Chapter 1

Just friend


Ahh, finally 2 hours period of class is over.  What a long day.  I try to rest my head on my desk.  I heard a voice,


Miss Phy: Ain, Mrs.Azleen what to see you.

Me: Why? (Still resting my head on desk)

Miss Phy: I don’t know about it, just go.

Me: Can I take a rest for 5 minutes?

Miss Phy: Now, Ain.

Me: Alright.


Finally I manage to stand up and walk to Mrs.Azleen’s room.  Knock, knock!


Mrs.Azleen: Come in.


I open the door and greet Mrs.Azleen.


Mrs.Azleen: Sit down Ain.  Actually there is something I want to talk about.

Me: Can I know about it Mrs.Azleen?


I am getting nervous.  Maybe there are lot complaints about me.  Oh God, what should I do?  Did I too slow when in the class? Did I say something bad?


Mrs.Azleen: Ehem, Ain..Ain!

Me: Huh?

Mrs.Azleen: Are you here with me?

Me: Oh, sorry Mrs.Azleen, did I do something wrong?  Are there any complaints on me?

Mrs.Azleen: No, what are talking about?  Actually I a mission for you, we have a meeting before, and we choose you as suitable candidate.

Me: Candidate? Me?

Mrs.Azleen: Yes Ain.  Our company just gets a contract. 

Me: A contract?

Mrs.Azleen: Yes, we get a deal from the other country to teach their people.

Me: Ok, then they will attend the class here?

Mrs.Azleen: So we decided to choose you to teach their people English and our language.

Me: When will the class start?

Mrs.Azleen: A month from now.

Me: A month? How can I make a preparation in the short time? Why don’t choose an experience teacher? Like Mr.Lim?

Mrs.Azleen: I am sorry Ain, the meeting had decided and we already inform the management.  Plus you can gain some experience from here.

Me: Erm, ok if you say so.

Mrs.Azleen: Ok, Ain, we will see you later

Me: Thanl you Mrs.Azleen.


I walk out from Mrs.Azleen room with mix emotions.  Ahh, a month? I just plan to have a vacation next month.  Again, when I arrived at my desk I do the action.  Suddenly,


Miss Phy: I feel like dejavu. Hehehe

Me: Ahh…

Miss Phy: Why?

Me: Get some extra work, why me?

Miss Phy: Hehe, lucky me!

Me: Yeah, lucky you.


While talking with Miss Phy, suddenly Mrs.Azleen come to our desk and ask me to meet her in her room again.  So I just follow her from the back.


Mrs.Azleen: Sorry Ain, I forgot to give you the information about our customer.

Me: I am sorry too because I forgot to ask you.

Mrs.Azleen: Ok, here it is.  Please teach them good because they need to be good before their concert.

Me: Ok, Mrs.Azleen I will make them good before their concert.  Concert? Why concert?

Mrs.Azleen: Yeah, concert because they are a celebrity.  To be exactly a famous boy band from Korea.

Me: What?

Mrs.Azleen: Keep you mouth shut Ain.  Here is the file about your ‘future student’ learn a little bit about them.


I will teach a celebrity? Wait, I can’t believe this.  Oh my God! What should I do? If didn’t teach them properly I’ll be dead.


Mrs.Azleen: Ain..Ain…

Me: Yeah..sorry Mrs.Azleen.  Thank you Mrs.Azleen


I walk out from Mrs.Azleen room again.  What should I do??

I look again at the file Mrs.Azleen had given me before.

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seungie_mikro #1
JosRika: I am planning to make it but maybe it will take times..thank you for reading my story...
new reader here. I love your story. But i wanna ask u somethin. What is the wishes no.3? And i hope u can make sequel. I will read your story. Thank u. Fighting
seungie_mikro #3
MI0689: Mission Imposibble? QUite interesting
Mio689 #4
Mission Impossible? lol or something along those lines