"I still don't get it how you managed to sprain your ankle just within the span of a few days right after our debut stage," Sung Hwa muttered, wrapping the bandages around Jinkyo's left foot. The young girl just smiled sheepishly. "Well, I guess I'm a bit unlucky today, arasso?"

Sung Hwa raised an eyebrow. "Unlucky? You're not the one who has to run around and go after everyone's needs. You're not the one who has to deal the pressure of everything being shoved to you. You're not the one who got yelled by the manager earlier because she is late. And most definitely, you're not the one who has to make sure that everyone's making peace with each other."

"Okay, maybe I'm not that unlucky." Jinkyo admitted, still staring at the ground. Sung Hwa sighed and turned Jinkyo's head so it was facing towards hers. "I know I'm not much of a motherly person like Chaerin unnie, but at least tell me how did you get your ankle sprained in the first place."

Jinkyo's eyes dropped to the ground as the memory begun to replay in her head.

"Yah! Jinkyo-ah, hurry up!" Xiong Mao yelled as she and Jinkyo ran further down the halls of SM Entertainment. Two days have passed since their debut stage and now SOUL is going to have to record their first song for their debut album. Unfortunately, Xiong Mao had managed to sleep in so Jinkyo decided to wake her up, despite the protests of Hyun Ah and Chaerin saying that they would be late for their recording. But Jinkyo ignored their protests and still tried to wake up the Jokester. Ever since their debut stage, Jinkyo developed a close bond with Xiong Mao. Despite the two having opposing personalities, they both feel comfortable with each other's presence.

Jinkyo tried to catch up with Xiong Mao's pace, exclaiming. "X-Xiong Mao unnie! Wait up!" 

Just as they were about to take a sharp turn to the left, something hit Jinkyo in her ankle, causing her to be sent sprawling to the ground. Xiong Mao immediately stopped in her tracks and helped the young girl up. Jinkyo yelled out in pain when she tried to get up using her left foot. Xiong Mao took note of this and used her cellphone to contact Hyun Ah and the others. While Xiong Mao was busy with her phone call, Jinkyo tried to find the reason behind her now sprained ankle. She looked around and found none, frowning as she knew she couldn't just trip in midair. Then, she saw someone lurking in the corner of the halls. 

Jinkyo squinted her eyes to get a better look at that person. When she got a better view, she realized it was Sulli, f(x)'s all-around beauty. She had a smug look on her face as she stared into Jinkyo, before proceeding to turn to the corner and disappear. Jinkyo could feel anger seething within her but she decided not to show it to Xiong Mao, as she knew that Xiong Mao and Sulli fightng is definitely not a pretty sight.

"Hyun Ah unnie and the others are coming," Xiong Mao informed Jinkyo, causing the young girl to snap out of her thoughts. "In the meantime, let's just get you a place to rest for a while."

Jinkyo nodded. "Ne."

Sung Hwa shook her head as Jinkyo finished retelling the memory. "I can't believe that Sulli would do that. Wait til that girl gets a piece of my mind — "

"Unnie, no." Jinkyo interrupted Sung Hwa. "It would only cause a more bigger problem than it ever was."

"I know, but Sulli tripped you on purpose!" Sung Hwa reasoned. "And we're supposed to be promoting 'Pretty Boy' while recording our new song by now! Our future plans for our new album are delayed because of that! It's obviously Sulli's fault, Jinkyo-ah."

"Maybe. But it's also my fault, too," Jinkyo said quietly, causing the resident 'Ice Lady' of the group to look at her in bewilderment. "I mean, if I just watched where I was going, none of this would ever had happen."

"Stop putting the blame on yourself, Jinkyo," Sung Hwa chided. "Besides, Tao said he'll be here in a while. He said he'll visit you."

Jinkyo's eyes widened at what she had said. "He's coming over?"

"Aish, do I need to repeat myself again? Yes, he's coming over," Sung Hwa snapped. Jinkyo was taken aback by this and stared at the ground. Sung Hwa immediately felt guilty for snapping at the young girl but she masked it as she rubbed her temples. "I wish Chaerin would be here in my place instead. I'm seriously no good with this."

With that, Sung Hwa stood up and went through the door, leaving the Sub Vocalist alone.



Jinkyo looked up from the book she was reading and saw Tao's head popped out of the door. A small smile hanged on to her face as she slightly adjusted herself to a better position. "Tao!"

The EXO-M member went inside the room and took a seat besides Jinkyo, a concerned look on his face. "How are you, Jinkyo-ah? Does your ankle still hurts?"

Jinkyo tested her ankle a bit before she winced at the slight pain. "I guess it still hurts..."

"Ah, I see... Too bad that you guys have to delay the promotions because of that." Tao mused, unaware of the slight guilty look on Jinkyo's face. "Don't worry, Jinkyo. You'll get well soon." Tao said reassuringly, a smile now replacing his concerned look. At the sight of his smile, Jinkyo immediately felt her heart skipping a beat and her face getting warm. 'What is that feeling...?' She thought to herself.

"So, Tao, what are you doing here?" Jinkyo asked. The said guy just shrugged. "After hearing that you sprained your ankle, I came here to see you as fast as I could."

"Oh ~ So you're not here just because Xiong Mao unnie told you to come here?" Jinkyo queried. Tao nodded. "Ne. Speaking of which, how's Xiong Mao? Still up to pulling pranks and tricks?"

Jinkyo nodded. "Yep. Only this time, she's not pulling anything for us for a while, since Hyun Ah already gave her last warning to her that if she pulls another prank on any of us, she's dead. So, Xiong Mao unnie's now resorting to pulling tricks on her sunbaes, especially on Kyuhyun oppa."

