My Baby, Baby Jinho!

Baby Baby



I took a seat next to the hyuna and then the puppy started barking, as the owner let the puppy onto the ground. It ran towards me, it's tiny paws clapping against the wooden floor. 

I yelped as I put my legs onto the couch and the small terrier looking dog tried to jump and get me.

When I heard laughing I was relieved.

"Jinho!" Another unknown face said/

The girl ran over to me, where the dog was trying to "attack" me. 

She swept him in her arms and cradled him as the little dog her chin.

"Mianhe," She said bowing. "He's very protective," She said rubbing his belly. She had slightly-longer-than shoulder red hair and big eyes. "I'm Min," She smiled wide. She looked more foreign then the rest, but in a good way. She had a frienly aura around her and I felt like I could be really close friends with her. I smiled, introducing myself also.

"Oh, I heard you got sick, are you feeling better Unnie?" She asked politely. I felt Dongwoon pass behind me and started hanging with the other guys.

I nodded, "Ne," I smiled at her friendliness. I like her already.

"Gina," She called to the other girl, she turned around, and she looked familiar. I'm guessing most of them are artists or singers, wow. "I need to use the restroom!" Min jumped up and down slightly. The other girl came around and took the puppy from her as he cuddled with the new girl.

She looked at me and smiled, "Hello," and bowed. Again, I met another person, and she came to sit next to me with the dog, whom I was a little scared of. I wasn't really a pet person.

Everyone scattered about, talking with others, which left me with Gina. 

"Do you want to hold him?" She asked holding up the dog. He was a little cute, I guess, but still, I don't like dogs.

I shook my head.

"What's his name?" I asked cautiously looking at the dog.

"Jinho," She said and I couldn't help but giggle. It's the funniest thing to me when dog's have regular names.

"That's her ex-boyfriend's name," Gina said with her hand on .

I laughed more, "Why did she name her dog after her ex?" I wondered, and then really muffled we heard Min say loudly through the bathroom door, sort of next to us, in the hallway. It was too muffled we couldn't hear, though. Yoseob and Junnie went next to the bathroom door and started teasing her, but I paid more attention to Gina's and my conversation.

"Well, I'll let her explain," She giggled, covering , lady-like.

I nodded and then Junhyung plopped down next to me abruptly.

I looked at him while Gina greeted again, "Hey, birthday boy!" 

He smiled. "How are you ladies doing?" He said.

I forget to greet him! "Happy birthday Junhyung! I'm sorry I kept Dongwoon from your birthday celebration," I frowned.

He shook it off, "It wasn't your fault," he grinned.

Then Min opened the door from the bathroom yelling, "Yah!" at Yoseob and Junnie, who were still right outside the bathroom door.

She walked, fake-furious, and stopped infront of Junhyung, Gina and I.

"So you want to know the story behind my baby," She said, cooing 'baby' in a toddler's voice.

Gina handed the little dog, that I did not like, to Min, who started cradling him again.

"Well," She said enthusiastically. "My ex, Jinho, gave him to me, after I caught him cheating on me," She sighed and rolled her eyes. "you see, he thought this could be the reparations for all the pain he put me through," She continued, "And I got Jinho here," She said gesturing to the dog, "when he was a baby, so I could not, not take him, arraseo?" She said and I nodded, understanding, "So eventually he grew on me, and me being such a softy, took Jinho back." she said suddenly fiddling with her nails, then looking back up, "Once a cheater- always a cheater," She stated defiantly.

"Um, Min-ah, you still didn't explain his name," Gina said.

Min laughed, "Oh yeah! Well, when Jinho was a puppy, he had the same hair color as Jinho, my ex, so his name just popped into my head," She said light-heartedly with crescent-shaped eyes.

"CAKE!" Yoseob yelled at everyone. We all looked toward the table, where dongwoon and I were at just a while ago. He had a medium sized, red, circular cake and was lighting up candles as everyone started gathering around the table. Once I got a better view of the cake, it was a coke bottle cap cake, It looked so cute.

"EVERYONE SMILE!" Dujun said holding his phone up high to take everyone's and the cake's picture. I suddenly felt a hand around the back of my waist, I looked at Dongwoon as he smiled, one-hand hugging my waist. Then the picture was taken, I wasn't even looking at the camera, but I was smiling, none-the-less. I was smiling because of the guy next to me!

Dujun called my name, "You weren't looking!" He said and sighed in a funny, non-threatening, way.

Everyone playfully teased me and murmured, "Awe!" while we posed again, this time smiling for the camera as Dongwoon squeezed his arm, playfully, around me.








"Hyung! How on earth did you manage to get a coke flavored cake," junhyung said, taking another slice.

"Seungie got the cake!" Dujun said with his mouth full of it.

Hyunseung put on a sly smile.

"Your gift was perfect," I said looking up at Dongwoon, next to me, as we worked on our own slices.

He grinned, "Yupp, I'm very proud of it," He smiled.

"Take a picture with us and Unnie!" Sohyun said, her hand tightly around Jiyoon's arm as the two sat next to me.

Dujun took a picture, we smiled.

The girl's leant down next to the baby in my stomach and posed. Dujun took another picture and laughed.

The girls suddenly leapt up to look at the picture he just took. 

I smiled at them.

"Unnie, you always look so pretty," Sohyun said.

"Baby will be so cute!" Jiyoon squealed slightly.

I know this baby will be so loved. I'm getting more excited everyday with this baby!









<3 YALL!

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yoyojiji #1
update soon please
continue pls~~~^^
Update please :)
MelonCandy #4
I miss this story so much!!! ( ; __ ; )
naomi777 #5
i wonder why was she crying
i miss this story, update soon. (:
naomi777 #7
awww soo cute ohh is she starting to like david now :D
gluvsazn #8
THANKS for all the support and loven guys!!!!! ^^<br />
REALLY APPRECIATE IT!!!! aren't ya glad laptops workin? lol Wait for more Dongwoonie. <br />
I'm glad you like it guys! The main character is in a fact a girl!
AsianTruffle #9
I Have a question. Is the main character a boy or a girl?
You Evil Author, you've really made me hate Dongwoon and love David in this story! LOL :D <br />
(I seriously want her to realize that Dongwoon is not worth it, and just look at David from now on... lolol :D) <br />
[seriously >.<] <br />
I love this story~ <3