Chapter 6 - Confession

Baby You Are My Star



Your hands were balled into tight fists as you made your way down the street in the direction of your home. You don’t know what made you angrier. The fact that of all people he was with Min Hee or the fact that he had lied to you. Why didn’t he just tell you he had plans with her?, instead of lying to you. You shook your head trying to get rid of all your thoughts. You heard your phone ring in your bag and you reached in and pulled it out. You sighed as you read the caller ID. It was Bae. You were unsure whether to answer it or not. You didn’t think you were prepared to talk about anything yet. You knew it would end in you shouting your head of. Taking all your anger out on him and he really didn’t deserve that. So you let it ring as you headed into your apartment building. You slowly trudged to the elevator and pressed the button to your floor. The ride seemed to take longer than usual and you were growing slightly impatient. You just wanted to get home.

You curled up on your bed and just lay there for a while. Without even realizing you had started to cry. Endless tears were flowing from your eyes and you couldn’t seem to stop them. So you just let them be. Your loud sobs filled your quiet room as you brought your knees closer to your chest.

‘Why? Why Jay? Why do you make me feel this way? Why can’t I control my feelings when you’re around? Why? Please answer me’ You cried. You just wanted Jay to know how you felt about him. It was mainly your fault for you feeling this way. You should have told him a long time ago. If you had of you wouldn’t have had to witness him lying to you today. You probably never would have met Min Hee and you’d have never had to feel jealous about her being near Jay or feel insecure at how beautiful she was compared to you.

A knock on your bedroom door startled you and you shot up, heart racing, until you heard Bae’s voice. You had forgotten that he had a key to your apartment. You laid back down and waited for him to enter. He walked towards your bed and it dipped as he got on. He lay beside you and looked you in the eyes. He had a caring expression on his face as he tucked a few stray hairs behind your ear.

‘What’s wrong __________?’ He asked in the softest voice you had ever heard him speak in. You sniffed up and wiped you face gently.

‘Jay’ You replied letting out a sigh. You knew he had some sort of idea that Jay was involved. He always was the reason.

‘Tell me ____________. Just get it all off your chest. It might make you feel better’ He reassured. You took in a deep shaky breath and began.

‘I originally planned to go out with Jay today for coffee but he said he had work to do, which I thought fair enough he’s busy. But then I saw him with Min Hee in that café we went in. I would have been fine if he had just told me the truth. I keep getting mixed signals from him and its messing my head up. I don’t know whether he’s interested in me or not’ You replied still sobbing, ‘I’m supposed to be meeting him for coffee tomorrow but I’m not even sure I want to anymore’. Bae hugged you and the back of your head. He didn’t need to speak. He knew how to comfort you without using any words. You both just lay there. Soon enough your eyes became heavy and you found yourself asleep.

It was 9:00 am by the time you woke again. Bae was still beside you, asleep though now. You sat up and rubbed your eyes. You got off the bed as slowly as possible careful not to wake Bae and entered your bathroom. You looked in the mirror to find that your eyes were still puffy from the amount of crying you had done. You splashed your face with cold water in hopes to brighten it before you got ready. You walked back out to find Bae sat up looking sleepily at you. You couldn’t help but laugh at his blank expression.

‘Morning Bae, Are you hungry?’ You asked. He nodded and got up off the bed and followed you to the kitchen. You got out 2 bowls from the cupboard and poured the cereal and milk into both. You sat next to him and began eating.

‘So ___________, Are you gonna meet Jay or what?’ he questioned. You paused and put your spoon back into the bowl.

‘Erm no. I’m just gonna go straight to practice. Plus I’m not gonna let you go to practice by yourself. We may as well go together seeing as your already here’ You replied.

‘Oh okay’ He replied, ‘I think that’s the best thing to do right now. It’ll be easier to deal with him at practice because there’s more than just the two of you’. You nodded. Glad that he understood that you didn’t want to be alone with Jay right now.


You and Bae walked up the stairs to the practice room together. You were slightly early. As you neared the door you heard a fake sounding annoyingly loud laugh. You didn’t even need to be in the room to know who it was. Before you entered Bae turned towards you with his pinky held up.

‘Promise you won’t kill her’ He couldn’t help but smile a little at what he just requested. You smiled as well while interlocking your own pinky with his.

‘Stamp it’ he said showing his thumb. You again obliged and pressed your thumb to his. He smiled and pushed the door open. Jay and Min Hee were sat with there backs to the mirrors. You both walked in and sat down. Jay had his eyes on you the whole time and it was making you feel uncomfortable.

About 10 minutes had passed but the rest of the guys still weren’t here. You were silently getting more and more worked up by Min Hee’s high-pitched voice ringing in your ear every 5 seconds. You had promised not to blow up but it was proving to hard. Your hands were balled into fists again and your teeth clenched so hard you were afraid the might all break. You let out an annoyed sigh and looked up. Bae placed his hand on your shoulder to try and calm you down. He knew you were getting annoyed. Jay noticed this and he couldn’t help himself but get a little miffed that your mood had constantly been changing over the past few days.

‘Seriously _________, What is your problem? These past few days you’ve been on and off constantly and its really starting to annoy me’ Jay shouted slightly. You looked up at him with a confused look.

‘Oh come one ___________ don’t give me that look. You know what I mean. One minute your happy the next your miserable’ He shouted again. You looked at Min Hee who had a big grin on her face. It sickened you but also fueled you to say something.

‘Maybe I wouldn’t be like this if you weren’t so ing dumb’ You yelled at him. You could feel tears threatening to fall any second. He gave you the same confused look you had given him moments ago and replied.

‘What the hell are you talking about’ He said. Yeah you were right he was definitely dumb. You clenched you fists tighter. Getting yourself prepared. You looked Jay straight in the eye as tears started falling and shouted the answer to him.

‘ITS BECAUSE I LIKE YOU OKAY!!!’ You ran out before he even had the chance to process what you had just said. 

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Chapter 7: Awwwwww....... Screw you Min Hee! I get to have Jay! Lol xD
Chapter 6: Ugggghhhhh... the perks of having a one XD
Chapter 5: Oh my....Jay, really? Ca't it be Bae?
Chapter 4: So y!
Chapter 2: Oh please! Stop flirting with me! XD
Chapter 1: My first time reading a Jay story. ;)
JwalkerzAnna #7
Chapter 10: hehe i liked this story just imagining all haha so sweet jay
Hye-Yong #8
Chapter 10: Jay's sweet side~~
jaywalkerz #9
This was a great story ^^ I really loved it <3 Good job xDD
Ang_Ang69 #10
luv ur story ~ XDXD