. Probably he just waited to talk to you until the captain and I went away from you."
   "Ha, maybe because he just wanted to scare me", Ryeowook said to himself.
   "Pardon me?", Zhoumi asked and patted him on the back, "Maybe you have a admirer!"
   "Don't say that", Ryeowook shouted annoyed and wanted to leave, but Leeteuk held him back.
   "Ryeowook-sshi, please go after them and bring them the keys."
Ryeowook nodded and took the keys. He couldn't say no to his captain.

   They walked on the boat deck and Hangeng explained things about the building-progress of the ship, constructions and stories about the workers. Then, they stopped next to a lifeboat and Hangeng explained the mechanisms, which they use to launch them:
   "I even assembled those novel 'dubbits'."
   "Hangeng-sshi", Donghae began concerned, "I recalculated things about the lifeboats. I'm sorry, but... it seems like there aren't enough boats for all passengers."
   "Actually for the half. You don't miss anything, right?", Hangeng smiled, "At first, I wanted to arrange more lifeboats on the internal side of the deck but some people told me it would be too crowded than. And so I got overruled."
   Siwon knocked on one lifeboard and said in a self-satisfied tone:
"Definitely a wasting of space on an unsinkable ship!"
   Siwon looked at his fiance and wanted to go ahead, but Kyuhyun stopped him:
"Sir, I lost my keys. I probably dropped them on the brigde. I will go and get them back quickly!"
   Siwon nodded and the others went ahead, as Kyuhyun left and Donghae looked afraid at Hangeng, who stood next to him.
   "Don't worry, little Donghae. You can put your mind at rest. I built a safe and solid ship for you", Hangeng said, patted Donghae's shoulder, went after the other ones and shouted, "I will show you the quarters of the crew now!"

   Ryeowook looked for Donghae everywhere. He just took the stairs to the boat deck and bumped into someone. He became unbalanced and was about to fall backwards, but the man he bumped into, catched him quickly. Kyuhyun grapped Ryeowook's hand and positioned his arm under his back to pull the small guy close to him.
   It was the evil smirking guy, but this time he looked appalled and worried.
   Ryeowook felt like the time stopped. He looked deeply into Kyuhyun's eyes, his heartbeat got faster and all of the sudden, the guy didn't seemed to be so cruel anymore.
   Kyuhyun eyeballed Ryeowook. Even if he already did it the last time, it seemed different this time. He never was so close to somebody by his own and there was something in his chest, he never felt before.
   "I told you to be careful, otherwise your nice uniform will get dirty", Kyuhyun said in a gentle tone.
   Only after some seconds Kyuhyun let him go again, so Ryeowook could stand by his own again.
   Ryeowook gulped, gave him his keys back without saying a word and looked down at the floor.
Why am I embarrassed? I don't even like that dumbhead...
   As he looked up, the guy smiked again, but even his smirk seemed different and then Kyuhyun grapped the keys.
   Ryeowook turned around to walk back to the brigde, but Kyuhyun grapped his arm: "Wait!"
What did he said? Why did he stopped him? Kyuhyun was shocked about his own reaction. He didn't even know why he did that.
   Ryeowook turned back to him: "What?"
   "What are you doing now?"
What are you doing now? What a stupid question...  what am I doing here? Kyuhyun thought.
   Ryeowook looked sceptical.
   "I'm on work!"
What's up with him? He is really a weird jerk!
   "I have to talk to you", Kyuhyun said
   "But I don't want to talk to you", Ryeowook shouted, teared himself away from Kyuhyun and quickly walked away.
   "Wait...", Kyuhyun added quietly and looked after the small mate.
   Donghae took a deep breath and wanted to follow his family and Hangeng, as he got grapped from behind.
   It was Eunhyuk. He pulled Donghae into an empty training-room and pressed him on a wall next to the entrance door.
   "You? Eunhyuk-sshi, I'm sorry, it isn't possible. We can't see each other anymore", Donghae said and looked deep into Eunhyuk's eyes.
   "I need to talk to you!"
   "No, Eunhyuk... No... Eunhyuk, I'm engaged. I'm marrying Siwon. I love him", Donghae said, but Eunhyuk could see the sadness in his eyes. He beathed out loudly.
   "Donghae-sshi... I'm not cockeyed... you are a spoilt child, who makes everything his mother say... but under that you are the most amazingly, smartly, wonderful boy... man I've ever known and...", Eunhyuk confessed.
   "Eunhyuk", Donghae interruped him and wanted to step aside, but Eunhyuk kept him tightly in place.
   "Please... let me try to... you make me crazy", Eunhyuk babbled, turned his face, took a deep breath and faced Donghae again, "I'm not stupid... I know how the world works. I have 10 Dollars in my pocket and I have nothing what I could give you, I know that! But now you're something to me."
   Eunhyuk gulped and came closer to Donghae, who sat on a window ledge. He stemmed his arms against the window frame, to make it unpossible for Donghae to escape.
   "When you jump, I jump, too... Do you remember? I can't stop thinking about that... about you... But I will leave, if you say you're fine..."
   "I'm fine...", Donghae said very quietly. Then he cleared his throat and said burly, "I will be fine... Really!"
   "Really?", Eunhyuk asked, while he was looking into Donghae's wet eyes, "I don't think so. They've got you trapped, Donghae! You will die, if you not break free! Maybe not now, because you're strong..."
   Eunhyuk laid his hand on Donghae's cheek and wiped a tear off.
   "But someday... the fire, I've fallen for, will disappear...", Eunhyuk whispered and caressed Donghae's cheek, "I will help you!"
   Donghae gulped nervously, closed his eyes for a second, opened them with a strong glance and said: "It's not your duty to safe me, Eunhyuk-sshi!"
   "Alright...", Eunhyuk said with a sad look all over his face, "Only you can do that!"
Donghae laid his hand on Eunhyuk's and gave him one last deep gaze before he grapped his hand and took it down.
   "I'm going back... Leave me alone!", Donghae said strong and left the room.
Eunhyuk watched after him through the window. He struck against the window frame and leaned against the wall and slipped down on the flow.
   He lost him. He felt like he lost against the world.

