Pride and Distrust

Super Titanic

Eunhyuk stood in front of the clock. He leaned against the balustrade and examined the extensive and well-processed scrimshaws around the clock.
   Donghae stood at the end of the stairs and looked up to the dancer. He was nervous, without knowing why. He gulped and slowly went up the stairs.
   Eunhyuk turned around. While looking at Donghae he smiled and asked:
   "Do you want to go to a real party?"

   Some minutes later Donghae found himself some decks below on a seat, having a beer and being surrounded by Eunhyuk's friends. He was watching Eunhyuk, who was dancing with a little girl. He already took of his jacket, vest and bow tie and opened the first two buttons of his shirt.
   "I really don't get it, how Eunhyuk was able to pull him up", Kibum said to Sungmin.
   "I'm not sure. He said he helped him last night, so they came in contact", Sungmin told him and tapped Donghae on his shoulder, "Hey, I'm Sungmin, Eunhyuk's friend!"
   Donghae bowed and said: "I'm Lee Donghae."
   "I'm Kibum", he said and Donghae answered: "It's a pleasure to meet you!"
Sungmin and Kibum looked at each other and Sungmin laughed: "You don't have to talk formal to us!"
   Donghae nodded and looked at Eunhyuk again, while Sungmin and Kibum started their conversation over again.
   "Didn't you say you have a new friend?", Kibum asked.
   "Yes, he is one of the crew, he will join us after his workshift is over!"
After the song was over, Eunhyuk joined them and sat down next to Donghae. He took a big glup of his beer and shook his head afterwards.
   "A new friend?", he asked Sungmin, who nodded and looked around.
   "Ah, there he is!"
A young man in a white uniform stepped next to Sungmin and bowed. He was short, thin and had light brown hair.
   "Peeps! That's Ryeowook! He's the fifth mate. He has a really important job and  a really nice guy. He helped me to find the indoor swimming pool", Sungmin explained and pointed at a seat next to him, on which Ryeowook sat down.
   "You are a mate?", Donghae asked and looked at the young man, who nodded.
   "Aren't you a passenger from the first class?", Ryeowook mentioned, "I think I saw you at the first class dining-hall!"
   "Yes", Donghae anwsered quickly, feeling queasy and out of place.
Eunhyuk saw, that Donghae felt a bit uncomfortable, stood up and grapped his hand.
   "Let's dance!"
   "Pardon me? No! I cannot dance like you...", Donghae said denyingly, but Eunhyuk drew Donghae with him to the dance floor.
   The band started to play a funky song and even Sungmin came to a dance floor with a young lady, who asked him for a dance, while Kibum stood up to join a group of men for a arm wrestling match and Ryeowook watched them from their table and enjoyed his leisure.
   Eunhyuk grapped Donghae's other hand, pulled Donghae nearer to him and looked to the little girl, who was standing near them and watched sadly.
   "Don't worry, you're still my best friend!", Eunhyuk confessed and made her smile again. Than he turned to face Donghae, who looked worried about what's going to happen soon.
   "I don't know what to do", Donghae said.
   "I don't know either, just follow the music and do it like the others!"
Donghae looked at Sungmin, who already started to dance with the young woman and tried to imitate her movements. It didn't take a minutes and the two were part of the dancing people.
   Donghae forgot to think about what he was doing and devoted him to Eunhyuk and the music, so they were able to dance like a couple over the whole dance floor. They spun round and round and Donghae started to sweat.
   The music started to be faster and Eunhyuk started to move faster, too.
   "No, not so fast", Donghae said loudly to drown the music out, but Eunhyuk just smiled and moved even faster.

