The Beginning

Super Titanic

The stuarts led the first class passengers out of the deck, while Zhoumi stood in front of the passengers and shouted:
   "Ladies and Gentlemen, please step closer!"
And as they came closer to Zhoumi, the quarrel, which was created by the smokestacks, stopped and everybody could understand Zhoumi better.
   "Well, at first I want the women and childen step forward", Zhoumi explained with a sensitive and calm voice, "For the men, we have a boat over there!"
   Some women stepped forward with their children, while another mate guided the men to the other boat.
   "Are the boats class-divided?", Heechul asked loudly and turned to Siwon and Donghae, "I hope they aren't to crowded!"
   "Mother, shut up!", Donghae said angryly, "Don't you understand? The water is freezing and the half of the people will die!"
   "Not the better half", Siwon said smugly, "What a pity, I didn't take the folder with me. There was that damn song inside, which that bastard wrote for you. It would be of a big value by tomorrow!"
   "You nameless bastard!", Donghae said, while he shook his head.
At the meantime, Shindong got in a lifeboat and helped Heechul to step in.
   "Let's go, toots! Off into the boat with you", Shindong said and streched his hand for Donghae.
   "Come one, Donghae! Get into the boat!", Heechul told his son in a shivery tone.
But Donghae stepped back.
   "Goodby, mother!", Donghae said, turned around and disappeared in the crowd of people.
   "Donghae! DONGHAE!", Heechul screamed, while Shindong needed all his effort to hold Heechul from leaving the boat.
   Siwon followed Donghae, grapped his arm and turned Donghae strongly to him.
   "Where are you going? To Him? To be the rubber doll of a lousy street musician?", Siwon asked, while he tried to hold his floundering ex-fiance.
   Then Donghae got quiet and faced Siwon: "I'd rather be his rubber puppet as your husband!"
   "Just you wait", Siwon said and pulled Donghae closer to him, as suddenly somebody grapped his arm.
   "Stop that!"
A tall guy placed himself between Siwon and Donghae.
   "Kyuhyun! What are you doing?"
   "It's enough.. let him go... you already lost him!"
Siwon's expression got darker, but still he didn't let Donghae go.
   "You damn, urchin, who do you think you are?"
Kyuhyun turned to Donghae: "Donghae-sshi, Eunhyuk's needs your help he is under arrest! The boatsman took the key with him and I can't find him!"
   Donghae suddenly opened his eyes widely, then he tore himself strongly from Siwon's grip and ran off.
Siwon wanted to follow him, but Kyuhyun held him back.
   "It's over! You should accept that!"
   "Pah, you stupid bonehead. You aren't in any position to tell me, what I should do or should not do. You will regret it all!! I promise!", Siwon said threateningly and stepped close to Kyuhyun. Then he hustled Kyuhyun and in that movement, he grapped Kyuyhun's gun and pionted the gun towards his valet:
   "As I said, you are not in a position to tell me what to do. I kill you all, if you try to stop me!"
Kyuhyun gulped, then he saw Ryeowook from the distance, who led some passengers to a life boat.
He's going crazy... I have to protect them... and Wookie... if he finds out about him, he will definitely do something terrible ...
   "Ok... I won't do anything", Kyuhyun abandoned and after Siwon left he added quietly: "At least for now..."

   Zhoumi was about to launch a boat, as suddenly Hangeng appeared in front of him and said horrified: "What's that? Why don't you occupy the whole boat with more passengers?"
   "We were unsure about the weight, sir! The boats could break in two parts", Zhoumi explained precociously.
   "Are you serious? The boats were built for 65 passengers and we tested them with the weight of 70 people! Look, there are only 20 people inside! And I saw a boat with 12 passengers. 12! For heaven's sake, Zhoumi, occupy the boats up to the last seat!!"
   Zhoumi gazed hyopnotic to the boat with 20 people. Then he turned to the seamen and passengers:
   "Well! More women and children for that boat, please! Hurry!!"

