Chapter 12

Just friend


Last week of the class, last day of my class.  Suddenly I feel sad.  After this I cant here playing around again.  They will go back to their country.  I wonder if can still stay in touch with them.  I can hear their footstep from far.  I should control myself.


Mir: Good morning noona!!

Me: We are in the class right now Mir.

Mir: Ops, my mistake! 

Me: Take your seat.  We will summarize back what we learn in this one month. 1,2,3,4 and where is the other one? Seungho?

G.O: he got injured yesterday.

Me: Ow, he cant attend this class today.  (suddenly feel really sad)

Thunder: somebody feel sad….

Me: Who?

Lee Joon: hehe, it is you!

Me: Who said?

G.O: Hehe, Miss Ain! I got a question! (raising up his arm)

Me: What is G.O?


All of them smiling.  Not the usual smile, I think.


G.O: Why don’t we just have a talk for this class..

Me: I am fine with this as long you talk in English.

Mir: Yeay!! Actually we have a lot to ask you!

Me: Really?

G.O: Yeah, first question! Do you have a boyfriend?

Me: No.

Thunder: Any qualifications for you boyfriend?

Me: No, if only he can accept who I am and my family.

Lee Joon: How about age?

Me: Ok now, you look like a reporter.

Lee Joon: noona!!

Me: Older and younger than me is ok.

Mir: Ok!!

Me: Is that all? It is not challenging at all.

Thunder: Noona, a challenging question from me.

Me: Bring it on!

Thunder: Alright, what if one day, there is a young man confessing to you?

Me: Is that all?  I like to take it slow, if I just meet him I will ask him to friend first.

Thunder: How about you already know him for  a while?

Me: How cant is say it.  Love is not something that you can predict right? It will not tell you where, when it will arrive right?

Thunder: Yeah you are right.

Me: So, if you are asking me. I didn’t have any precise answer.  Maybe I will ask him to be my friend to know each other more.

Mir: Ok, main question! Let me ask noona.

Lee Joon: No, I will ask her.

Mir: No, I will!

Mir+Lee Joon: How about Seungho-hyung?

Me: Eh?

G.O: How about Seungho?

Me: Why did you ask me like that?

Thunder: What is your answer?

Me: Still the same answer.  Friend first.




Seungho: How long we will be friend?

Me: You are here with us?

Seungho: actually I attending this class ok.

Me: How about you injury?

Seungho: Small injury.  I can handle it.  Lets skip the class Miss Ain!

Me: What?

The others: Yeah, lets enjoy our last day.

Me: Ok, lets go to the park.

Mir: Boring……

Lee Joon: Noraebang?

Mir: Yeah noraebang!!!

Me: Noraebang?????

Seungho: Karaoke.

Me: Ah, I see.  Lets go!!

Mir+Lee Joon: Yeay!!


So we just walk to the karaoke since it is not so far from the class.  I don’t know wether there will be open karaoke room open in the day.


Finish with noraebang, they had go for practice.  They have to do a lot of preparation for their concert.  I just go back to the office and trying to finish my job.




I can see a man come into the office holding a bouquet of flower.


A man: Excuse me, may I know where I can find Miss Ain?

Me: I am Ain.

A man: I have delivery for you.  Can you sign it here.


I sign the form.


Me: Thank you!


Woah, this is the first time I receive flower.  Usually I just saw it from drama.  I quickly look at the card arrive with flower.


Miss Ain,

Hope to see you there.


There is no sender’s name.  Ah, there are some papers behind this card.  Tickets? Ahhh! MBLAQ’s concert!! I got invitation for concert! Yeay! I got two tickets! Maybe I can ask Ajib to come a long.

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seungie_mikro #1
JosRika: I am planning to make it but maybe it will take times..thank you for reading my story...
new reader here. I love your story. But i wanna ask u somethin. What is the wishes no.3? And i hope u can make sequel. I will read your story. Thank u. Fighting
seungie_mikro #3
MI0689: Mission Imposibble? QUite interesting
Mio689 #4
Mission Impossible? lol or something along those lines