Part II - When everything seems fine: 2nd Chapter

One Does Not Simply Mess With Love


Another wonderful morning in Seoul; the birds sing, the sun warms every cold and dark corner bringing happiness. It was Monday and the weekend was long gone leaving behind a whole week of surprises. For both Henry and Sehun, who were lying down on their beds, the hang-over wasn’t the best thing but what were they expecting after dinking so much in the previous night?

             A loud and cheering girl knocked on Sehun’s door. She didn’t bother to wait and burst into the room. Sehun turned to see who it was and found Krystal there with a dashing smile on her face.

             “Krystal what are you doing here?” he resorted completely pissed. “Why did you make your way in like that?” He sat on the bed, still sleepy and with a heavy headache.

             “What do you mean? I’m your girlfriend, can’t I?” that made him jump off the bed.

             “You’re my what?”

Questioning how this happened? Well, what about we look at what he did during the weekend?

Saturday, 2PM

             Sehun had scheduled a practice with the boys so he hurried his off bed a bit earlier than usual. He stopped at Sulli’s gate and smile. I suppose I can get a little late to practice…

He jogged to her doorstep and then knocked softly on the door expecting Sulli to answer but the one opening was her mother. She was not surprise to find Sehun because he came and went whenever he wanted since he was four years old in that house. They said their good mornings and smiling warmly she let him pass. He started to go up the stairs but Sulli mom’s voice stopped him.

             “Sehun, she left a few minutes ago with Dongho.” His face fell and he nodded leaving the red and white house, distressed. He and Sulli talked the previous night since their bedroom’s windows were facing to each other but he wanted to see her again. She hadn’t said a thing about going out and for sure a boy was never mentioned so he couldn’t help but to feel completely heartbroken. I thought I was her best friend…

After a few blocks he was no longer heartbroken but rather pissed off. She is so going to hear it from me, he thought. He slammed the door closed still pissed. The guys were all looking at him guessing – except for Henry – what had happened. Suho approached him smiling. He patted his shoulder but the younger just shifted under his touch.

             “What’s got into him?” Henry whispered to Kai who was completely focused in a dance step. Kai smiled and shrugged.

             “It has something to do with Sulli probably.” Henry was about to ask something more but Sehun glared at Kai who just stepped away silently.

             “Isn’t this a dance practice? Come on, let’s get this started.”

             The practice lasted for four hours on a row; Sehun wouldn’t keep still and didn’t let anyone rest. Sehun was now frowning in a corner, upset because everyone wanted to rest.

             “You guys .” He whispered still all moody. Baekhyun’s head shot up while he glared at the younger boy. He got up and stood Sehun by the collar.

             “You and do you know why? Because you don’t have the damn courage to tell her how you feel and then you get all upset over stuff she does or says. You don’t have that right because you never, not even once thought about confessing.” The tension built up while those two stared at each others’ eyes until Chanyeol approached them pulling Baekhyun back. As soon as Sehun saw himself free from his grip he gathered his things and got out the door only stopping to say ‘I don’t like her like that’ and followed.

             After that he just wondered around. He didn’t want to go home to get nagged by his mother about cleaning his room or something and he didn’t want to risk running into Sulli in the state he was – he could say things he didn’t want and then everything would be a mess.

He figured he would buy a soda or something since his stomach was aching but as soon as he crossed the street he saw them. Sulli and (probably) that Dongho guy; they were ridding a double bicycle while they laughed and all. Her happiness was basically everything to him but that aching stitch was just too much of a bother so he turned and ran home wanting to forget about it all but it wasn’t possible, especially when they were neighbours.

She didn’t call or text him that night and his pride helped him close his eyes and pretend he didn’t care.


             He was dead bored Sunday day. Sehun had nothing to do so he slept almost the entire afternoon. Once he woke up he was still bored and completely pissed at Sulli’s matter. Just when he was about to go out and knock on her door Henry called – he wasn’t happy either but that’s another thing, I promise, we’ll scrutinize it later…

             Sehun got his jacket and left a bit more relieved since he had a motive to go out instead of just wondering off. A couple was coming in his direction and then he noticed who it was – Sulli and the same guy from the previous day, Dongho. His arm was around her neck and they had those stupid happy smiles wide on their lips.

             “Oh Sehun-ah…” Sulli stopped walking, her smile decreasing because of the surprise. “Where are you going?”

             “Just wonder around.” His gaze was fixed on Dongho rather than Sulli and he noticed this so that he corrected his posture, his arm slipping off her shoulders. “I better get going; I have someone waiting for me…” Sulli wanted to say something else but he didn’t let her and just walked away.


“Do you know what’s even worse, man?” Sehun and Henry were on ‘The Chaser’. IU and Ji Eun were both gone in a while now, leaving the two with only their drinks and each other as company. They were purely drunk. “I have this bunch of girls, always chasing, asking me to be their boyfriend and so on, so on. But still I only see Sulli, that bad girl. She went out with that guy two days on a row… I mean, she didn’t ever dated and now…”

             “I kind understand what you feel, man. You know Amber right?” Sehun’s drunken brain tried to recall who that person was and he nodded once he got the image he wanted. “We came together form the USA and I promptly started to like her. The thing is I don’t know what she feels and I don’t have the courage to say anything…. Gosh, I don’t even know if she is bi or lesbian for that matter!” he sipped some of the alcohol in his cup while Sehun smiled knowing a solution for his problem.

             “How drunk are you?”  Henry just smiled stupidly at him so basically, very drunk. “Call her up, tell her you are so drunk you can’t even stand up and then try to kiss her or something. If she fights back then, there you go, she does not like you. Tomorrow you can always say you didn’t know what you were doing…”

             “Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan ~” Henry pulled out his phone and smiled at Sehun. “You are good at this.” His drunken friend smiled, thinking of how many times he used that same excuse with Sulli. Good times, he thought…

             Twenty minutes later Amber showed up with Krystal by her side.

             “Take Sehun home and call me as soon as you get home.” Krystal nodded looking at her Eonni’s back, while she pulled the too drunk, Henry.

             “What made you drink this much, Sehun?” She started to drag him but suddenly, as if he had got back his balance, and he pinned her against the wall. “Sehun what are you doing?” Krystal whispered.

             “For how long do you like me?” The shock in her face was evidence that his suspicion was so right.

             “You knew…?” He only smirked and leaned, kissing her softly. He only thought of Sulli while he did it and it kind of worked perfectly.

             “Be my girlfriend…” It might have been so good for Krystal to hear this however this proposal wasn’t supposed to be for her…

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Chapter 16: woah!!...really glad that u comeback ^^..hope u could continue writing henber parts too, coz loves is in the air!
Chapter 13: Reread as you update and this is still one of my favorite hot henber :") Hope for more of them <333
Chapter 16: Keep it up
Chapter 16: Beautiful chapter, i can't wait to read the next chapter
I love this story
I will always support you but please continue this story, OK??^^
Please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue Please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue Please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue Please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue Please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue please continue
hello :) I wanted to tell you to please continue "this story, I beg you. I love this story is beautiful. you have been good, I Hope that you will continue this story. if you want I can help you to have more reader, and I want you to keep writing. I love this story. this story is wonderful
ying9202 #8