   Donghae ran through the corridors and searched Hangeng.
After he finally found him, Hangeng patted a maid's cheek and said:
   "Oh dear, Eunyi, please take your life jacket on, be a good girl!"
She nodded and left to follow his order.
   Then Hangeng catched sight of Donghae: "Dear god, why are you still here?"
   "Where would the boatsman bring a man, who is under arrest?", Donghae asked out of breath.
  "What? You have to go to a boat, right away!"
  "NO, I'm doing this with or without your help, but without it, it takes longer!", Donghae said determinded.
   "Okay. You take the elevator to the E Deck, then you have to go to corridor of the crew's quater. Then take the second corrior on the left side, after that go right, you come to a long corridore and there is a room called 'Arrest room'!", Hangeng explained qickley, but still precisely.
   Donghae nodded while listening, then he bowed, thanked him and started to run to the elevators.
   There  a stuart stood, who didn't let anyone use the elevators and said to an older couple: "I'm sorry, but the elevators are out of order!"
Donghae walked to the stuart and wanted to enter the elevator, but he hold him back and repeated: "I'm sorry, but the elevators are out of order!"
   Donghae grapped him at his shirt and pulled him into the elevator and said forcingly:
   "I have enough! It's over with that kindness! Take me down, now!"
The stuart nodded scared and Donghae closed the grille behind him.
   Suddenly, a large amount of water entered the cabine and the stuart yelled:
   "Holy ! We are going up again!"
   "No, No!", Donghae shouted and got off.
   "I'm going up again! I'm going up again", the stuart shouted and, as he said, went up again.
Donghae watched after him, before he searched for the crew's quaters.
   "Crew's quaters... crew's quaters!"
He catched sight of the sign and followed the corridor, while he fighted his way through the water, which already reached his knees.
   Suddenly the lights began to flicker and Donghae leaned frightened against a wall. After the light went back to normal again, Donghae noticed that he had lost the orientation.
   Eunhyuk tried to get on a desk, to protect himself for the water, as he heard somebody yelling his name. "Donghae?", Eunhyuk said to himself.
   "Donghae!!", he shouted as loud as he could.
   "Donghae, I'm in here! I'm in here", Eunhyuk yelled and began to knock againt the pipe with his handcuffs.
Donghae entered the room, went to Eunhyuk and kissed him dearly.
  "Eunhyuk! I'm so sorry!", Donghae said and gave him more kisses.
  "You have to find the spare key! It has to be a little silver one", Eunhyuk explained and pointed at a small cupboard.
   Donghae pulled out one drawer after another and searched for the right one.
   "How did you find out, that I didn't do it?", Eunhyuk asked and interrupted Donghae's search.
   "I didn't... I just realized that I already knew!"
They just looked at each other for short before Eunhyuk said:
   "Keep on searching, Donghae!"
He combed through the cupboard for the right key, but he didn't find any silver key.
   "These are all pressed ones!", Donghae said  and turned to Eunhyuk with a very desperate expression.
  "Donghae! Go and get help!", Eunhyuk said in an understanding tone.
Donghae nodden and kissed his man one more time before he left.
  "I will wait here!", Eunhyuk shouted loudly after Donghae.

   Donghae fighted himself through the water to some stairs and went upstairs to the upper deck. He ran through the corridors and called for help. But the corridors were empty, just some clothes, shoes, luggage and even glasses were lying down on the floor.
   "Hello? Hello! Is somebody down here?", Donghae yelled, while he ran through the corridors, "Damn it!"
   Suddenly a man, who was in panic, bumped into Donghae.
Donghae grapped his arm.
   "Help me please! Downstairs, there is a man, who need help", Donghae tried to explain quickly, but the man just babbled something in a different language and ran away.
   "Please wait!", Donghae screamed after him, but the man already has disappeared.
Donghae followed the corridor slowly as a voice sounded behind him:
   "Oh god, mister! You shouldn't be down here anymore!"
A stuart appeared in front of Donghae, grapped his hand and drew Donghae after him.
   "Stop! Downstairs!! There is a man, who needs our help", Donghae meant tearfully.
   "No need to panic, sir!"
   "No! He needs help! You're going into the wrong direction!", Donghae tore himself of and screamed, "Stop and listen to me!"
   Donghae stopped and punched the stuart in his face, so that he staggered backwards and covered his nose with one hand. After he noticed that his nose was bleeding, he looked down on Donghae.
   "To hell with you", he said and left.
Donghae leaned againts the wall and suddenly the lights turned off slowly. Donghae pressed himself into the dark, closer to the wall, while a loud and threatening creak came from the lower decks. Donghae began to breath out loudly and tried to drown the frightening noise.
   Suddenly the light again and Donghae needed some seconds to get his breathing back to nearly normal, before he noticed a axe on the wall.
   He hammered in the glass with a fire hose, grapped the axe and ran back to the stairs.
When he arrived, he saw that the water already reached a alarming high. He hang the axe into a grille, took of his jacket and went into the water.
   At the first moment he shrieked because of the coolness of the water. Then he took the axe, hold it above his head and made his way hand over hand along the pipes on the ceiling, because the water was so high, that he couldn't stand anymore.
   Some meters before the room he could stand again and went ahead. He slid open the door with the axe and hold up the axe to show it to Eunhyuk and asked:
   "Do you think, this will work?"
   "We will see", Eunhyuk said, who was sitting on the desk in order to escape of the water.
Donghae walked to him and wanted to hit the handcuffs with the axe, but Eunhyuk interrupted him:
   "Stop! Do some practise blows over there!"
Donghae nodded and went back to a wardrobe. He sighted a point on the wardrobe and hit it strongly with the axe. After he pulled out the axe again, he saw the big crack, which he made.
   "Great, now try to hit the same point again!", Eunhyuk said.
Donghae sighted the same point again, swung back and suddenly the axe throw in a big curve through the room and crashed into the glass cabine.
   "Oh ", Eunhyuk said shocked with wide open eyes.
   "Oops! Sorry my hands are slippery", Donghae explained.
Eunhyuk nodded afraid, while Donghae went to get the axe again. Then he tried to hit the same point again, but he hit the other corner of the wardrobe's door.
   "That should be enough for training!", Eunhyuk said.
Donghae turned to Eunhyuk and looked at him with a afraid and desperated expression.
   "You can do that! I trust you! Just hit as strong as you can", Eunhyuk said trustingly.
His man nodded, sighted and swung back as Eunhyuk stopped him.
   "STOP! Stop! Don't hold it that way! Try to hold it more like this", Eunhyuk explained and tried to show him the right position for his hands.
   "Like this?", Donghae shivered and Eunhyuk nodded and added:
   "Don't worry, I trust you!"
Then Eunhyuk hold his hands apart, pressed him against the pipe and closed his eyes.
   Donghae gulped, pressed his eye together and hit with all his strenght.
   The axe banged against the pipe and a loud noise filled the room. And both of them slowly opened their eyes after the bang faded away.
   Donghae dropped the axe and looked pleased at Eunhyuk, that he did it and freeed Eunhyuk from the pipe.
   The dancer started to laughed because he was so happy to at least have a chance to survive now.
   "You did it!! You really did it!", he said and hugged Donghae, "And know let's disappear from here!"
   Eunhyuk jumped into the water and screwed up his face.
   "Damn it, it's cold!"
They fought against the water of the floor.
   At the stairs, where Donghae came from, the water gushed out like crazy.
   "The exit is that way....", Donghae said desperately.
   "We have to find another way!"