   At the same time Siwon was at the smoking saloon and discussed stuff related to business, as Heechul came in and stepped to his son-in-law.
   "Siwon-ah, can I have a chat with you for some minutes, please? It's important!"
Siwon nodded, stood up, bowed and excused himself to his business partners:
   "Excuse me. I'll be back in some minutes!"
They went in front of the entrance.
   "What's the matter, Heechullie?"
   "Donghae. He is missing!"
   "What?", Siwon said and watched insistently at his mother-in-law.
   "Yes, he left the dining-hall a short while after you and that poor guy. He said he is tired and wants to go to bed. But he wasn't at the suite when I came back and his bed wasn't even touched!"
   Siwon looked at Kyuhyun who stood behind him.
   "Keep calm! It's a ship! Kyuhyun will find him!"
Heechul nodded and left. Kyuhyun stepped besides Siwon and said:
   "I find him!"
   "You better do so!"
Kyuhyun left and Siwon went back to his table and the business partnerns.

   Eunhyuk and Donghae went back to their table, where Ryeowook welcomed them and handed their drinks to them.
  Eunhyuk took a sip of his beer as a refresher, while Donghae put his glas on his lips and drank the half of his beer in one shot. It looked like he would never stop drinking and Eunhyuk threw a surprised look at him.
   "What? Did you think a guy from the first class can't handle alcohol?", Donghae asked in a taunting tone as Eunhyuk got bumped by a drunken man and overwhelmed his beer all over Donghae.
   "Piss off, !", Eunhyuk said and shoved the drunken man aside. He quickly turned to Donghae, "Are you okay?"
   "Yes, never mind."
They put their drinks down and stepped to the next table with Ryeowook, where a bulk of people were standing, who watched Kibum and his arm wrestling match. He was about to start a new match, but Donghae stopped them:
   "You think, you are strong fellers?", Donghae said and grapped the cigarette out of the Kibum's opponent's mouth to took a drag and sqeezed the cigarette out, "Do you think you can do this, too?"
   He took of his shoes and gave them Eunhyuk, "Can you hold them please."
   He closed his eyes and concentrated. He hold his arms in front of his stomach and positioned his feet like a ballet dancer and started to move. It looked like he was growing, but he just displaced his whole body on his tiptoes and rose his arms up in the air.
   All people, who have been standing around the table, were watched him with wide opened eyes and mouths. They couldn't believed what they their eyes, because they never saw something like that.
   Donghae hold his balance, but after some seconds he squinched up his face and fell down, but Eunhyuk catched him, that he didn't fall at the floor.
   Donghae lay in Eunhyuk's arms and laughed: "I haven't done that for a really long time!"
   "You said, you can't dance!"
   "I just had one or two ballet lessons when I was a child!"
They looked each other in the eyes and laughed.

   At the same moment Kyuhyun came down the small stairs and throw a scanning look into the bulk of people, where his eyes soon catched Donghae, who was lying in Eunhyuk's arms and watched him closely.
   After he saw him, he turned around and left, like nothing had happened.

   Ryeowook had a bad feeling. He felt like someone was watching them. He and his new friends went up to the promenade deck to watch the stars and to bring the evening to an end.
  Everyone was happy and a bit tired after they danced and had fun a lot. Just Ryeowook felt weird. He watched around. Only a few passengers were left at the deck. The most people he saw were seamen or colleagues.
   "What are you looking around?", Sungmin asked.
   "Nothing, I just felt like somebody is watching us", Ryeowook explained and turned back to his friends, after he recognized a shadow behind a corner, "I should go now. My next shift is going to start soon."
   The other nodded and mentioned, that they would be going to bed now, too.
   Ryeowook bowed and watched his friends, who said goodbye to each other and left. He turned around and stepped around the corner, "Why are you following us?"
   A tall man stood at the shadow. He smirked and stepped closer to Ryeowook: "None of your business! So you better don't mess up with me."
   Ryeowook looked up to him with a spectical look. He wasn't sure about what he should say or do.
   The taller one bend forward to whisper into Ryeowook's ear: "I give you an advice. Don't get in my and my master's way. It's better for you."
   Ryeowook gulped shocked.
   "Ryeowook-sshi!", a voice shouted from apart and Ryeowook turned around and saw his captian. He bowed and greeted him.
   "What are you doing here, Ryeowook-sshi? Shouldn't you be in your bed?", Leeteuk said.
   "Yes, I was on my way, but I bumped into that passenger", Ryeowook answered and wanted to point at the tall guy, but he already had left.
   "Mh? You seems to be tired! You should go now!"
   "Ai, sir", Ryeowook said, bowed deeply and left, while Leeteuk was watching after him.
He turned around and wanted to finish patrol.
   Meanwhile, the deck was deserted and it was very quite. You just could hear the sound of the water and smokestacks.
   Leeteuk sat down on a sunlounger, closed his eyes and listened to the sound of his ship.
   After some minutes a man sat down on the sunlounger next to him and said:
   "It's late already, don't you think so Teukie hyung?"
Leeteuk opened his eyes and turned around to face his boatsman.
   "I already began to think, you had forgot about our date tonight", Leeteuk said depressed.
   "No, I would never forget you! There was just a problem, which took some more time than I thought, but know, I'm hear", Kangin explained and gave his captain a kiss on his forehead, "Let's go, I prepared my cabine!"
   He grapped Leeteuk's hand and they walked over the deserted deck while holding hands.