   "Where is Donghae?", Heechul asked shocked.
   "He was right after me", Hangeng answered confused.
Siwon looked for his valet, but he couldn't see him either.
   "Even Kyuhyun isn't back now... He never leaves by his own for so long."
   "Should we search them?", Hangeng asked and looked at Heechul, who had a worried but distrustful look, "I will search for them! We can finish our tour later."
   Hangeng walked just some meter as he bumped into Donghae, who looked down on the floor.
   "My fishy. Where have you been?", Heechul asked and stepped to his son.
   "I'm sorry, mother. I was in thoughts about the lifeboats and then I lost you!"
   "Don't think about the lifeboats, poppet. We should finish our tour. It's tea time soon", Siwon said and grapped Donghae's hand.
   So they went ahead, touring around the ship, but nobody noticed Donghae's unhappy expression.

   Sungmin entered his cabin together with Kibum. They wanted to get something from Sungmin's luggage.
   Eunhyuk just laid on his bed and stared into space.
   Kibum and Sungmin exchanged looks and Sungmin sat on the edge of his friends bed.
   "Eunhyuk... what's up with this sad expression?"
Eunhyuk grumbled and turned to the wall, so his friends couldn't see his face.
   "Maybe he got dumped by that first class boy", Kibum said to Sungmin and Eunhyuk sat up and shouted:
   "It's not funny!"
He laid down again, facing the wall.
   "So it's true? He dumped you?", Sungmin asked compassionately.
   "But you weren't even a couple", Kibum said, "I thought he is engaged to that popinjay!"
Eunhyuk turned back to his friends:
   "Yes he is... and he said he will marry him, because he loves him!"
Sungmin threw a glance to Kibum, who just shruged his shoulders.
   "But... did you thought he would dump his fiance, because... of a street dancer?", Sungmin asked bemazed and in disbelieve.
   "No... how could he... I don't know what I thought or what I should think now... I have a bad feeling when I think about his fiance... he seems to be a real gentleman... but he has something nasty in his eyes..."
   "You should forget about that damn first class chump and his beanpole", Kibum said in his common annoyed tone when he talks about first class passengers.
   "Maybe Kibum is right... Maybe you should forget him! Did you forget about our aim? We wanted to be dancers", Sungmin told him.
   Eunhyuk just nodded.
   "Kibum and I wanted to practise. Do you want to come with us... Maybe it's good to have a diversion."
   "No... I will go for a blow", Eunhyuk said, stood up and left the cabine without any more words.

