An Ocean of Memories

Super Titanic

The sun rose early and the first sunrays had a facilitative effect, but the 700 passengers in the 56 lifeboats had no other choice but to wait. Wait to die, wait to live, wait for an absolution. But it would never come.
   Heechul had laid his head on Shindong's shoulder and hoped the get some news of his son and for an absolution from his beloved Donghae, because he wasn't able to accept the person, who his son really loved.
   Siwon sat in the boat next to Hangeng and Kibum and drank some soju with an older man, while he was waiting for an order from Zhoumi, who was the responsible person for this boat.
   Sungmin fell asleep, while Henry helped the doctor to examine the six people, who they had been able to safe out of the water.
   Kyuhyun laid with his head on his mate's lap and slept, while Ryeowook caressed Kyuhyun's forehead and cheeks.
   Donghae laid in the boat and gazed to the heaven. Sometimes, he let his eyes wander across the boat and even he was relieved that he was with his friends and that they were safe, he couldn't feel happy.
   He didn't wait for anything. At least, he didn't know for what he could wait for, like the others. He may could wait for a wonder, but he wasn't able to believe in wonders anymore.

   After a couple of hours, the first boats arrived at a ship called Carpatia, which was of a not so big passenger liner, which cruised from Shanghai to Los Angeles.
   The passengers got distributed to different decks. The first class passengers were placed into the dining hall, the passengers of the second glass were placed in a little lounge, while the passengers of the third class were placed at the bow.
   Donghae sat together with Sungmin and Kibum in the area for the third class passengers, while Ryeowook and Henry took Kyuhyun to the hospital ward.
   A blanket laid over Donghae's head and he watched the other passengers without any sympathy, who desperatly tried to find their family member, who weren't on the ship.
   Some passengers of the first and second class were walking around, because they wanted to look for their families as well. Even Siwon appeared at the bow. One mate came to him and said:
   "Oh, sir! That's the third class, I don't think you will find one of your family members down here!"
   But Siwon didn't listen to him and continued walking through the bulk of people. He looked for Donghae and Eunhyuk, but he couldn't see even one of them, because Donghae covered his face with the blanket.
   Suddenly a woman began to cry out: "Oh my god! He has a gun!"
Siwon turned around and saw two young men, who pointed with guns at him.
   He noticed their faces. They were first class passengers and he even had dinner with them.
   "Yu... Yunho? Changmin? What's the matter?", Siwon said confused and stepped back.
   "Don't act like you don't know", Yunho said and stepped closer to Siwon, who tried to avoid him, but he stepped against a wall and he got caught in a trap.
   "We entrusted Kyuhyun in your care and in the end you tried to kill him", Changmin explained with an evil expression on his face.
   "No... He betrayed me... He confederated with that damn street dancer, who stole my fiance", Siwon tried to explain, while he whole bulk of people eyed the scenery. Just Donghae didn't looked at them. For him it was enough to hear everything.
   "I stole nothing!", somebody said from aside.
   Donghae noticed the voice, which was very familar to him.
Sungmin and Kibum turned around and catched sight of their presumed dead friend. But because they were so shocked, they weren't able to say anything.
   Siwon looked aside and saw Eunhyuk, who walked straight to him and put his hand on Changmin's gun to pull it down a bit.
   "What? Why? How... how could it be... You... I thought you're dead", Siwon babbled, also in a shocked and suprised status like all the others.
   "I was nearly dead, yes! But I'm a strong person, who doesn't die that easily", Eunhyuk explained, "Besides that, you owe my something, because you tried to kill me!"
   Now Donghae was certain and turned around. He was really alive. But how could it be? He saw, how his beloved Eunhyuk sank down into the depth of the sea after he kissed his dead lips.
   He stood up and the blanket fell down on the ground. He wanted to walk over to him, but Sungmin and Kibum held him back. They shook their heads and ordered him to wait.
   "I owe you something?", Siwon said in a sullen way, "I don't think so. And maybe my latest effort to kill you didn't worked now, but it will work someday!"
   Siwon smirked, pushed down Yunho and grapped his gun, which he immediately pointed to Eunhyuk. And as fast as Siwon focused on Eunhyuk, Changmin pointed at him.
   "I won't lose against you! GOT IT?!", Siwon yelled.
   "You damn bastard", Changmin started in a pissed voice, "Just let him and Kyuhyun go! Just piss off and we won't hurt you!"
   Siwon laughed and faced Changmin, while he still pointed the gun at Eunhyuk.
   "You crazy piece of think you can order me around like you want to?"
But Changmin didn't pay attention to him, nodded and shouted: "NOW!"
   Yunho triped Siwon up from behind so that he fell forward and lost the gun. After he laid down on the ground Yunho and Changmin overwhelmed him and busted him.
   "Okay, I haul him off", Yunho said and went ahead with Siwon.
Donghae instantly ran over to Eunhyuk, while Sungmin and Kibum followed him.
   In front of Eunhyuk he stopped. He couldn't believe it. It was really Eunhyuk. He stepped closer to him and laid one hand on Eunhyuk's cheek. He felt the warm, soft skin.
   "I'm not dreaming!", Donghae said and tears rolled over his cheeks, "It's really you!"
Eunhyuk nodded with wet eyes and hugged Donghae tightly.
   Sungmin and Kibum began to smile, stepped to Eunhyuk and petted his shoulders.
   "But how could it be? I saw how you sank into the water", Donghae asked and looked confused to Eunhyuk.
   "As I said I just was nearly dead... but Changmin and Yunho helped me", Eunhyuk said and looked to Changmin, who stood next to him.
   "Yes, my partner Yunho was in the water, too. You have to know we aren't only musicians. That's only our job for the society, actually we are undercover agents, who observed Siwon, because he was a crook, who stole money from rich families by marrying their most beautiful heir."
   Donghae was confused: "So he just took advantage of me?"
Changmin nodded.
   "But how about Eunhyuk-ah?"
   "As I said, Yunho was in the water, too. He was drifting away and I searched him with my tracking device, so I led another boat to the point, where we not only found Yunho but Eunhyuk as well, who was still alive. If we had found him just some minutes later, we wouldn't have been able to help him anymore!", Changmin explained, smiled and patted Eunhyuk's shoulder.
   Donghae had heard enough. He bowed to Changmin before he gave Eunhyuk a passionate and relieved kiss.