   At the next morning, Donghae and Siwon sat together on their promenade deck and had their every-day breakfast.
   Siwon already wore one of his noble suits, but he hung up his jacket at a seat near the door. Donghae just woke up, so he was still in his pajama.
   The maid poured tea in their cups and asked: "Can I bring you something more?"
   But Siwon waved and intimated her that she could leave, before he took a sip and and turned towards his fiance:
   "I hoped, that you would come to me, yesterday!"
   "It was late and I was very tired."
   "You really had to burn out yourself under deck."
   "Did you send your gravedigger after me again?", Donghae asked.
Siwon's facial expression clouded and said full-throated:
   "Are we a little now?"
Donghae shook his head scared  and said with a quiet voice:
   "N... no... Siwon, no. I'm... I'm your fiance!"
Siwon was beside himself with rage. He jumped up, slapped the table away, so that it flew to the floor in a big curve, which made a hugh noise. But Siwon didn't pay attention to the chaos he made, bend over his fiance and shouted:
   "RIGHT! You are MY fiance! And even not in front of the law, you will pay homage to me", Siwon's voice calmed down again and he continued, "You will respect me like a wife or husband respect each other! Do you understand me? Are there any more ambiguities?"
   Donghae shook his head tearfully.
   "Very well! That would be clarified!", Siwon said, turned his back to Donghae and left the terrace.
   After Siwon was gone, Donghae sank down at the floor and began to cry quietly. The maid run to him, hold him and asked, "Sir, are you okay?"
   "It... it was a little mishap", Donghae meant puffy from crying, "I will help you to clean up."
   "Oh, no. It's okay, sir. I do it by myself!"

   At the same time Yesung and Leeteuk sat together in the lounge for tea and cake, while Yesung was studying a piece of paper.
   "So you did not use the last two boils?"
   "No, we don't see the need", Leeteuk anwsered, "We are making excellent time!"
   "The press knows the seize of the Titanic. Now, I want them to know her speed. We have to give them something new to print", Yesung explained and took a snip of his tea, "The maiden voyage of the Titanic has to make headlines!"
   "Yesung-sshi...", Leeteuk began, "I would prefer not to push maschines until they run in."
   "I'm only a passenger, it's up to you, but wouldn't it be great, when we arrive the evening before? What bang would it be for you career, mh?", Yesung said and look at Leeteuk with a insistent look.
   Leeteuk hesitated and nodded.
   "Good man!"

   Eunhyuk and Sungmin went outside after their breakfast, sat down on a bench and enjoyed the sun.
   "Did you think about the dance battle today?", Sungmin asked.
   "Mh... not really..."
   "What? Didn't we say, we challenge some people to train for the audition?", Sungmin said in a little shock.
   "Yeah, I know... but I'm not in the mood."
   "That guy stole your heart and now you're going crazy", Sungmin said and looked at his friend angrily, although he also felt happy for his friend.
   At this moment, Ryeowook, who was on his patrole, passed the two friends.
   "Ah, Ryeowook-ah. Are you at work?", Sungmin asked.
Ryeowook nodded: "I'm on my patrole. Did you have a good night?"
   "Of course... Eunhyuk surely had a better night, than me."
   "Because he dreamed of someone", Sungmin cheered and Ryeowook smiled.
   "What? No I didn't", Eunhyuk denied and Sungmin laughed out loud.
   "Oh, yes you did. You should have seen your face. You were smiling all over your face while you slept and even said his name more than one time", Sungmin declared and patted Eunhyuk on the back
   "It's okay, Eunhyuk hyung. We all speak when we sleep", Ryeowook asseverated, "Okay, I have to work on. See you later, guys."
   Ryeowook waved to say goodbye and left.