   Kyuhyun stood on the poop deck and watched the white foaming water, which stretched a line on the sea right after the ship.
   He was in thoughts.
   Why did he kept thinking about that small mate? And what was that weird feeling he had in his chest, when he thought about him?
 All these things just confused him.  He sighed loudly as something or someone pulled on his jacket. He turned around and looked down. There was a little girl, who looked up to him with big, round eyes.
   "Why are you looking so sad, uncle?", the little girl asked purely.
   "I'm not sad... Back off, little girl. I want my peace and quiet!", he said harshly.
The girl's happy expression turned into a sad one. Her lips began to tremble, she started to cry and ran away, while she screamed for her mother.
   Kyuhyun looked after her with a mad look, but after he saw how her mother hugged and comforted her, his expression changed. He never noticed that people can be so gentely when they love and care for each other.
   He gulped and only one thought came up to his mind.
   I want... I want to hug him this way...
His heart started to pump more quickly.
   What was that feeling again? Why did he always had that unknown feeling when he thought about him?
   As long as he thought about him and that weird feeling in his chest, he got mad. He kicked against the rainling and talked to himself angrily:
   "... maybe I got sick from all the sea..."
He turned around and started walking back to his cabine, while he said one more sentence:
   "Who can I asked about it?!... somebody should know what it is..."

   Donghae went into his room. It was time to change his outfit for tea time.
He sat down on his bed and looked out of the window from afar as it knocked on the door.
The door opened and Siwon's valet walked in.
   "What are you doing here?", Donghae asked with a shocked face. Did the gravedigger find out, he met Eunhyuk one last time?
   Kyuhyun bowed politely. It was the first time he saw Kyuhyun bowing to him.
   "May I asked you something?"
Donghae was confused and was just able to nod, "Sure...". He felt uncertain and had the feeling to watch out what to say, because it could be a trap his mother and Siwon made.
   Kyuhyun stood near the door and seemed to be nervous. He was looking down and gambled with his fingers.
   "Ehh... I feel a bit uncomfortable...", Kyuhyun started.
   "And?", Donghae inquired and looked at Kyuhyun, who seemed to be a totally different person right in this moment.
   "Do you like that poor guy?", Kyuhyun asked directly.
Donghae was suprised and blushed.
   "Pardon me?"
   "Do you like that dancer boy?", Kyuhyun asked again.
Donghae waited with his anwser. It surely was a trap. If I say yes, they will kill him.
Kyuhyun looked up with a confused glance and walked near to Donghae.
   "You don't have to lie to me! I'm not hear to pump you for informations to kill him!"
   "Then whay are you here?"
   "Can I sit down?", the valet asked shyly and sat down next to Donghae, "Since a few days, I have a weird feeling in my chest... I thought you're the one who could explain what it means."
   Donghae looked confused and shocked at once.
   "So you don't want to trap me or something like that?"
Kyuhyun shook his head, "No... I'm really going crazy about it. At first I thought I got sick, but it feels like pins and needles, but it dosen't feel that bad at the same time."
   "Since when you feel it?"
Kyuhyun thought about when it started: "Mhh, I think it started when I was on deck and..."
Suddenly his eyed opened widely. It looked like he had noticed something by himself and just some seconds later he broke the silence:
   "Please, tell me the truth! Do you like that boy?"
Donghae looked out of the window again and said quietly: "I think so..."
   "How do you feel, when you're next to him?"
Donghae laid his hand on his cheek, even where Eunhyuk's hand has been lying before and thought about how it felt.
   "I'm feeling comfortable and excited... when he comes closer a pleasant prickling rises in my stomach, which feels like butterflies are in there. I never felt that as intense as that time before", Donghae explained with a smile all over his face.
   "Thank you", Kyuhyun said rapidly and stood up, "You really helped me a lot!"
Donghae was confused, "But... why do you want to know that?"
   Kyuhyun smirked and explained: "My whole life I had suffered from philopobia. That heartless-ness is why I became a hatchet man and Siwon's right hand, after he picked me up from the street...All my life, I was afraid of being in love or even to like somebody... but maybe there is one person who can heal me now..."
   Donghae didn't really understand what he was talking about but it cleared his mind, that he really liked Eunhyuk and that he was strong enough to oppose Siwon and Heechul.
   After Kyuhyun bowed and left his room, he stood up and left too.

