The Journey Begins

Super Titanic

It was fresh on the morning of the 10th of April at the port of Busan.
   It was the day of the maiden voyage of the legendary Titanic. She was the biggest and most luxurious ship on earth and it was classified as unsinkable. And this morning it should start its journey to Los Angeles.

   A lot of people already lined up for hours to get their baggage on, to checked their papers, to be finally able to go on board and to move in their rooms, so that their journey could start.
   Everybody smelled the fresh paint.
   The beds were totally unused, and so were the dishes. The crew members wore their uniforms for the first time. Most of them were as excited as the the passengers, because for many of them the maiden voyage of the Titanic was their first sea passage as well.
   The mates stood on deck, looking at the bulk of people, who were not only passengers but also reporters and bystanders as well. They also watched the working seamen, who were running around, carrying hawser or storing the baggage to the cabins of the passengers.
   The waiters and cooks prepared the dining-halls for the passengers' lunch and the chambermaids made the last preparations to furnish the rooms as comfortable as possible.
   Meanwhile at the harbor, everybody was very busy, too.
There were cars coming steadily, out of those came new passengers. It was a constantly coming and going.

  Two big limousined arrived at the big place in front of the anchorage, where the passengers could hand off their luggage.
   The car doors were opened by several seamen. This was only a service for first-class passengers.
   From the second car a man, who had a young face which concluded he was just in his early twenties, stepped out.
   He wore fashionable sunglasses and had puce hair, which fell into his face and hid his eyebrows. His clothes looked classy and chic, so everyone could see that he was a son of a very wealthy family.
   From the other car two other men got off. One of them was tall, wore a noble suit, holding a umbrella in his hand. The second man was a bit smaller than the other man and looked a lot more feminine. He wore a white jacket, a white low-necked shirt and white trousers. His feminine face was covered by sunglasses and his longer hair was tied to a pigtail. He peeked out from behind his sunglasses, looking at the ship:
   “Yo, man! That’s amazing! Marvelous!!”
   “That’s just another damn ship, not even more special than all the others”, said the young faced man.
   “You always have to complain about everything, my dear Donghae!”, said the feminine guy in a nerved tone.
   “Donghae, lovey, that’s the world's greatest ship! Don’t blame it, poppet! You are one of a few people, who will travel with the Titanic first”, said the tall guy, tenderly Donghae’s face.
Donghae looked at Siwon, his fiancé, with a skeptical look and asked wryly:
   “One of a few? This place is bursting at the seams!”
Siwon ignored him and beckon to some seamen:
   “Crack on! Get a move on!! We don't wanna be  at out suite too late! Hurry up! If you have more questions, please annoy my valet with it!”
The seamen sprinted over and began to discharge the luggage, while one of them were asking:
   “Which suite do these baggage belong to?”
Another man stepped out of the shadows. He wore a simple, black suit and had a gloomy smile. He approached to the seaman:
   “The suitcases from these two cars and the safe belongs to suite B51, B52 and B53! Buck up!”
   “Let's go, Heechul! We go ahead already”, Siwon said and linked his arm with Donghae's mother, “It's not easy to satisfy your son! But I hope his present for the engagement will be after his vision!”
   “You are a man of taste! Don't worry, I'm sure he'll like it!”, Heechul said and looked back at Donghae and called, “Donghae. Donghae! Hurry!”
He ambled after them and looked at the ship, which increased with every more step towards it.
   “Raise your feet, Donghae! We are important people. Only minuscule blighter acuminate their feet!”, said Heechul with a rigorous tone, “And keep in mind to raise your chin. You're looking like a village-idiot!”
   Donghae adopted the essential attitude and followed his mother and his fiance in a short space.