   Donghae was in his room while the maid helped him to find his light grey jacket as Heechul came in.
   "The tea", he said and the maid dropped a curtsy and left. Than Heechul stepped to his sun and handed him his jacket. He wanted to grap it, but his mother didn't let it go. He looked at Donghae with a deep, angry look; a look that created a deep wrinkle between Heechul's eyebrows.
   "Don't look like this, mother. You will have nosebleeds again", Donghae told him, while he wanted to grap his bracelet from his bed, but Heechul catched on his arms and turned his son to him.
   "You aren't allowed to meet that guy again!"
   "No arguments! Siwon-sshi is our last chance. That relationship is blameless. You're father died and didn't left much money. You know that! Or do you want that our beautiful things will be auctioned? All our memories will be gone? Or that I earn our money as a employee?"
   Donghae looked reproachful at his mother and quietly said:
   "That's so damn unfair!"
   "Of course, it's unfair, you are the woman in that relationship... like me, when I was with your father", Heechul spoke and gave his son a kiss on his forehead and helped him to put on his jacket.
   "Can I go and take a walk?"
   "Sure, but please be a good Fishy and be in time for the church service!"
Donghae nodded and left the suite. He went quickly to met Eunhyuk. Even if he said, that he wouldn't meet him again, he had a strong demand to see him once again.
   They met where they first met.

   Ryeowook was still on his patrole. He walked over the deck and stood near the stern of the ship. From his position he could see two familar people. It was Eunhyuk and Donghae, who stood on the railing. He was about to go along as he noticed that tall guy again, who seemed to spy them.
   "I knew, he was up to something", Ryeowook talked to himself, "This maybe will come to a bad end... I should undertake something."
   He nodded to bear himself and started to run. He ran to the bridge to meet his captain and asked, out of breath:
   "Sir, may I asked for a break?"
   "Did something happen?", Leeteuk asked confused.
Ryeowook wiggled his head and meant: "I'm not quiet sure, sir!"
   Leeteuk looked even more confused, "May you explain what happened?"
   "I don't know, maybe a friend of mine will be in trouble. I just want to go and check it out!"
Leeteuk threw a look at his first mate Zhoumi, who said:
   "You finished your patrole, Ryeowook?"
He nodded. Zhoumi looked at his captain and said: "I don't need him at the moment."
   "Okay, you can go, but register back to me in an hour", Leeteuk told his fifth mate, who left quickly.
   Ryeowook ran back and bumped into the tall man. He looked shocked as he noticed him, so he grapped him on his jacket and shout:
   "What are you doing? Why are you shadowing Eunhyuk?"
   "Who says I'm after the poor guy?"
   "I can see it in your eyes!"
The tall man smirked and laughed: "And? What are you planning to do now?"
   But Ryeowook didn't even know what he should do or why he even grapped a stranger on his jacket like a ganster and released him out of his  grip.
   "What? Are you uncertain now?", the tall one asked, still with a smirk on his lips.
Ryeowook hung his head. He really didn't know what to do. He didn't even know his reasons. What did he even think to interfere.
   "Excuse me... I don't have the right to in your business... But take it from me: When I notice that you are planing something against Eunhyuk, you get a problem with me!"
   The tall one laughed out loud and eyeballed Ryeowook closely: "Are you challenging me?"
   Ryeowook nodded certainly, which made the other one laugh even more.
   "Alright!", he said and went on.
After he left Ryeowook woke up out of his numbness. He gave himself a shake and moved on slowly, while he was thinking about what he said to someone, who was a completely stranger.

