Part II - When everything seems fine: 7th Chapter

One Does Not Simply Mess With Love


             Bang Yong Guk drove his Alpha Romeo 4c under the heavy rain towards B.A.P’s lair – Zelo had called as usual to discuss some matter concerning their security he said. I bet it’s nothing big, the leader Yong Guk sighed while he kept driving in the down-pouring rain.

He arrived quickly and entered after making sure no one saw the secret entry. Almost jumping the long stairway he arrived at the basement in a matter of seconds but everything was dark and silent – if the B.A.P boys were there then the sound of a quarrel between Zelo and Jong Up could be heard, Youngjae would be somewhere sitting in the stairs reading and Himchan and Daehyun would be lazing about and thinking at nothing. But not today; today the basement was cold, dark and empty – it wasn’t pleasant at all.

             “Ya, guys?” Nothing but the shadow that covered everything. “Ya, you better get out immediately or I’ll –“

             “Okay, okay, geez, we’re out!” Zelo popped out scared of their leader – he would snap easily. The lights were by Daehyun who hit Zelo hard on the head followed by Himchan and then Jong Up. “Ya, mwoh ya?” Youngjae came immediately after them and was about to hit him but Zelo made puppy eyes at him and he just patted the boy who smiled happily.

             “Omo, how can you say you are some gangster when you soften upon seeing someone’s cute expression?” Himchan scolded admiring himself in the mirror.

             “Oh, hyung you think I’m cute?”He brightened so much that you almost could say he was a night sign.  

             “Aigoo, aigoo!” BYG also poked his head causing him to pout. “Why did you bring me here? I was going to Ji Eun…”

             “Ji Eun, Ji Eun, Ji Eun! I just hope you’re not talking about Lee Ji Eun?” Owl came out of the dark smiling goofily.

             “I won’t touch your precious girl!” They hugged in that manly manner and then slipt apart still smiling. “Keundae… You know she likes someone else, right?” Owl only laughed quietly but said nothing. He went to their fridge and took a beer out. “What are you doing? Are you thinking about joining the group again? Your connections would be very welcome, rich boy.”

             “Rich boy, rich boy… Aren’t we all rich boys? The only difference between us is that you still walk in the wrong path, I don’t.” Owl sipped a bit of his beer and sat on the couch.

             “That’s because your Daddy threatened to take all the credit cards away, right?” The bottle flew across the room towards Himchan but its target dodged at the last second. “Did I say something wrong?”

             “What if I say that you are the scum you are because you have no parental supervision? Would I be saying something wrong?” Himchan walked to Owl who had a contempt smile plastered on his face. He was ready to hit him, to start a fight right there and then but – as usual – Yong Guk pulled him back.

             “Stay still, Kim Himchan! Are you crazy?” After growling Himchan picked up his coat and left upstairs. Seconds later the door of the warehouse was being slammed and they all stayed quiet for some more minutes. Himchan’s temper wasn’t the best they all knew it and situations like this happened all the time. “Why did you come here? Is something up?”

             “Oh, my Father’s man –“He was interrupted by his ringing tone and he excused himself, turning away from the others. “Oh, Abeoji?” His face went blank suddenly and he grabbed onto the sofa. “Eotteokhe? Oh… I’ll be there in a minute!”

             “Is something up?” Youngjae asked quite intrigued by Owl’s expression – it was empty of emotion and surrounded by a deadly absence. “Ya, Owl?”

             “I… My father…. I have to go.” And he took off leaving all the members of the B.A.P crew puzzled.

             “What did he come here for, anyway?” Bang Yong Guk asked taking a peek at his phone too.

             “He said he had some useful info about the harbour for next month’s load…” Jong Up said picking a fight with Zelo in the next instant. Youngjae went to search in his wide library for a book – one he hadn’t read many times – while Daehyun placed his headphones and looked for some music to listen to. Looking at them right now Yong Guk couldn’t feel more proud of them and sad at the same time – they were all so bright and young but still mess with the dark side of law. How could that be?