"Wow. It's amazing that Hyun Ah noona could do that." Tao mused. "Nobody usually tells Xiong Mao to stop her endless pranks, so Hyun Ah noona must be that scary to stop that Jokester in her tracks."

Jinkyo nodded her head vigorously. "Ne, but Hyun Ah unnie isn't that scary. Yes, she could be really mean at times, but she's also a good leader and she's just making sure that we don't make a fool out of ourselves."

"You always look at the good side of people, Jinkyo," Tao mused to himself. "That's a good trait that I admire about you."

Jinkyo blushed at what he had said and suddenly found an interest at staring at the ground. The silence between was neither comfortable nor awkward. It lasted for a few minutes until Tao's phone rang. He shot Jinkyo an apologetic look before proceeding to answer his ringing phone. "Yeoboseyo?"

Tao's phone conversation lasted only for a few minutes before he stood up and smiled apologetically to Jinkyo. "Mianhae, Jinkyo. I really love to stay a bit longer but something came up with my schedule today. So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Okay. Annyeong, Tao ~ " Jinkyo said. Tao smiled and uncosciously planted a soft kiss on the young girl's cheek before he went outside through the door. Jinkyo was shock beyond words on what had just happened and unconsciously brought her hand to the spot where Tao had kissed it. A small smile found its way to her face as she blushed and her heart began to beat rapidly.

"Maybe being unlucky isn't so bad after all..."



Well, here's my last update for the day. Not exactly an officialy chapter but not also a preview. Let's just say it's a filler chapter. Although it's not entirely official, it will also play a vital role in the storyline so expect a few filler chapters here and there.

This filler chapter is dedicated especially to Seo Jinkyo, xaverri's character. I felt slightly bad that I haven't shed much light on her with the teasers so to make up for it, this chapter is especially dedicated to you, xaverri.

Regarding on what Sung Hwa was implying earlier, this is mostly between on what had happened during the day of their debut. Mainly Hyun Ah's, Chaerin's, Xiong Mao's and Hyeomin's doings.

So... can anyone guess what song SOUL is going to record next, even amidst of their promotions? ;)

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shin_neolah #1
Chapter 23: may i comment too??

i like it. i have read all of the chapter :) and that's great..
especially when jinkyo got an accident and tao visits her xD.
ahh, by the way, do you make the song by yourself??
it seems hard to make the lyrics..
honestly, for me..

but, you make it like they are real ones.
update soon^^ i'll be waiting for the next chapter^^
kinri08 #2
SOUL TV~ I love this idea
I hope it will be as great as 2NE1's >.<

OuO CL's secret is really big
she really trust the girls
xaverri #3
haha, chaerin's being pranked with coffee is cute. the girls are determined to do that... ooh, I must have missed her being biual, but I like it, it's realistic. her and sunghwa working together on their song is sweet. aww, they bonded! hyun ah is a drinker?! shockshock more of a shock than chaerin's biuality, haha. I mean, I'd think it would affect her activities but she's really tough so maybe not.
dorm time was love ;)
Ooh... SOUL TV just like 2ne1 TV! yey! I hope it'll be as great as 2ne1's.

I totally agree with AKApop that it's a really serious matter. She really trust the girls...

Oh! Nice bribe MinT! Daebak!

Ahh... so i'm older by 1 year. Ok! Anyways, i'm Second Year Highschool. Oh well.
/I'm curious about AKApop's Age :3/
Goodluck to Sunghwa and Chaerin unnies ! SOUL TV? Yeah, just like 2NE1 TV, nvm. Chaerin is bi /gasps. Good thing end up with a male /wipe imginary sweat.
Ahh. So it's Chaerin's fault - HAHAHAHA. Chill, Hyun Ah~ the group's umma is only trying to look out for her members~ derp de derp. :P

oh wow. *______* that's really a serious matter. Chaerin revealing such a big thing - it kind of means she trusts the girls now... no matter if she doesn't know it herself yet. xD I personally support any kind of relationship, really - but I seriously think SuJu's and SOUL's ummas will be adorable togetherrrr~ * 3 *

And ohh! :D You're a freshman! Freshman in high school? Wahhh, so much younger than me. OTL I suddenly feel old... LOL OTL
Sorry late comment. i forgot :(

Anyways, good luck to chaerin and sunghwa unnie~!
Hyun Ah scared the crap on me when i first read this *sigh* She's so scary. I hope Hyeominnie wouldn't make her angry.
Ahh, even I'm scared of Hyun Ah from that kind of outburst. OTL
Poor Xiong Mao and Sunghwa? XD ahh, I would never want to be on the end of her yelling. OTL

Sunghwa and Chaerin, you can do it! Ahh, the two main singers of SOUL~ a ballad for Sunghwa and somewhat a pop-song for Chaerin? *_* wonder how they'll pull it off. Hahaha. :D

Ohh, and-!
Lee Seung Chul's Can You Hear Me Now and Park Bom's Don't Cry? *_*
Nice song choices! :D

[p.s.; did you mean soju by the way? *_* instead of coffee, I mean - okay, wait no. Alcohol in the day = not a good thing. OTL Hyun Ah why you such an alcoholic in my head??]
kinri08 #9
hehehe they are planning to prank xiong mao
poor maknae getting blame again

omo sung hwa and chaerin's solo activities
and poor chaerin
*kick the producer*
Awww~ poor Hyeominnie and Xiong Mao.

Nice poster... it's cute. ♥

Ex-Soul Bonding~