Guess, Guess?!

Baby Baby











I woke up quietly and looked around the room. Behind the closed shutters, it was glowing. Was it really already morning? I just spent the night in a dorm of a music group, threw up with them the night before, and ... Slept with their maknae?!

I look at my cold palm against Dongwoon's warm one. I felt my face heat up, but I couldn't fight that, or the smile creeping on my face.

I felt like staying there forever, but of coarse preggy me got squirmy and uncomfortable at one point and had the biggest urge to get up. I slowly de-laced our hands, and successfully got up without disturbing the cute person next to me. My mind wandered to the previous night, just hours ago. I felt like I had a good dream, but I always forget them. It's the feeling that lingers, I guess. I stretched my arms above my head, checking the clock on the dresser. It was 8am, early. I liked waking up early, and this was definetely a first. I opened the shutter, passing the empty, clean bed, of his roomate. 

I wonder where the rest were? or Junnie... 

I didn't care too much, I knew they all can take care of eachother, and Junnie, he trusts me. 

I peeked outside and saw the large view of the city. Then I remembered the huge windows in the kitchen and made my mind to make breakfast, well coffee or tea for now... But first bathroom!

I slowly opened the door out to the hallway then turned left into the bathroom. 

I groaned seeing my reflection, and freshened up. 

"Well, if he thinks pregnant is cute, I guess he shouldn't care how messed up I look," I said more to myself. Gosh, I'm so wierd. I Rubbed my belly, "Morning baby," I smile, closing the lights and opening the door. I took a few steps out, rubbing my eyes, as I hit something. Cocking my eyebrow, I look down at the dim-lit living room floor to a sleeping Dujun, with his mouth opened. Then I looked more around the living room. The television was still on, the volume muted, on some program I couldn't care less about, and on the sofa were Jiyoon, Sohyun and Min. There were blankets spread out around everywhere, and the rest of them sleeping in the wierdest positions, but still comfy looking. I saw Junnie's phone laying on the coffee table were alot more gadgets were and started snapping pictures, and giggling. The only person missing was Gina.

I heard a tiny voice squeak my name.

"Sorry Min-ah! Did I wake you up?" I whispered to the girl sitting on the sofa, stretching. soon formed a smile.

She shook her head and jumped off the sofa, carefully dodging Kikwang, on the ground next to her.

Wow, this girl get's up easily.

"Last night was the funnest night ever, I've never slept here!" She said gesturing to the dorm. It's as if she never slept at all, she's just as sparky as ever.

I smiled at this, putting a finger to my lips as she followed me to the kitchen, even though it was an open space, we could be at least a little louder.

I Yawned, not fully accustomed to being awake this early, watching Min bounce next to me. I warmed water, preparing tea. I always kept small packs of green tea in my purse, it's always good for you. I already slept here, might as well make breakfast, right?

"I'll make breakfast at 9," I decided, out loud.

Min nodded as we sat facing the outside, like Dongwoon and I last night... Butterflies...

"Unnie? Are you okay?" She said. I forgot she was talking to me, getting lost in my daydreams. How terrible.

"Mianhe, What were you saying Min?" I said turning to her.

"Let's become good friends, alright Unnie?" She said with smiling eyes.




I had my hand infront of my mouth, which shaped an uppercase letter O, my eyes also in circles.

"He cheated on you with a bartender he met that night?" I said in awe, repeating the dirty deed of her ex-boyfriend Jinho. Speaking of which, I didn't see that creature around, thankfully. 

She nodded. We had a conversation that lasted about 45 minutes, and we got to learn more of eachother. I found out her dad is always out on business trips, supporting the family, while her and her mother are home with her siblings. She worked with 4 minute doing some choreography, and now here they are. Also, she is one year younger than me, making her 18. Also, Gina left late last night, because she had a schedule today.

We heard shuffling in the living room, but it stopped and the soft breathing and light snoring became audible again.

"I want to tell you something," She whispered.

I nodded, all ears, and very curious.

"I like...Kikwang oppa." She said and bobbed up and down.

Then I realised how close they were, well whenever I saw them, usually. 