   At this evening Donghae and Eunhyuk stood at the bow and looked forward, where they could see the lights of Los Angeles, which came nearer and nearer.
   Suddenly Sungmin appeared.
   "Everything is ready."
They nodded and followed Sungmin into the dining hall, which was nicely decorated with white floweres and a lot of seats were arranged in rows.
   All 700 survivors gathered together in the dining hall and even only 100 of them could take a seat, everyone of them was happy to be here.
   In the first row were the Titanic's captain Leeteuk with his boatsman Kangin and next to them sat Henry and Zhoumi. On the other side of the first row sat Hangeng with Heechul, who confessed to him after they arrived the Carpartia. And also Yesung and Shindong sat there.
   Sungmin and Kibum were standing next to Ryeowook, who stood behind Kyuhyunk, who sat in a wheel chair, because he was still to weak from his injury.
   Donghae and Eunhyuk walked through the dining hall and stopped in front of the people.
Leeteuk stood up, stepped next to him and turned to the passengers:
   "Last night, something horrible happened, which could have been avoided, but the luck wasn't on our side this night. But still all of us, who are here together, survived. Some survived because of their will and strengh, some survived because they had luck and some survived because they had someone who safed them. Before we berth at Los Angeles, we will pray for them, who aren't with us anymore!"
   The people looked down on the floor, closed their eyes and prayed. After a minute Leeteuk started his speech again:
   "Now we will honor some people, who fulfilled something special the last night! At first we will honor Zhoumi, who kept cool and safed as many people as he could!"
   Zhoumi stood up and recieved the medal from his captain, before the people applauded him.
   "The second medal goes to Kyuhyun, a passenger of the first class, who safed a person's life by risking his own for his love."
   Leeteuk walked over to Kyuhyun and handed him a small medal. Kyuhyun bowed and looked to Ryeowook, who tried hard not to cry, because he was so touched.
   "The last decoration goes to Ryeowook, who showed courage to turn back to safe six more lives out of the water!"
   Tears rolled over the mate's cheeks as he recieved the medal.
   "And last but not least, I want to espouse two guys, who survived because of they deep love to each other! Please, stand up."
   Eunhyuk and Donghae stood up. And even they already married in secret, they now were able to do it in front of their friends and all the witnesses, who had to suffer the same like them the last night.
   Leeteuk started his wedding speech, but Eunhyuk and Donghae just had eyes for each other. They were in their own world.
   Donghae felt like he was walking over the sunny promenade deck, before he entered the entrance hall, where he stuarts opened him the door like always. He stepped into the hall, where he passed all his friends and people he met on the Titanic.
   In front of the stairs stood Ryeowook and Kyuhyun, who wished him the best of luck just like Kibum and Sungmin. On the first step was Hangeng, who just nodded to him, which encouraged him to go upstairs, where Eunhyuk waited for him.
   Shindong and all the others stood on the first floor and looked down to him with an expectant expression. Even Heechul was there.
   He slowly went upstairs and a short time before he reached Eunhyuk, the dancer turned around to him and stretched out his hand for him.
   Donghae grapped the hand and stepped near to Eunhyuk. They just looked deep into each others eyes before they kissed softly.
   And even it just happened like this in his mind, the kiss was real, after Leeteuk said with a smile:
   "And now you can kiss your man!"
   Donghae closed his eyes and only felt the gently, passionate kiss from Eunhyuk and the audience started to applaud them.
   It felt like a dream. A dream, which became true.


I hope everybody likes the story and everybody is satisfied with the end^^

I thank everyone for reading my first fanfciton till the end. Gamsahamnida!! <3

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I will upload as soon as my betareader finished the next chapter^^


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Ice_siri #1
Chapter 15: Great story....and thanks for the lovely ending...
Angel9 #2
Chapter 15: i was crying when Kyuhyun was shot and that donghae was letting go of eunhyuks hand it was like i was watching the titanic you made a good story :D thanks <3
LoveNdyy #3
Chapter 15: New reader~
Omg i thought eunhyuk is dead..
But it turns out that he survived..
Good job author-nim!
LoveNdyy #4
Chapter 15: New reader~
Omg i thought eunhyuk is dead..
But it turns out that he is survived..
Good job author-nim!
Ladyghai #5
Chapter 15: omg, i'm glad eunhyuk did not die :) love this!
carolina #6
nice story.. it makes me cry when I died eunhyuk. im happy to see eunhyuk is alive..
Omg happy ending!!!<3333
homin appeared!!! I loved that!!!
Yay eunhyuk didnt die so eunhae get to be together!!
MissPauline #9
The ending was great ! you really scared me ! i thought he was dead !
Nice story i love it ! :)