   Eunhyuk stood on the top of the bow. He looked how the water gave way for the Titanic, while the sun started to set.
   The whole heaven was vermillion and not a single cloud was on the heaven. No dolphines, no gulls, no people, no sound, only the calming swoosh of the water surrounded him.
   "Hello, Eunhyuk", someone said with a familiar voice behind him. He turned around quickly and saw Donghae. He couldn't believe his eyes. He had to be in a dream.
   "I changed my mind", Donghae said with a shy smile and Eunhyuk wasn't able to hide his overhappy smile.
   Donghae walked near him and said: "Sungmin said you would be here..."
   "Shhht", Eunhyuk shushed him and showed Donghae with this gesture, that he had nothing to explain to him. Then he reached out his hand to Donghae.
   "Give me your hand!"
Donghae smiled, grapped Eunhyuk's hand softly and stepped near to him.
   "Now close your eyes", Eunhyuk told him and Donghae closed his eyes slowly, just as Eunhyuk has told him to. Eunhyuk laid on hand on Donghae's back to lead him, where he should go. With the other hand he hold Donghae's hand tightly.
   "Step up", he said to Donghae, that he didn't hit his foot on the little step. He lead Donghae to the railing, "Hold on the railing."
   Eunhyuk lead his hand to the guardrail and stepped behind him, "Keep your eyes closed! Don't peek!"
   "I'm not", Donghae said honestly, grapped the railing and Eunhyuk explained the next step, "Step up on the railing."
   Donghae did so and got even more nervous, while Eunhyuk climbed the railing too and stood right after Donghae.
   "Hold on, keep your eyes closed", Eunhyuk said with a smile and even if Donghae couldn't see it, he knew that Donghae would feel it.
   "You trust me?", Eunhyuk asked and grapped Donghae's hand.
   "I trust you", Donghae anwsered and Eunhyuk grapped his other hand. He started to spread Donghae's arms aside and after they got into the right position, Eunhyuk laid his hands on Donghae's hip and added: "Alright... Open your eyes!"
   Donghae opened them slowly and he looked at a beautiful red heaven, purple sea and great sunset. He felt like he was flying all over this beautiful scene.
   "I'm flying", Donghae said overwhelmed.
Eunhyuk put his hands around Donghae's hips and pressed himself closer to Donghae. They enjoyed to be together and watched the sun, which set faster.
   Donghae was breathless and felt Eunhyuk's warm hands, which were grapping his hands again. But this time Eunhyuk's fingers were exploring his and his fingers automatically did the same.
   Eunhyuk started to sing quietly and softly into Donghae's ear. Donghae took a deep breath when Eunhyuk confessed: "My first line of a lyric... I wrote it for you..."
   Donghae grapped Eunhyuk's hands and led them to hug him. Then Donghae turned to face Eunhyuk and he looked deep into his eyes, which were right in front of his.
   Their faced came closer and finally, they kissed. At first they kissed slightly, then dearly, but very gentle.
   Donghae closed his eyes and put his hand in Eunhyuk's neck, while Eunhyuk put his hands on Donghae's hips again.
  They forget everything around them. They only felt the caresses and their fast beating hearts.

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I will upload as soon as my betareader finished the next chapter^^


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Ice_siri #1
Chapter 15: Great story....and thanks for the lovely ending...
Angel9 #2
Chapter 15: i was crying when Kyuhyun was shot and that donghae was letting go of eunhyuks hand it was like i was watching the titanic you made a good story :D thanks <3
LoveNdyy #3
Chapter 15: New reader~
Omg i thought eunhyuk is dead..
But it turns out that he survived..
Good job author-nim!
LoveNdyy #4
Chapter 15: New reader~
Omg i thought eunhyuk is dead..
But it turns out that he is survived..
Good job author-nim!
Ladyghai #5
Chapter 15: omg, i'm glad eunhyuk did not die :) love this!
carolina #6
nice story.. it makes me cry when I died eunhyuk. im happy to see eunhyuk is alive..
Omg happy ending!!!<3333
homin appeared!!! I loved that!!!
Yay eunhyuk didnt die so eunhae get to be together!!
MissPauline #9
The ending was great ! you really scared me ! i thought he was dead !
Nice story i love it ! :)