   One street ahead at a bar were a lot alarums and excursions. You only could hear some music, clapping and boisterous yelling from the outside.
   At the bar, a "fight" took place.
   A young man, mid-twenty, brown-haired was dancing with one other black-haired guy. They worked together and their moves were coordinated, synchronal and congenial to the music.
   On the other site of the little stage two men, who looked at the dancing men with a shocked face, were standing.  
 “OKAY!! Up to now, it's a tie! The last round makes the winner of our dance battle! But now we want the teams send only one dancer, so we have a obvious competition!”, one other man explained in front of the stage.
   The teams send out their best dancers. On the right side, a able-bodied, muscular man, who was watching down on the other man. On the left side, there was a brown-haired guy. He was smaller and looked airy besides the other man.
   The broad man began to move to the music and some people already began to cheer for him. After some seconds, the small guy started moving as well. His moves were absolutely flowing . He was dancing like crazy, but he looked comfortable on the stage and the other man began to struggle with himself.
   The audience started to cheer for the small, brown-haired guy, who visibly enjoyed to dance in front of all these people.
   The music stopped and the audience cheered louder than before.
   “I think, it's clear, Eunhyuk won the hearts of the audience! So he and his teammate Sungmin won the two tickets for the maiden voyage of the Titanic!”, the man in front of the stage said.
   The two slim men gave themselves a high five and brotherly hugged each other.
   “Now we can go to Los Angeles and become famous dancers!”, the black-haired guy said happily.
   “Yes, you're right, Sungmin. It's awesome!”
   “You shouldn't be so damn happy!”, one of the muscular men said and appeared up in front of them.
   “But... we beat you in a fair game!”, Sungmin said  confused and looked at his teammate Eunhyuk.
   “And I say you cheated on us and I can never accept that!”, the broad man screamed and seized Eunhyuk at his arm.
   He raised his arm,  clenched his fist and wanted to punch Eunhyuk in his face. Only some millimeter in front of Eunhyuk's face, who had already turned his head away, Sungmin kicked the man into his abdominals. The man staggered and his teammate caught him up.
   “Who the are you?”, the men asked  at the same time in a shocked tone, “You aren't only dancers... you... you know how to fight in material arts... you can't be a normal dancer!”
   “That's none of your business, you idiot!”, Sungmin said, turned around and went out with Eunhyuk.
   At the entrance of the bar, they got their two tickets and the barman said:
   “You should hurry up!! You only have five minutes left until the Titanic will cast off!”
   The two friends exchanged shocked glances, took their rucksacks and started to run to the footbridge.
   “And it turned out to be good, that I'm a master of material arts!”, Sungmin said  while he  was running behind Eunhyuk.
   “You shouldn't talk so much, I always thought you're a good sprinter!”, answered Eunhyuk.
They ran to the next dock and screamed to the mate:
   “Hey! HEY! Wait a second! We are passengers, too!”
   After the young mate looked at the tickets, he gazed at them and asked:
   “Did you already made the checkup?”
   “Of course, we are Koreans, we don't have lice or something like that!”, Eunhyuk said breathlessly.
   “Okay, come in!”
   After they entered in, the seamen locked the door and the journey could begin.


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I will upload as soon as my betareader finished the next chapter^^


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Ice_siri #1
Chapter 15: Great story....and thanks for the lovely ending...
Angel9 #2
Chapter 15: i was crying when Kyuhyun was shot and that donghae was letting go of eunhyuks hand it was like i was watching the titanic you made a good story :D thanks <3
LoveNdyy #3
Chapter 15: New reader~
Omg i thought eunhyuk is dead..
But it turns out that he survived..
Good job author-nim!
LoveNdyy #4
Chapter 15: New reader~
Omg i thought eunhyuk is dead..
But it turns out that he is survived..
Good job author-nim!
Ladyghai #5
Chapter 15: omg, i'm glad eunhyuk did not die :) love this!
carolina #6
nice story.. it makes me cry when I died eunhyuk. im happy to see eunhyuk is alive..
Omg happy ending!!!<3333
homin appeared!!! I loved that!!!
Yay eunhyuk didnt die so eunhae get to be together!!
MissPauline #9
The ending was great ! you really scared me ! i thought he was dead !
Nice story i love it ! :)