   It was like hell on the shelter deck. The seamen got the orders to let the passengeres of the first and the second class go to the boats first, until they let out the passengers of the third class. That's the reason for them bolting the gates.
   The people gathered in the stairwell and got pressed against the gate. A lot of them screamed and cried.
   Kibum fought forward against the gate, while Sungmin waited downstairs. He stood up in front of then gate and turned to a seaman:
   "Hey! Let us out! Just give us a chance to survive, bastard!"
   "Don't let anyone out here", the seaman said to the others coldly.
   "YA! We have women and children down here!", Kibum said angrily and the seaman nodded to his co-workers.
   "Okay, open the gate but just let women and children come out!"
They opened the gate and the people started to ran out, but the seamen tried to hold the men back and even began to hit them with sticks, axes and their elbows.
   "Close the gate!", one seaman screamed and put out a gun, which he pointed at the passengers.
   Kibum shook his head outrageous and went down the stairs again.

   Kyuhyun ran over the deck as fast as he could,and because everywhere people stood, screamed, cried, so he couldn't ran with full speed.
   He was looking for Ryeowook, just  because he wanted to check if he was alright. From afar he saw his mate working with the helmsman.
   "Wookie!", Kyuhyun said loudly and grapped his mates arm.
   "Kyuhyun! Thank god, you're alright!"
   "Is everything okay?"
Ryeowook nodded uncertainly. How could everything be alright? The ship was sinking... he was afraid and couldn't show it because he was a mate, who had to safe as many people as possible and his beloved Kyuhyun was running around all the time, without him knowing where he is or if he was alright.
   "Okay, I just have to look for somebody, I'll be back later!"
   "What? Later? No, maybe there is no later anymore... please don't go!", Ryeowook said and hugged Kyuhyun tightly, didn't want to let go of him.
   Kyuhyun laid his hand on Ryeowook's chin and looked deep into his eyes.
   "I have to... Siwon, Donghae's ex, is going crazy... he may hurt them!", Kyuhyun explained, "Don't look at me with that puppy-eyes!! I really don't want to leave you again, but I want to help you and your friends and they might be in danger!"
   Ryeowook nodded understandingly and kissed him passionately. Then he stepped back from Kyuhyun and turned around to work on.
   Kyuhyun sighed and left his mate with a heavy heart.

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I will upload as soon as my betareader finished the next chapter^^


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Ice_siri #1
Chapter 15: Great story....and thanks for the lovely ending...
Angel9 #2
Chapter 15: i was crying when Kyuhyun was shot and that donghae was letting go of eunhyuks hand it was like i was watching the titanic you made a good story :D thanks <3
LoveNdyy #3
Chapter 15: New reader~
Omg i thought eunhyuk is dead..
But it turns out that he survived..
Good job author-nim!
LoveNdyy #4
Chapter 15: New reader~
Omg i thought eunhyuk is dead..
But it turns out that he is survived..
Good job author-nim!
Ladyghai #5
Chapter 15: omg, i'm glad eunhyuk did not die :) love this!
carolina #6
nice story.. it makes me cry when I died eunhyuk. im happy to see eunhyuk is alive..
Omg happy ending!!!<3333
homin appeared!!! I loved that!!!
Yay eunhyuk didnt die so eunhae get to be together!!
MissPauline #9
The ending was great ! you really scared me ! i thought he was dead !
Nice story i love it ! :)