Chapter 5

Just friend


Today is the 4th day of third week, the class went on smoothly until one day I decide to give them a test so that I will know if they really understand what I have teach them.  I go to the class with the test sheet.


Me: Ok class, we will have a simple test today.

Joon: What? You should tell us first.

G.O: Yeah Miss Ain, how can I answer the test without any revision.

Me: Don’t worry, everything in the test you already learn it anyway.

Thunder: Why don’t give 10 minutes to make a preparation?

Me: Erm..5 minutes?

Mir: Miss Ain, 15 minutes!

Me: Then 3 minutes..

MBLAQ except Seungho: WHAT!!!!

Me: 3 minutes preparation! (Grin evilly)

Seungho: Miss Ain, I have a suggestion!


Oh my, finally he is talking.  He doesn’t talk much but he will talk if I ask him.


Me: Yes Seungho?

G.O: Save us Leader!!

Seungho: We will agree with 3 minutes but if one of us score this test then you will granted the person who is score.  3 wishes to be exactly.


Erm, this is interesting.  I think they might not have a good score because I make the question a little bit tricky.


Me: Quite interesting, ok I fine with it.

G.O: Seungho yah, what are you trying to do?

Joon: Hyung, I don’t really confident with this.

Thunder: Yeah hyung, we still using our dictionary.

Me: Faster, I am waiting.

Seungho: Trust me.  Ok Miss Ain, if one of us score 90% and above you will follow everything we told you to do in one week?

Me: (one week?  That seems long, but I am confident with my question.) Alright, deal.  Ready with your stationeries, I will distribute the test sheet.


The other look like they don’t believe with the deal I had made with Seungho. 


Me: Ok class, ready! You only have one hour to do this test.


MBLAQ start to pay them attention at the test sheet.  They look really focus.  I don’t want to disturb them so I just stay at my desk.  I wonder why Seungho really confident with his deal.  His confidence makes me nervous.  What if, one of them got to higher marks?  I haven’t see Seungho like this.  Before this he only listening and sometimes he just laugh when he heard Mir and Joon quarelling each other or maybe do some drama in front of them. I look at my watch, so it is already time!


Me: Class, time is up!


All of them surprise when I said it.


G.O: Why it is really hard?

Thunder: Right Miss Ain.  Even we can use our dictionary, we still take times.

Me: Ok, you can have your rest.  I will mark your test.


They all let out a sight and left the class, Seungho is the last one who leave the class.


Seungho: Mark carefully Miss Ain.

Me: I will, Seungho.


He left me.  He looks really confident.  Argh, suddenly I feel nervous.  I should start marking paper.  I would like to start with Mir.  Then Thunder, Lee Joon, G.O and last is the most confidence man Seungho.


I am finish with Mir, Lee Joon, Thunder and G.O.  The last one, go Ain go!  Finish marking Seungho paper.  Ahh, what should I do?

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seungie_mikro #1
JosRika: I am planning to make it but maybe it will take times..thank you for reading my story...
new reader here. I love your story. But i wanna ask u somethin. What is the wishes no.3? And i hope u can make sequel. I will read your story. Thank u. Fighting
seungie_mikro #3
MI0689: Mission Imposibble? QUite interesting
Mio689 #4
Mission Impossible? lol or something along those lines