"Which reminds me," She said suddenly changing the subject, "Dongwoon oppa and you?!" She said giddily.

I blushed, I can already tell I was a deep shade of red.

I waved her off, "I'm not sure, exactly," I said in lack of words to say.

She looked confused, "We ALL saw you two last night," She squealed. 

I blushed more. "Oh, look, it's 9, I'll started cooking," I smiled. 

"Unnie! You two are so cute!" She continued as I looked through the cupboards. I found ingrediants and mixes, and started to cook, turning on the stove.

"You guys wake up too early." I heard and turned around at Jiyoon. She was scratching her back and looked extremely tired.



"Let me borrow your eyeliner!" I squealed in a whisper. Hyuna handed me her black eyeliner mischievously. I started drawing on Junnie's face.

"Ha! That's for giving me a baby," I said vengefully, "Well, not really, but I'm still happy baby," i rubbed my stomach, guiltily. 

I look a step back and admired my work. I drew a mustache and unibrow on junnie's face, then proceeded to take a picture of him.

"Ha. Ha." I laughed.

"My turn!" Jiyoon said, palms out as she caught the eyeliner. Sohyun and her drew on Hyunseung's as Min did her own artwork on Kikwang, and Hyuna was silently cracking up on the couch after doing Junhyung's face. Yoseob was using the bathroom, gayoon was Sleeping, but she was being drawn on by Jihyun.

"Do Dujun oppa's with me!" Min said squeezing my arms. We hurriedly went in front of Dujun's baby face with an open mouth.

We quietly snickered as we finished his face. By far, his and Junhyung's were the worst.. er, funniest. 

"I hope they don't get mad!" I said cautiously, but still giggling.

"They won't, we needed to get them back anyways," Jiyoon said. 

"Yeah!" Sohyun added, "They once put baby powder in our hair dryers, and ... It was a mess," She shook her head in disappointment, not even explaining.

I heard a groan behind me, seeing Dongwoon come out of his room groggily.

"How are you all awake?" He said in a morning voice. I have to say, I found the raspiness very y. I smirked as he sat down, cross-legged next to me, and then I heard annoying barking.

"Sh!" Min whistled. "Jinho!" She whispered harshly. "You'll wake everyone!"

Then Kikwang to his stomach, his hand slapping the wood floor he was sleeping on. "Shut...up," he said, disturbed.

Yoseob finally came out, a towel around his neck, fresh from a morning shower.

"I feel amazing, Why is everyone still sleeping?" he said kicking Dujun, who then rolled around, making his face view-able to Dongwoon and Yoseob who then gasped.

I laughed at their faces, falling onto my back, gently, as we let go of trying to be quiet, which meant us laughing loud and being crazy, and Jinho barking louder pitches.

"Aish, it's our day off! Why can't we sleep!" Junhyung said sitting up, scratching his eye. Uh, bad idea, now Junhyung looks like he just got beat up.

Dongwoon and Yoseob joined with our laughter, and we waited til any of them would wake up and see eachother's face.

Gayoon was next, sitting up, and seeing Junhyung and Dujun she started cracking up, but she wasn't aware of the artwork on her own face.

Dujun, Junnie and Junhyung were the first ones to actually see eachother and was so confused. Kikwang finally woke up after Min started poking him, and Jinho wouldn't stop yapping at him.

Gayoon finally stopped laughing, going into the bathroom when she screamed.

"HYUNA!" She yelled as she ran out of the bathroom. 

They started running around and it was a bit chaotic.


"Your so good to us," Yoseob smiled as he finished his breakfast.

"I get this everyday," Junnie gloated, causing Jihyun to elbow him.

"No problem," I smiled.

"Good choice in women, maknae," junhyung muttered, finishing up his own plate. 

"Taught you well!" Dujun said hi-fiving Dongwoon, next to me. I couldn't take away the red color from my face.

"We all saw you two lovebirds last night," Gayoon said, remnant's still on her face, in contrast to the other guy's immediately scrubbing off art from their faces, leaving it a burning red color.

Hyuna and I snorted as Gayoon said that, and threatened us with her arm, about to fit us.

