Chapter 11

Just friend


Last day at my house, I already pack my things.  Even MBLAQ also finish packing.  We decided to go back at noon because they have practice this evening.  As we plannef before, the van arrive at bid goodbye to my family.


This time I sit at the front, to prevent the same thing happens.  As I enjoy the journey I take a look at the side mirror to take a look at my face.  I can see Seungho is keep staring at the mirror.  What is he looking at?  i keep staring at the mirror, trying to figure out what make him staring at the mirror.  Suddenly he just point his finger at me.  Ok, I should stop.


At home, Ah, I am so tired.  After arrive at my home, I just laying around on my bed without changing my clothes.  I feel really tired.  Suddenly my phone receive message,


From: Seungho


Don’t just lay there without taking a bath.


Aish, how did he know?


From: Me


I am not that lazy


He cant see me right?


From: Seungho


Don’t forget you have 2 wishes more to grant.


Ish, 2 more to go.


From: Me


Ok2, what is it?


Ah, I should take a bath but..


From: Seungho


We didn’t have class tomorrow right? Be ready on 7 am, there will be a van to pick you.


I just want to be lazy tomorrow, why he have to choose tomorrow?????


From: Me


Cant we change the day?


After 2 seconds


From: Seungho


No you cant! Remember 7 am!




From: Me


Alright! I understand.


Ahh, lets take a bath first.




I wake up early, wait in front of my house.  After 5 minutes waiting, the van arrive.  I can see 5 members of MBLAQ inside the van.  G.O at the front Thunder, Mir at the backseat.  Lee Joon and Seungho in the middle.  That means I have to sit beside Seungho again.  Ahh, I should stay awake.  I don’t know where will they brought me.


Mir: Miss Ain!

Me: Morning everyone!

The others: Morning

Me: Where are we going?

Seungho: Just follow.

Me: Mir where are we going?


I know Mir will give me the answer.


Mir: Ask Seungho-hyung.


Did Seungho have warned him? 


I just enjoy the view and suddenly I hear someone calling me


Ain, wake up.  Wake up Ain.  Do you want me to carry you?


That voice is really sweet.  I think I heard it before.


Yah, wake up!


Why suddenly he screaming at me?  I can feel someone shaking my body.  Where did the sweet voice gone?  I want to hear that voice again. 


If you don’t wake up, I will kiss you!


Kiss me? Oh my, who are you? Are you my husband?  Who is he?  I try to open my eyes.  I can see him.  He is Seungho. Seungho? What? Wait a minute! Now I finally realize that his face just an inch from my face.


Me: What are you trying to do? (Push his face away)

Seungho: Finally, do you really want me to kiss you?

Me: What?

Seungho: You only wake up when I said I want to kiss you.

Me: I wake up when you’re trying to take advantage on me.

Seungho: I am not!


I quickly open the door when I realize there are only me and Seungho inside the van.


Seungho: Wait, I am not finish yet.


Oh my, this man sure talks a lot!!


Me: Ok, where we should go?

Seungho: I am not trying to do anything on you.

Me: Ok2.

Seungho: Fine, follow me.


I follow behind him.  Oh we are going to their practice room.  I get to see them practice!  This is interesting.


Mir: Miss Ain!!!

Me: Mir! Why didn’t you wake me up?

Mir: I already try but seem you don’t want to.  Even the other hyungs try too.

Thunder: Yeah, all of us try but you just smile when we try to wake you up.

G.O: Having good dream ya?

Me: No, so you all having practice here?

Lee Joon: Yeah, so all of you have to do is watching us.  Are you with that?

Me: I am totally fine!!


I take a seat at the bench behind.  This is what we called practice room.  A lot of mirrors!  I can see myself everywhere.  They start with warming up.  I feel really excited!  They already start the practice.  They look really cool not like the person I meet in the class.

Suddenly I heard..


Person beside me: Do it again, more charisma!


I take a look at beside me.  Oh my, he is Mr.Rain  After said that to MBLAQ, he look at me.


Rain: Hello, Miss Ain right?

Me: Yeah, it is.  You still remember me?

Rain: Hehe, glad to meet you here.

Me: Me too!

Rain: How was it teaching MBLAQ?

Me: They are really good, fast learner!

Rain: How about Mir? I think the others are ok.

Me: Mir is ok, just he talk a lot.

Rain: Yeah, everywhere he will talk a lot!

Me: Just let him be, because at the same time he learn something.

Rain: Glad you say like that.  By the way, what bring you here?

Me: it is a long story.  Actually I make a bet with them if one of them got higher mark in the test I will grant 3 wish.

Rain: I see, first is sight viewing to you village right?

Me: How do you know that?

Rain: of course they will ask me first before going anywhere.

Me: Ow, of course you are the boss.

Rain: but there is something I didn’t satisfied with you.

Me: What is it?

Rain: you didn’t invite me. (pouting)

Me: Ahh, how I can forget about that.  Maybe next time

Rain: ok, next time! By the way, I got something to do.  Do enjoy your time here.

Me: My pleasure.


Oh my, I have a conversation with Rain! Rain!!


G.O: What is hyung talking about with you?

Me: Secret!

G.O: Miss Ain!

Me: What?

Seungho: Tell us Miss Ain.

Me: Go to your practice!

Thunder: We are taking a break.

Mir: Miss Ain,  aish, can I just called you Ain noona?

Me: What is noona?

Thunder: It like sister.

Me: Owh.

G.O: back to the main topic.  What you talking about with hyung-nim.

Me: Lets see….erm….

Mir: Palli, noona!!

Me: What I cant understand you!

G.O: Yeah, faster Miss Ain! No I will call you noona too.  I believe that you older than me.

Me: Yah, I am still seventeen.

Lee Joon: Really? Woah, seventeen years old already work as a teacher.

Seungho: Please Lee Joon! Cant you see her face full of wrinkles?

Me: Yahhhhhh!!!!

Seungho: Runnnn!!!

All of them runaway from me.  Finally, I can have sit properly here.  The instructor had already call all the members to continue the practice.  Yeah, there are practicing It is War!!  So cool!

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seungie_mikro #1
JosRika: I am planning to make it but maybe it will take times..thank you for reading my story...
new reader here. I love your story. But i wanna ask u somethin. What is the wishes no.3? And i hope u can make sequel. I will read your story. Thank u. Fighting
seungie_mikro #3
MI0689: Mission Imposibble? QUite interesting
Mio689 #4
Mission Impossible? lol or something along those lines