His phone vibrated and he saw that was a text from Ji Eun. It said something like ‘Palli, Bang Yong Guk or you’ll regret for the rest of your life!’

Smiling to the text and then looking at his friends he made up his mind after being in conflict with himself for almost one year.

             “Ya, agi-ya.” They all look up – beside Daehyun whose attention was spiked up by Youngjae’s pat.  “Gather around, please.”

             “Please? Did he just say please?” Jong Up was indeed surprise since BYG wasn’t the type of person to ask only to order so this was true news.

             “I’ve been thinking for a very long time now and I think we should split.”


             What? Slipt? Why hyung? Aren’t we doing fine? Are you crazy? Did you eat something weird?

             All these questions were running around in his head while he drove over to Ji Eun’s mansion. He was more than familiar with it and so he rushed to her room’s balcony which was open only for him.

He parked the car one block from the mansion for safety as usual and then he walked the rest.

             Climbing to her room was an easy task by now and he accomplished it in a matter of minutes, jumping to the balcony satisfied. He stepped inside, seeing her figure lying in her bed and he decided to pounce on her but someone jumped to his back as soon as he got close to the bed – he knew it was her just from her scent.

BYG lied her down softly on her bed where she landed giggling happily.

             “Why did you take so long?” He was kissing her neck gently, making her tremble.

             “I had some business with the guys…” He reached for her lips but she was quicker and kissed him deeply. Not surprised at all he smiled into the kiss and then kissed back, intensely.

They lied down on her bed with her lying in his chest while he caressed her face, unconcerned.

             “I would love that we could be like this forever…” She whispered to the dark but that stabbed Yong Guk’s heart on the spot. He moved slightly but she felt and turned, sitting beside him. She intertwined their fingers and looked at him straight into his eyes. “What happened? Something’s up, right?”

             “Ji Eun-ah, I’ve been thinking a lot and I might give up the illegal business soon…”

             “Omo, wae? What about the guys? Are you going to leave them alone? You can’t, I mean they – “

             “Hear me out first, okay?”  She nodded and sighed patiently. He caressed her face again and got up from her bed making his way to the balcony – this was serious business, Ji Eun understood. “I’m tired of this game. I can’t be with you freely because of the way I live and you are always worried if I’m going to get caught, if you’ll ever see me again after each reunion…. Those guys, they are too young to be involved in this kind of deal, they still have too much to live.” Ji Eun came to his side, looking into his eyes – the sorrow was there like every time he talked about his dubious life but there was a hint of hope and Ji EU loved what she saw.

             “What are you saying? You want to give up all of that? Your identity?”

             “I don’t need it, I have you right?” Ji Eun hugged him tightly and felt like tearing – she had always waited for the day he’d say that that he would give up on the dangerous side of his life.

             “So it will be like this forever?”

             “Hum, but you can’t complain!” She chuckled and hit him playfully.

             “I will so be prepared!” He leaned down to kiss her but a loud thump on her door’s room interrupted them.

             “Song Ji Eun, are you in there? Open the door, now.”

             “I’ll be right there Abeoji.” They both smiled with Yong Guk sticking his tongue out, playfully. “I’ll call you tomorrow.” She promised and he kissed her forehead deeply until her Father interrupted them.

             “Song Ji Eun! What are you doing? Do I have to break down the door?” Bang Yong Guk got down quickly and ran waving at his lover who smiled at him kindly. At last, I won’t have to worry about him. He will always be safe…

             “Song JI Eun!”

             “I’m going, geez…”

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Chapter 16: woah!!...really glad that u comeback ^^..hope u could continue writing henber parts too, coz loves is in the air!
Chapter 13: Reread as you update and this is still one of my favorite hot henber :") Hope for more of them <333
Chapter 16: Keep it up
Chapter 16: Beautiful chapter, i can't wait to read the next chapter
I love this story
I will always support you but please continue this story, OK??^^
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hello :) I wanted to tell you to please continue "this story, I beg you. I love this story is beautiful. you have been good, I Hope that you will continue this story. if you want I can help you to have more reader, and I want you to keep writing. I love this story. this story is wonderful
ying9202 #8