"My face still hurts, by the way," Hyunseung said poking his cheek.

Sohyun stuck her tongue at him.

Dongwoon took his food infront of my face, gesturing for me to open my mouth, Which I gladly did. 

"Aww!" I heard around us, I blushed again, I need to stop blushing, seriously.

"Stop! Your making Unnie blush!" Min teased further, of coarse, next to Kikwang, who was just smilng at us.

"Remember, what happens in the dorm, stays in the dorm." Dujun said acting as leader. "None of this leaks outside." He said in a authoritive voice.



Junnie put on his sunglasses, as we walked to the car. 

"So... Dongwoon and you, huh?" He said awkwardly. 

I nodded. Preparing for the worst. He better not piss a pregnant woman off.

"I... like Dongwoon, heteroually, of coarse," he state, without looking at me, seriously, and making it clear he was not interested in men. Not that he was homophobic, cause he's not.

A smile broke out on my face, and I listened more.

"I know, er, I can tell, he's good. For you." He added. 

I hopped onto his back, safely. "Aww, Junnie!" I pinched his cheek. "Your so cute," I said pinching harder.

"Yah," He said, "Yah! YAH!" He gradually got louder and more annoyed until I let go, and he unlocked the car, as we settled inside, he was rubbing his cheek.

"Yeah, just, you know, your single," he said with air quotes. I knew what he meant, Gotta keep this relationship a secret.




I thought about what happened as everyone cleaned up from breakfast.

I was wondering what Dongwoon wanted to talk about, he was so serious.

I followed him, liking the feel of my hand in his as he lead me to his room. Boy, that doesn't sound very good at all.

He sat on his bed looking up to my eyes, a little guiltily. Well it looked like it. What if he has a girlfriend!? Or... Something equally, or more bad!

He was so awkward. But cute.

"So... Did you sleep well?" He said. I was squirming on the inside because of how cute he was.

I nodded, "I did," I smiled, remembering waking up with him.

"...That's good.." He said troubled.

"Are you okay, Woonie?" I said, trying to give a fun vibe.

he shuffled, "I just want to be... clear," He said looking from the ground to my face.

He coughed mumbling something. 

"What?" I said laughing a bit.

He mumbled again, " boy....mend.." He said smushing words together.

"Speak up," I said again.

"you be my secret boyfriend?" He said louder. What?

I tilted my head to the side, not understanding him, then in my mind I remembered something dreamy.

I want to be your secret boyfriend.


"Whoa!" I said jumping back, "Deja vu!" I smiled finally remembering my dream.

Dongwoon looked down, "Sorry, Dongwoon, Oppa, tell me straight and clear," I said sitting next to him, my palms on his cheeks.

"I want to be your secret boyfriend." he said blushing, with a seriously face.

My heart jumped. "I had a dream about this!" I smiled, Dongwoon started laughing, "I asked you last night, but you fell..asleep.." he said shyly.

I wanted to kiss him so bad. Do you want to know what I did?

Well, obviously, I did just that.








I have a boyfriend!

"I have a boyfriend!" I squealed, again as I got out of the car, into our condo. 

Junnie laughed. It had to be about 10 times I have said that by now.

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yoyojiji #1
update soon please
continue pls~~~^^
Update please :)
MelonCandy #4
I miss this story so much!!! ( ; __ ; )
naomi777 #5
i wonder why was she crying
i miss this story, update soon. (:
naomi777 #7
awww soo cute ohh is she starting to like david now :D
gluvsazn #8
THANKS for all the support and loven guys!!!!! ^^<br />
REALLY APPRECIATE IT!!!! aren't ya glad laptops workin? lol Wait for more Dongwoonie. <br />
I'm glad you like it guys! The main character is in a fact a girl!
AsianTruffle #9
I Have a question. Is the main character a boy or a girl?
You Evil Author, you've really made me hate Dongwoon and love David in this story! LOL :D <br />
(I seriously want her to realize that Dongwoon is not worth it, and just look at David from now on... lolol :D) <br />
[seriously >.<] <br />
I love this story~ <3