Forget him...

the One i You

It was a beautiful morning the next day. Mai was already up cooking breakfast in the kitchen. Tou came in. Both smiled at each other. "P, come sit down and eat." Mai said. Tou nod his head. They began eating. "Hey, Mai. You wanna go out today?" Tou asked. "Yeah, sure. It'll be a good way to forget...yesterday..." Mai said, still thinking about yesterday.

Tou first took Mai to the mall. The mall had everything--small shops, factories, children toys and stores...etc. Tou and Mai went everywhere. But most of the time he was just watching her...because Mai was happy and forgot everything about made Tou happy to see her happy. They went into a small store and Tou bought Mai a stuffed animal. They then went into a fashion store and decided to pick out clothes for each other...After some fun Tou and Mai went into a small Thai Restaurant and ate there. After eating there they left the mall. While driving Tou saw a park. " wanna go to that park right there for a bit?" "Sure! I've haven't been to one for so long." Mai said.

They got there and went to the swings. "Hey, I'll be right back." Tou told Mai. There was an ice cream place near. And Tou went and got ice cream for the both. He finally came back and stood infront of her. "'re favorite...strawberry." Tou smiled and gave the ice cream to Mai, she was on the swing. "Oh! Thanks, P." said Mai. And Tou took a seat on the swing beside Mai. They were silent for a bit. Tou was staring at Mai, while she wasn't looking.

***You can play the song and finish off the chapter. ^^***

Mai then looked at Tou. Tou noticed and blinked away. "Your ice cream's melting, P." said Mai looking at Tou. He turned. "Oh!...yeah. Haha." Tou finished it. "Here...let me give you a swing." and Tou pushed Mai on the swing. "Thanks, P...for taking me out today. I had so much fun." Mai said smiling. "No problem, Mai." Tou smiled. They were there for a bit. "P, it's getting late. Let's go home now." "Mm." Tou responded.

They were walking back to the car. Tou raised his arm...about to put it around Mai, but decided not to. While his arm was still in the air, Mai turned to him. Tou quickly put it down. "Thanks for always being with me, P'Tou." Mai said. "Yep. That's what big brothers do." Tou replied trying to hide his love behind the word 'brother'. And they went home.

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Wow....I never came across a Hmong story even tho I am hmong myself. ahahah cool. I'll give it a try.