   Siwon and Heechul waited in front of the dining hall, where the church service was about to start.
   "Donghae isn't here yet... I shouldn't let him go out by himself", Heechul hissed angrily.
   "Ah, Kyuhyun-ah", Siwon said after Kyuhyun came around the corner, "Did you find him?"
   "Yes, he is with him again."
   "Pardon me?", Heechul couldn't take it.
At this moment Donghae ran down the stairs and stepped to his fiance: "Sorry, mother, I'm late. I forgot the time!"
   "Sure", Heechul said in strict tone, "Let's go! We're already late!"
They went into the dining-hall. Siwon followed them slowly.
   "You know what you have to do, Kyuhyun!"
Kyuhyun nodded and waited near the entrance.

   After the pastor said some words, they all retrieved their songbook and started to sing a song.
   Even Donghae, Heechul and Siwon started to sing, while Kyuhyun watched them and kept an eye on the door.
   After he saw how the two servants discussed with Eunhyuk, he nodded to Siwon, who already looked at him and went to the entrance.
   "... I just have to see somebody. I was here last night, don't you remember?"
   "No, sorry I don't remember", he servant said coldly.
   "He! He can witness it", Eunhyuk told the servant and pointed at Kyuhyun, who stepped to the servants.
   "Mr. Lee Donghae and Mr. Choi Siwon are really thankful for you assistence and asked me to give you this as acknowledgment", Kyuhyun explained and handed him two 5000 won banknotes.
   "I don't want your money. Please, I just want to-", Eunhyuk said imploringly, but Kyuhyun interrupted him: "I also want to remind you, that you have a third class ticket and don't belongs to us!"
   "Please, I just want to see him for ONE second!"
   "Would you take Mr. Lee Eunhyuk to his class, where he belongs to and make sure, he stays there", Kyuhyun said ignorantly and handed each servant one banknote.
   "Yes, sir", one servant said and they grapped Eunhyuk on his arms, turned him around and laid their hands on his back, to make sure, that he didn't went back again.

   After the church service, Donghae wanted to go out quickly, but Kyuhyun hold him back.
   "Ya, let me go, gravedigger", Donghae said displeased.
Heechul and Siwon stepped next to him and Heechul spoke in a quiet, sad, but serious tone:
   "My Fishy, we have to talk to you about something really grave!"
Donghae looked at them and they took a seat in the empty dining-hall.
   "You never meet him!", Heechul said again.
   "I didn't saw him since yesterday!"
   "We know you did, my dear", his mother said and Donghae threw an angry look at Kyuhyun, who stood next to Siwon.
   His fiance bend down to him and said:
   "You will never see him. When you resist us, we have to initiate something that makes sure, that you will never see him. Did you get it, poppet?"
   Donghae looked irritated to Siwon, who just nodded to Kyuhyun, who stepped nearer and opened his jacket, where Donghae could see a white gun. His confused glance turned into a shocked one and he gulped.
   "Do we understand?", Siwon digged deeper and Donghae bite on his lips, hung his head and nodded.

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I will upload as soon as my betareader finished the next chapter^^


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Ice_siri #1
Chapter 15: Great story....and thanks for the lovely ending...
Angel9 #2
Chapter 15: i was crying when Kyuhyun was shot and that donghae was letting go of eunhyuks hand it was like i was watching the titanic you made a good story :D thanks <3
LoveNdyy #3
Chapter 15: New reader~
Omg i thought eunhyuk is dead..
But it turns out that he survived..
Good job author-nim!
LoveNdyy #4
Chapter 15: New reader~
Omg i thought eunhyuk is dead..
But it turns out that he is survived..
Good job author-nim!
Ladyghai #5
Chapter 15: omg, i'm glad eunhyuk did not die :) love this!
carolina #6
nice story.. it makes me cry when I died eunhyuk. im happy to see eunhyuk is alive..
Omg happy ending!!!<3333
homin appeared!!! I loved that!!!
Yay eunhyuk didnt die so eunhae get to be together!!
MissPauline #9
The ending was great ! you really scared me ! i thought he was dead !
Nice story i love it ! :)