Chapter 5 Part 1

All started with a Dream


The next day morning: CN Blue's dorm.
Jong Hyun, Jung Shin, and Min Hyuk wake up from their dream, they get out from their own room and seeing each other with their sleepy eyes. When the time they saw each other, the first thing come up into their mind is... They rush to the toilet with their fastest speed.
“I go first!" "I go first" Min Hyuk, Jung Shin, and Jong Hyun said while they get to the toilet door. Jong Hyun is the first one get to the toilet door, then Jong Hyun block the toilet door using his whole body. 
Jong Hyun turn to Min Hyuk and Jung Shin, and feel sad to both of them and said "Sorry guys!! Keep it up next time!"
"Unfair!! Why Hyung u always be the first one?" Min Hyuk complained.
"Hyeong, let me in first. I'm your favorite dongsang, isn't it?" Jung Shin begging Jong Hyun to let him use the toilet first.
"ANDWE!! We made an agreement before, aren't we? Since I'm the one who arrive, which mean I've first priority. No exception!" Jong Hyun ignored Jung Shin's
Jong Hyun then turn around and he now face the toilet door. He put his hand on the lock, and want to open the toilet door. When Jong Hyun turning the lock, the toilet door is locked.
"It's lock!" Jong Hyun said while he's keep on turn the lock. 
"Locked?" Jung SHin and Min Hyuk yelled out. Few second later, Jung SHin said "HOKSI,Yong Hwa Hyeong is inside."
"MO?" Jong Hyun  turn to Jung Shin and yell out. Jong Hyun turning around again and knock the toilet door "Yong Hwa Hyeong, is it you? Open the door. I need to use the toilet. PALLI, Hyeong!" Jong Hyun keep on knocking the door.
Suddenly the toliet door is open while Jong Hyun keep knocking the door. However, the one who open the door is not Yong Hwa, and it is her: KIM SO EUN.
When So Eun walk out from the toilet, the boys all get surprising and yell out "AHH!!!"
This yelling wake up the guys who are sleeping on the sofa last night, which is Yong Hwa. 
So Eun come out from the toilet and see the CN blue members, So Eun smiling and greeting them "ANNYEONG!!"  
Hearing the noise, Yong Hwa wake up from the sofa and go to the hallway. Yong Hwa arrive to the hallway and ask "What's going on? So noisy for the morning." 
Hey guys, I'm updated the new chapter!!I know this update was short, but still hope you guys will enjoy!! I'll gonna update more as soon as possible!!!
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likatulay #1
Chapter 14: aawww poor min hyuk.. ehehehe. update soon please. thanks
Yaya808 #2
Chapter 14: Miss this story....thanks for updating!!! Take care:)
starslove #3
Chapter 14: it's going to be love triangle right ?
i'm feeling sad for min hyuk, so eun is trying hard to protect yong hwa, i want to see how so eun and yong hwa will end up falling for one another
update soon..!!
Chapter 14: :) do continue to update!:) kekekeke. Minhyuk is so adorableeeeeeee. And i wonder what happened to yong hwa.
will it be updated?
Annalie #6
Love this story... Yong hwa and kim so eun are a great pair :)
Please update soon...!!
alekhyamarella #7
I am in love with this story .please update soon.
starslove #8
Chapter 13: i was going through the old fanfics and found this one. you have a really great plot , i love it.
it reminds me slightly of so eun's Chinese project secret angel. she was so cute in that angel outfit there and cute in her character as a clumsy angel.
while reading this story i am able to imagine her and every ones expression (*wink*)
please update soon ^^
Chapter 13: Thank you for the update!!! Please update soon!!!
Chapter 13: yay. you updated!:) hwaiting!:) hope to read more. hahas.