A Sad Moment

Do You Remember Me...?

It was the weekend, you slowly open your eyes and you yawned. You started to stretch out and then got up from bed. You were still a little sleepy, but you need to get up because, you had a feeling that your stepmom is going to need you. 3...2...1... You thought sadly.

"~~~~~~~~!" Your stepmom called out.

"Yup, I knew it would be time." You said to yourself annoyed.

You got off from your bed and then got ready. You fix yourself and then you head downstairs. "Mwoyoe?" You asked.

"Well, it's about time you finally come down here." Your stepmom said as she cross her arms.

"Well sorry, I was still sleeping until you woke me up." You said.

"Whatever. Can you do the dishes for me? I'm running late." Your stepmom said.

"Whatever you say." You mumbled.

"What is up with you today?" Your stepmom asked.

"It's nothing." You said.

You were actually upset about what happened yesterday. But, since you were crying how many times over night, you realize...that you're starting to get tired of her. "Seriously, it's nothing." You added.

Your stepmom was glaring at you, you could even tell. But, she didn't say anything. All she did was just walk away since the only thing she hopes from you was washing the dishes. As your stepmom leave, you started to cuss under your breath. Seriously, even though she's my stepmom. I will always hate her. You thought.

While you were washing the dishes, you heard a knock on the door. You made a curious look and wonder who it was. You turned off the water and quickly ran over to the door. As you open the door you were surprised. "Anneyeonghaseyo~!" A friendly familiar voice said.

You were about to smile, but you were trying to hold it in. "Jongup, what are you doing here?" You suddenly asked.

"Well, I saw your stepmom left, so I decided to visit you." Jongup said.

You made a suspicious look and then asked, "You're not spying on me...are you?"

"Ani! Why would I do that!" Jongup said surprised.

"Just asking. But, seriously...you should go. If my stepmom comes back and see you, then I will be done for." You said nervously.

"Why? What's up with your stepmom? She doesn't allow you have friends come over?" Jongup asked.

When Jongup asked you those questions, right away...you felt hurt. You suddenly didn't made any eye contact with Jongup and sighed. "It's nothing..." You finally spoke.

"~~~~~..." Jongup said worriedly.

"I said it's nothing, you don't have to worry about it." You said.

"Did something happened?" Jongup asked. "About...yesterday?"

You didn't really want to talk about that small argument you had with your stepmom. Because, what if it might make you cry again. "Ani, nothing happened." You lied. But when you lie, your voice start to become high.

"~~~~~..." Jongup said.

"Ok! Fine! Something did!" You blurted out.

"It's just that...when you drop me home, I was happy at first. But then my mom spotted me home and then she asked me where was I. I just told her I was with a friend and then all of a sudden she started to yell at me and we had a small fight. After the fight, I was the one crying over night. I couldn't stop...I stopped crying until I passed out." You explained. "Now...I'm still mad at her for what she did. I just don't want the exact same thing to happen to me. Jongup, you don't know how my life is exactly...it's just-"

Out of nowhere, Jongup started to hug you tightly. You were really surprised because, the way he hugged you...it was familiar. "~~~~~~, you said enough." Jongup spoke.

"But, Jongup-" You were about to speak.

"Geuman!" Jongup interrupted.

You didn't know what to say. You kept on wondering, why is Jongup acting like this? The same exact thoughts, running through your head like crazy. You notice he was still hugging you tightly, like he never want to let you go. You slowly move your arms and automatically slowly hug him back. You made a sad look and then tears started to run down your face.

This whole time, you were trying to hold in your tears...but, it didn't work. You started to cry, as you were crying, it made you cry more on Jongup's shoulder. Jongup made a sad look and said, "Uljima, gwechanayo."

You couldn't stop crying, or letting go of Jongup, but as you were crying...you feel like you have seen this before...

"Wait, it's true?!" A familiar voice asked.

"Nae...I'm sorry..." You said.

"Ani! You can't move away. You're my best friend ~~~~~." The person said sadly.

"Araso, but...I have to. I wish I can stay...but, how?" You asked yourself.

"...I will wait for you then." The person smiled.

"Ani! You don't have to!" You said surprised.

"I don't care! I'm going to!" The person said.

You felt like crying and you were trying to hold your tears. Apparently you remember that the person notice and starts to hug you tightly, "You don't need to cry. Don't worry, if you come back someday...I'll be waiting for you. Just remember our usual place when you come back. I promise I will come to this place everyday. To find you." The person smiled.

"You would seriously do that?" You asked as your voice cracks everytime you talk.

"Nae, besides, I would never forget about you because I have something special!" The person smiled...

"Something special...?" You whispered to yourself.

Jongup was confused on what you whispered and then looked at you curiously, "~~~~~~ did you say something?"

"Huh? Ani! It's nothing." You said.

"Well, since your still sad. I'm going to take you somewhere special!" Jongup smiled.

"Eh? Are you sure?! Because, I still have to finish the dishes before my stepmom gets home." You said nervously.

"Don't worry...besides, you need to be happy. Your feelings are more important than your stepmom's." Jongup said.

"Jongup..." You said surprised.

Jongup smiled at you and then said, "Gaja!"

Jongup grabbed your hand and both of you ran out of your house. Jongup smiled and then dragged you somewhere. "Yah! Where we're going?!" You asked surprised.

Jongup looked at you and smiled, "Somewhere were you can smile. A place that can make you happy!"

You were curious and then you though to yourself, A place that can make me happy...?

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Goldie #1
Chapter 21: Awww! I was playing secret's starlight moonlight while reading this and my mom saw me smiling like an idiot and i was so happy that this STORY MARKED A HUGE SMILE AND HAPPINESS TO ME THIS DAY SO.... THANK YOU!
SurmiiK #2
Chapter 21: awww i almost cried in the last chapter >.< love this
Jennynana #3
Chapter 21: Loved it PERFECT ^^
Wow, it's an amazing story .... *O*
I was crying at the last chapter T^T
UlzzangsLover #6
One word: PERFECT!!

Okay, this has to be one of my favourite Jongup's fanfic so far!! Jongup is so cute here in the fanfic. I like the way Jongup being sweet and all... i don't really get the final story, i like no, no scratch that LOVE it though!! Credit to the author for making such a sweet fanfic

P.S/ i cried alot reading this fanfic :')
Awwww such a sweet ending~ ^^
juju95lc #8
Happy Ending YEAH XD!! I love it :p!!! Our 6 Alien Bunnies looks cool!! Thanks for this fiction!! :p
Awwwhh. <3
Awww... So sweet..... I love the ending~~ ;D