Chapter 7

Just friend


Ahh, I can’t calm myself because of what happened before.  I keep on looking at my phone.  What will Seungho want me to do?  I just finish bath, sat in front of television trying to enjoy the program.  I am grateful because our company has provided us a house fully furnished.  I just add something that I want to.  Yeah, I living alone, before this I have housemate but she already married that’s why I live alone.  Suddenly, my phone vibrating.


From: Unknown Number


Hi, ready for your mission?


Eh, who is this.


From: Me


Who is this?


Maybe Seungho, but I hope not.


From: Unknown Number


Keke, its me. Seungho.  Your first mission.  Ready?


I guess right.  What will I do?


From: Me


I think I don’t have any choice.  What will I do?


Please! I hope it an easy task.


From: Unknown Number.


First, we want to take a visit to your hometown.


My hometown?  They want to go to my home?  I think I need to ask my parents first.


From: Me


I think I need to ask my parents first! Not to forget Mrs.Azleen because this matter is not included with your course.


Hehe, I believe Mrs.Azleen will not let them.


From: Unknown Number


About Mrs.Azleen you don’t have to worry because I have ask her and she agree with me.  Text me if you got your permission from your parents.  Hope to hear good news from you!


What? He already ask Mrs.Azleen and I can’t believe it she agree with him? The last chance is my parents hope they got some matters and I can’t bring them.  If I bring them there, I am 100% sure that all my secrets will be reveal.  I can’t do that! I dial my house number,


Mum: Hello.

Me: Mum, its me Ain.

Mum: Ain, glad to hear your voice.

Me: Mum, I just called you yesterday.

Mum: I just want to hear your voice everyday if I can.

Me: Hehe, love you mum!  Actually I got something to tell you.

Mum: What is it?

Me: I already tell you that I am teaching a group of celebrity right?

Mum: Yeah.

Me: They want to take a visit to our home.  Is it possible? (please say no!)

Mum: Wait, I ask your father first.


I hear she ask my father. 


Mum: Your father granted it!

Me: Eh?

Mum: Your father says ok.

Me: What?

Mum: How long have you clean your ear?  Your father said brings them here.

Me: Really?

Mum: I want you after this clean your ear ok?

Me: Did father say he agree with this?

Mum: Yeah Ain…


I am doom.


Mum: Do you hear me Ain?

Me: Yeah mum.  I will text you when is the date.

Mum: Alright! Don’t forget to clean you ear.

Me: Yeah, bye mum! Send my regard to father and my precious little brother Ajib.

Mum: Yeah..dont forget what I said before.

Me: Yeah mum, good night!

Mum: Night Ain.


Arghhh!!!Why everything going so smooth??

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seungie_mikro #1
JosRika: I am planning to make it but maybe it will take times..thank you for reading my story...
new reader here. I love your story. But i wanna ask u somethin. What is the wishes no.3? And i hope u can make sequel. I will read your story. Thank u. Fighting
seungie_mikro #3
MI0689: Mission Imposibble? QUite interesting
Mio689 #4
Mission Impossible? lol or something along those lines