It Was That Night, Where It All Started...

My 12 Knights In Shining Armor

Work was the usual, greeting the customers, taking their orders, and serving their food.  Time passed by quickly than you expected. You changed your white blouse and black pants to your uniform, said good bye to your manager and headed out.  By the time you headed out, it was nearly dark, but you had to buy groceries since your fridge was mostly empty. You clenched on to your bag and headed to your near by market. 

By the time you reached the market it was already dark. You went inside, grabbed a basket and begin to shop.  After, when you were done shopping, you quickly headed home. You felt the wind whisper on your skin as it sent down a shiver down your spine.

You shivered and  quickly walked to the direction to your home. 

When you where half way to your home, you heard foot steps behind you. You slowed down, tightly holding on to your bags and looked back, to see no one.  Your eyebrows pinched together *I've sworn I heard someone following me.*  You ignored it, you thought it was the wind messing with you and walked faster than you did before.

As your quicken your pace, someone behind you also did the same.  You stopped again and turned around to see nothing again. *What is wrong with me? Am I hallucinating?* You turned back to the direction you've been walking, but a hand covered you mouth. You dropped your bags and your eyes widen, you saw a sharp knife placed where your neck is. 

"Don't scream or else I'll cut you." The unknown man whispered to your ear. 

"Give me your money." He said, you quickly did as he told you to do. Your hand slipped in to your bag and grabbed your wallet out and gave it to him. He snatched it away from your hand and shoved it in his pocket. 

A sparkling object around your neck caught his attention. *That must be worth a fortune.* His eyes sparkled. 

"Take of your necklace." He said, still covering your mouth. You eyes widened, you held on to your necklace tightly, shaking your head.

"I said take it off!!!" He shouted at you. You jumped as tears were falling down your cheeks. *No, I can't, I promised my dad I won't.*  The man couldn't take it anymore he needed money. He forced your hand to let go and yanked your ruby necklace off. He shoved it in his pocket and ran off. 

Your heart stopped for a few seconds. Your legs felt limp and instantly fell to the ground. *Dad, I'm sorry I couldn't keep your promise.* As tears keep falling.  A strong gust of wind appeared out of no where, the gray clouds covered the sky as the ground started to rumble. Suddenly, you felt the ground shaking. You quickly got up, but you didn't know what to do or where to go at this situation. 

You heard a loud scream coming from no where. You covered both of your ears to prevent them from hurting.  *What was that?!* You looked around. The ground was still shaking and it split opened. A huge monster came out (just imagine a monster from bleach ok? :) ) The monster screamed once again. It grabbed on to the man that robbed you and he disappeared, leaving behind his clothes and bag. 

The monster saw you and reached for you, your eyes widen and ran as far away as you can from this creature. *What the heck is happening, is this some sort of prank? Where did they come from?* You thought. 

You tripped on to the ground. You winced and held on to you bloody knee.

"Ouch!" You made a painful expression.  You realized the monster was ready to attack you, you quickly reacted and covered your head with your arms.

"Please, someone save me?!" You yelled.  *Your wish is my command, princess.*  Voices echoed in your head. You looked to see 12 guys slaughtering the monster, as blood spirt out and landed on their bodies. You heard the last scream of this creature and it disappeared just like that. The sky started to clear up as clouds started to go away.  The blood landed on your face and hands from the creature.

You sat there still as a rock as the 12 knights approached you under the bright, moonlight.  And that was the start of your new life....

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Check out my other fanfics on my other acc exogirl4ever12 pls! :D
plz update...
update soon plz!
waiting for ur nxt update!
tinado58 #4
Chapter 5: Please update soon!!!
update soon plz!!
AhRiShA #6
OMG SO EXCITING!!! I was waiting so long for this chapter!!! Update soon unnie! :P
Pls update soon!!
where did exo go? o.o
AhRiShA #9
Can't wait for the next chapter!!!
yay exo is here!!
is her necklace gone now?
did u get this from a manga it sounds familiar....
update soon!